Imágenes de páginas

Wherefore's this noise?

[Erit IRAS. A noise within,

Bestow it at your pleasure; and believe,
Cesar's no merchant, to make prize with you
Of things that merchants sold. Therefore be cheer'd;

Make not your thoughts your prisons: no, dear


For we intend so to dispose you, as

Yourself shall give us counsel. Feed, and sleep :
Our care and pity is so much upon you,
That we remain your friend; And so adieu.

Cleo. My master, and my lord:

Not so: Adieu.
[Exeunt CÆSAR, and his Train.
Cleo. He words me, girls, he words me, that I
should not
Be noble to myself: but hark thee, Charmian.
Whispers CHARMIAN.
Iras. Finish, good lady; the bright day is done,
And we are for the dark.
Hie thee again:
I have spoke already, and it is provided;
Go, put it to the haste.

Madam, I will.

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I your servant. Adieu, good queen; I must attend on Cæsar.

Cleo. Farewell, and thanks. [Erit DOL.] Now,

Iras, what think'st thou?

Thou, an Egyptian puppet, shalt be shown
In Rome, as well as I: mechanick slaves
With greasy aprons, rules, and hammers, shall
Uplift us to the view; in their thick breaths,
Rank of gross diet, shall we be enclouded,

And fore'd to drink their vapour.


The gods forbid!

Cleo. Nay, 'tis most certain, Iras: Saucy lictors Will catch at us, like strumpets; and scald rhymers Ballad us out o'tune: the quick comedians Extemp'rally will stage us, and present

Our Alexandrian revels; Antony

Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see

Some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness

I' the posture of a whore.


O the good gods!

Cleo. Nay, that is certain.

Iras. I'll never see it; for I'm sure, my nails

Are stronger than mine eyes.

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Cleo. Ayoid, and leave him.
Hast thou the pretty worm of Nilus there,
That kills and pains not ?


Clown. Truly I have him: but I would not be the party that should desire you to touch him, for his biting is immortal; those, that do die of it, do seldom or never recover,

Cleo. Remember'st thou any that have died on't? Clown. Very many, men and women too. I heard of one of them no longer than yesterday: a very honest woman, bnt something given to lie; as a woman should not do, but in the way of bonesty: how she died of the biting of it, what pain she felt,Truly, she makes a very good report o'the worm: But he that will believe all that they say, shall never be sayed by half that they do: But this is most fallible, the worm's an odd worm.

Cleo. Get thee hence; farewell.

Clown. I wish you all joy of the worm.

Cleo. Farewell. [Clown sets down the basket,
Clown. You must think this, look you, that the

worm will do his kind.

Cleo. Ay, ay; farewell.

Clown. Look you, the worm is not to be trusted, but in the keeping of wise people; for, indeed, there is no goodness in the worm.

Cleo. Take thou no care; it shall be heeded.

Clown, Very good: give it nothing, I pray you, for it is not worth the feeding.

Cleo. Will it eat me ?

Clown. You must not think I am so simpts, but I know the devil himself will not eat a woman: I know, that a woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not. But, truly, these same whoreson devils do the gods great harm in their women; for in every ten that they make, the devils mar five.

Cleo. Well, get thee gone; farewell.

Clown. Yes, forsooth; I wish you joy of the worm.

Re-enter IRAS, with a robe, crown, &c.
Cleo. Give me my robe, put on my crown, I have
Immortal longings in me: Now no more

The juice of Egypt's grape shall moist this lip:-
Why, that's the way Yare, yare, good Iras; quick.-Methinks, I hear

To fool their preparation, and to conquer

Their most absurd intents. Now, Charmian?


Show me, my women, like a queen;-Go fetch
My best attires;-I am again for Cydnus,
To meet Mark Antony:-Sirrah, Iras, go.-
Now, noble Charmian, we'll despatch indeed:
And, when thou hast done this chare, I'll give thee

To play till dooms-day. Bring our crown and all.

Antony call; I see him rouse himself
To praise my noble act; I hear him mock
The luck of Cæsar, which the gods give men
To excuse their after wrath Husband, I come:
Now to that name my courage prove my title !
I am fire, and air; my other elements
I give to baser life. So, have you done?
Come then, and take the last warmth of my lips.
Farewell, kind Charmian;-Iras, long farewell.
[Kisses them. IRAS fal's and diss.

Have I the aspick in my lips? Dost fall?

