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"To the Rev. JOHN CLAYTON, who for forty-eight years sustained, with distinguished fidelity, acceptance, and usefulness, the interesting and responsible office of Pastor of the Church and Congregation assembling for divine worship at the Weigh House Meeting, Little East Cheap, this tribute of affectionate regard was, on his retirement, presented by the people of his charge, in testimony of their love for his person, of their veneration for his character, and of their gratitude for the many advantages, intellectual, moral, and spiritual, which by his instrumentality, were conferred upon them by the great Head of the Church.-A.D. 1826."

The plate was presented, in the name of the Church, by the Lord Mayor. The addresses, delivered on this interesting occasion, may be seen in the Evangelical and Congregational Magazines for February.


Continent. Mr. Burder of Hackney proposed the usual questions. Prayer, with the imposition of hands, was offered up by Dr. Waugh. Dr. P. Smith addressed Mr. Bulow from 2 Tim. i. 12. Mr. Ivimey offered the concluding prayer. Mr. Thomas of Highgate read the hymns.

In our number for April, we hope to present our readers with the most important parts of Mr. Bulow's statement, in answer to the questions proposed to him on the above interesting occasion, and also the substance of Dr. Cox's interesting discourse.


THE Editors beg to state that the report of the Anniversary of Stepney Academy, inserted in the last Number, was not official, and that they regret its having appeared; the writer also of the concluding paragraph regrets its insertion, on account of the feelings it has excited.

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many years at the Meeting House in New Broad Street, and lately removed to the Pavement, Moorfields, is about to be discontinued; and that the Rev. Dr. Collyer has kindly engaged to preach the farewell sermon at the Pavement, on Lord's-day evening, the 11th of March.

FEB. 8, 1827, Mr. Garner, formerly a stu-WE are requested to announce that the dent at Chipping Norton, under the direo-Lecture, which has been carried on for so tion of Mr. Gray, was ordained Pastor of the Baptist Church at Battle, Sussex. Prayers were offered by Messrs. Gates of Sandhurst, Davies of Hastings, Chapman of Hurstmonceaux, and Ivimey of London. Mr. Davies of Hailsham described the constitution of a Christian Church; Mr. Ivimey addressed the Minister; and Mr. Groser of Maidstone preached to the people.

The Rev. Caleb Evans Birt, A.M., of The prevalence of error and infidelity in this neighbourhood renders the little church Derby, has accepted the unanimous call of there an object of peculiar solicitude to those the first Baptist Church, Portsea, as cofriends of evangelical truth, who are acquaint-Pastor with the Rev. Daniel Miall, and ened with its history and present condition. ters on the office the 25th inst.

It is now in a very low state; but the mutual affection between Mr. Garuer and the people, and the spirit of humble dependence upon God, which characterized both his language on the occasion and theirs, give reason to hope that more prosperous times are approaching.


FEB. 16, 1827, the Rev. Carlos von Bulow, a native of Denmark, was ordained to the Christian ministry, under the direction of the Continental Society. The service was conducted at the Rev. J. Clayton's, in the Poultry. Mr. Pritchard, of Keppel Street, (where Mr. Bulow is a member), commenced with reading and prayer. Dr. Cox devered a discourse on the elaims of the

The Rev. J. Burton has resigned the pastoral office at Canterbury, with the intention to engage in missionary labours in the island of Jamaica; for which purpose the offer of his services has been accepted by the Baptist Missionary Society.

Mr. Robert Clarke, of Lechlade, has accepted the invitation of the Baptist Church at Bridgenorth, to become their pastor.

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