If thou and nature can so gently part,


Dol. How goes it here? 2 Guard. Dol.

The stroke of death is as a lover's pinch,
Which hurts, and is desir'd. Dost thou lie still?

If thus thou vanishest, thou tell'st the world

It is not worth leave-taking.

All dead.

Cæsar, thy thoughts

Touch their effects in this: Thyself art coming

Char. Dissolve, thick cloud, and rain; that I may To see perform'd the dreaded act, which thou

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Dost thou not see my baby at my breast,

That sucks the nurse asleep ?

So sought'st to hinder. Within.

A way there, a way for Cæsar!

Enter CÆSAR and Attendants. Dol. O, sir, you are too sure an augurer; That you did fear, is done.


Bravest at the last:

She levell'd at our purposes, and, being royal,
Took her own way. The manner of their deaths?
I do not see them bleed.

Who was last with them?

1 Guard. A simple countryman, that brought her figs. This was his basket. Cas.

1 Guard.

Poison'd then.

O Cæsar, This Charmian lived but now; she stood, and spake:

O, break! O, break! I found her trimming up the diadem

Cleo. As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle,O Antony!-Nay, I will take thee too:

[Applying another asp to her arm.
What should I stay- [Falls on a bed, and dies.
Char. In this wide world?-So, fare thee well.-
Now boast thee, death! in thy possession lies
A lass unparallel'd.-Downy windows, close;
And golden Phœbus never be beheld

Of eyes again so royal! Your crown's awry;
I'll mend it, and then play.

Enter the Guard, rushing in.

1 Guard. Where is the queen? Char.

Speak softly, wake her not.

1 Guard. Cæsar hath sentChar.

Too slow a messenger. Applies the asp.

O, come; apace, despatch: I partly feel thee. 1 Guard. Approach, ho! All's not well: Cæsar's

2 Guard. There's Dolabella sent from Cæsar;


call him.

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That so she died; for her physician tells me,
She hath pursu'd conclusions infinite
Of easy ways to die. -Take up her bed;
And bear her women from the monument:
She shall be buried by her Antony:
No grave upon the earth shall clip in it
A pair so famous. High events as these
Strike those that make them; and their story is
No less in pity, than his glory, which
Brought them to be lamented. Our army shall,
In solemn show, attend this funeral;
And then to Rome. Come, Dolabella, see
High order in this great solemnity.


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Unto a poor, but worthy, gentleman: She's wedded;

Her husband banish'd; she imprison d: al

Is outward sorrow; though, I think, the kin
Be touch'd at very heart.

2. Gent.

None but the king?

1 Gent. He, that hath lost her, too: so is the queen, That most desir'd the match: But not a courtier, Although they wear their faces to the bent Of the king's looks, hath a heart that is not


at the thing they scowl at.

2 Gent.

And why so?

1 Gent. He that hath miss'd the princess, is a thing

Too bad for bad report: and he that hath her,
(I mean, that married her, alack, good man!-
And therefore banish'd,) is a creature such
As, to seek through the regions of the earth
For one his like, there would be something failing
In him that should compare. I do not think,
So fair an outward, and such stuff within,
Endows a man but he.

2 Gent.

You speak him far.

1 Gent. I do extend him, sir, within himself; Crush him together, rather than unfold His measure duly.

2 Gent.

What's his name, and birth?

1 Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: His father

Was call'd Sicilius, who did join his honour,
Against the Romans, with Cassibelan;
But had his titles by Tenantius, whom
He serv'd with glory and admir'd success:
So gain'd the sur-addition, Leonatus:
And had, besides this gentleman in question,
Two other sons, who, in the wars o' the time,

Died with their swords in hand; for which, their


(Then old and fond of issue,) took such sorrow,
That he quit being; and his gentle lady,
Big of this gentleman, our theme, deceas'd
As he was born. The king, he takes the babe

SCENE I. Britain. The Garden behind Cym- To his protection; calls him Posthumus;..

beline's Palace.

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Breeds him, and makes him of his bed-chamber:
Puts him to all the learnings that his time
Could make him the receiver of; which he took,
As we do air, fast as 'twas minister'd; and
In his spring became a harvest: Liv'd in court,
(Which rare it is to do,) most prais'd, most lov'd:
A sample to the youngest; to the more mature,
A glass that featured them; and to the graver,
A child that guided dotards: to his mistress,
For whom he now is banish'd,-her own price
Proclaims how she esteem'd him and his virtue;
By her election may be truly read,

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Enter the QUEEN, POSTHUMUS, and IMOGEN. Queen. No, be assur'd, you shall not find me, daughter,

After the slander of most step-mothers,
Evil-ey'd unto you: you are my prisoner, but
Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys
That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthumus,
So soon as I can win the offended king,

I will be known your advocate: marry, yet

The fire of rage is in him; and 'twere good,

You lean'd unto his sentence, with what patience

Your wisdom may inform you.


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Please your highness,

You know the peril:

I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying
The pangs of barr'd affections; though the king

Hath charg'd you should not speak together.


[Exit QUEEN.


Dissembling courtesy! How fine this tyrant
Can tickle where she wounds!- My dearest husband,
I something fear my father's wrath; but nothing,
(Always reserv'd my holy duty,) what

His rage can do on me: You must be gone;
And I shall here abide the hourly shot
Of angry eyes; not comforted to live,
But that there is this jewel in the world,
That I may see again.

Post. My queen! my mistress!
O, lady, weep no more; lest I give cause
To be suspected of more tenderness

Than doth become a man! I will remain

The loyal'st husband that did e'er plight troth.
My residence in Rome, at one Philario's;
Who to my father was a friend, to me

Known but by letter: thither write, my queen,
And with mine eyes I'll drink the words you send,
Though ink be made of gall

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When shall we see again?

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A neat-herd's daughter! and my Leonatus Our neighbour shepherd's son!


Re-enter QUEEN.

Thou foolish thing!

They were again together: you have done

[To the QUEEN

To walk this way: I never do him wrong, But he does buy my injuries, to be friends; Pays dear for my offences.

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There might have been,


I am very glad on't.

And I not have it, 'twere a paper lost,

That he spake to thee?

No harm, I trust, is done?

But that my master rather play'd than fought,
And had no help of anger: they were parted

By gentlemen at hand.



Imo. I would thou grew'st unto the shores o' the

Ana question'dst every sail: if he should write,

Imo. Your son's my father's friend; he takes his As offer'd mercy is. What was the last

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1 Lord. Sir, I would advise you to shift a shirt; the violence of action hath made you reck as a sacrifice: Where air comes out, air comes in: there's none abroad so wholesome as that you vent.

Clo. If my shirt were bloody, then to shift itHave I hurt him?

2 Lord. No, faith; not so much as his patience. [Aside.

1 Lord. Hurt him? his body's a passable carcass, if he be not hurt: it is a thoroughfare for steel, if it be not hurt.

2 Lord. His steel was in debt: it went o' the back

side the town.

Clo. The villain would not stand me.


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Clo. I would, they had not come between us.
2 Lord. So would I, till you had measured how

long a fool you were upon the ground.


"Twas, His queen, his queen!

Imo. Then wav'd his handkerchief?

And kiss'd it, madam.

Imo. Senseless linen! happier therein than I!

And that was all?

No, madam; for so long

As he could make me with this eye or ear
Distinguish him from others, he did keep
The deck, with glove, or hat, or handkerchief,
Still waving, as the fits and stirs of his mind
Could best express how slow his soul sail'd on,
How swift his ship.

As little as a crow,
To after-eye him.

Thou should'st have made him or less, ere left

Madam, so I did.

Imo. I would have broke mine eye-strings;
crack'd them, but

To look upon him; till the diminution
Of space had pointed him sharp as my needle:
Nay, follow'd him, till he had melted from
The smallness of a gnat to air; and then [sanio,
Have turn'd mine eye, and wept. But, good Pi-
When shall we hear from him?


With his next vantage.

Be assur'd, madam,

Imo. I did not take my leave of him, but had
Most pretty things to say: ere I could tell him,
How I would think on him, at certain hours,
Such thoughts, and such; or I could make him swear
The shes of Italy should not betray

Mine interest, and his honour; or have charg'd him,
At the sixth hour of morn, at noon, at midnight,
To encounter me with orisons, for then
I am in heaven for him; or ere I could
Give him that parting kiss, which I had set
Betwixt two charming words, comes in my father,
And, like the tyrannous breathing of the north,
Shakes all our buds from growing.


Enter a Lady.

The queen, madam,

Desires your highness' company.
Imo. Those things I bid you do, get them de-


Clo. And that she should love this fellow, and I will attend the queen.

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