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and then his darling Joseph; no wonder he thinks that all things are opposed to his happiness.

His present condition too is painful, and seems to justify the language. It had been well if his sorrows had past, and brighter prospects opening before him. But the present is painful, and the future gloomy. He has a family of ungodly children who pierce his heart through with many sorrows; he was threatened with poverty; his son Simeon had just been taken from him and he dreaded the worst; the infirmities of age were creeping upon him, and he was called to give up his beloved Benjamin; in a word, he thought his grey hairs were hastening in sorrow to the grave. And who can wonder at his exclaiming, "all these things are against me.'

But yet he was mistaken. His views were not correct. Had what he said been true, it was calculated to humble him, and should have led to sorrow on account of sin. We have no right to complain of the dispensations of God, however severe; for "wherefore should a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?" Ifwe set ourselves against God we ought not to murmur if his providence is against us. But the language is that of mistake. These things were not against him; they would not bear him down into the grave. Let him look over his life again. If he had been exiled from home, God had found him another and a better; if he had laboured, God had given him a reward; if he had been persecuted, he had also been supported under it; if he had been oppressed, the divine hand had interposed in his favour; if Jehovah had taken away his beloved Rachel, he had given him himself; and if Joseph be indeed gone, he shall see him, and his endeared

Rachel, and each of his pious friends, in a future world. Let him look at his present state, and if poverty threatens him with its approach, is not God also at his right hand? If his children are wicked, if he cannot blame himself for neglect or improper indulgences extended to them, why should he be so much discouraged? If Joseph, and Simeon, and Benjamin are all removed, all is under the superintendence of him who must do right. And what a mistake in reference to the future! The dark clouds that now hovered over him

Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on his head. Joseph is yet alive-Simeon shall soon be free-Benjamin is about being elevated to honour-and a fine old age of peace and happiness awaits the patriarch himself. Ah, what mistaken views do Christians form, when they say, "All these things are against me!" No such thing: all work together for good to those who love God. All was now tending to accomplish the infinitely wise plans of Jehovah, to make Jacob's family happy, and "to save much people alive."


Christians now make the same mistake as Jacob did when afflictions overtake them, and sorrows seem to oppress their souls. they are wrong, for they are designed to sanctify their souls, to teach them the sinfulness and vanity of the world, to endear to them the promises of God on earth, and the enjoyments of God in heaven.

But the mistake of Jacob was not only a great but a criminal one. Most of our mistakes are of a sinful character, and those which resemble this are very criminal. The language of Jacob seemed to reflect on the Divine character. Is not God the Father and the Friend

them, and can he change in the purposes of his love towards them? Why should such a thought be indulged? Has he not said "I the Lord change not?" And does he not possess all the power we need to protect us, and that is requisite to accomplish the design of his love? Has he not the wisdom that can convert our greatest trials into the greatest benefits? Has he not always delivered us, and would it not be our wisest plan to say, "he who hath delivered will yet deliver?" Why, because all is dark and enveloped in mystery, should we encourage our fears? If we loved God as we ought to do, we should indulge a confidence that he would direct all for our good.

of his people? Does he not love towards him "is finished,” and he is settled in comfort in the land of Would he not now be Egypt. ashamed that ever he encouraged the feelings of despondency, or entertained hard thoughts of God? Would he not be concerned to humble himself before the God of his mercies, who had raised him above all his fears? Oh what gratitude must he feel to that Being who had been his friend amidst so much murmuring, and notwithstanding so much impropriety of conduct! His future hopes would be encouraged by his recollection of what God had done for him. And he would be concerned to encourage his children and his children's children to let their faith and hope be in God. Let it be the concern of each of my readers in this respect to imitate the venerable patriarch.


But the language of Jacob breathed a spirit of disbelief of the Divine promises. God had ex- "All things," saith an inspired pressly assured him that in all apostle, "work together for good places where he went, he would to those who love God." be with him, and that he would grand enquiry then is, do we love never leave him till he had accom- Him? If so, we have nothing to plished all the purposes of his fear, for He is our friend, his promercy towards him. Jacob had vidence is on our side, and nothing acted wisely for his own happi- can be against us. But if we have ness, as well as honourably towards no love to Him, he is our enemy; God, had he believed this, and nothing can be for us, but all is allowed the whole of his conduct for ever armed in opposition to us. to be influenced by it. This how-Let us possess an interest in his ever, was not the case; and in this favour, and we shall then sing respect the people of Jehovah are for ever "He hath done all things ever too much like him. What well!" room for repentance and humility! This criminal conduct was not confined to the person or the times of Jacob. Though God has ever been kind to his people, we have still hearts disposed to murmur against his arrangements, and to say that all is against us, when if we could see the whole of his designs, we should know the reverse to be



J. B.

To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine.

I HAVE read with delight, the an-
nouncement that Salters' Hall Cha-
pel has been purchased for the use
of the Baptist denomination; and
I trust I shall soon see it opened,
a church formed, and a minister

Let us cast a glance towards
Jacob when "the mystery of God" ordained.

I am aware the two

last events are not likely to suc- I do not say, have no evening ceed the opening very quickly, service at Salters Hall: no, I would but I have mentioned them to show have it appointed one of the places the extent of my wishes. I was where evening lectures are delione of the frequenters of that cha-vered, and thus make it, in the pel when Dr. Collyer preached hand of God, a blessing to all there; it is endeared to me by the classes of society. many excellent sermons I have heard in it, and I shall rejoice again to have sittings there, especially under a Baptist Minister, for to the Baptist denomination I feel the greatest attachment.

A great deal, perhaps the whole success of the undertaking will rest upon the choice of the minister. It may seem from this statement, that I rely chiefly upon human agency, and that I forget it is I would suggest the propriety of neither Apollos nor Paul, but having the regular services in the "God who gives the increase." I morning and afternoon, not morn-would ask, are we not taught that ing and evening. A great number without the use of means we must of places in London have altered not expect a blessing? And does the periods of worship from the not the use of means imply the former to the latter, but I have al-use of those, the most likely to ways considered the change a bad



secure the end proposed? I say then, much, if not all, depends Many arguments might be urged upon the selection of the pastor; against the change, the one on he should not be too aged, lest he which I would most rely is this: should have lost all his energy, that the majority of tradesmen nor too young, lest he be without keeping but one servant, and who solidity. His sermons must not are anxious to allow her the privi- be all argument nor all learning, lege of hearing the gospel once on lest the pious hearer derive no bethe sabbath, regularly, are unable nefit; nor all experience, lest the to do so, unless they can them-judicious and the educated hearer selves go to a place of worship, derive no instruction. They must where service is performed on the not be entirely doctrinal, lest the two former parts of the day; for, unconverted be unchecked in their it must be obvious to all, that the career of sin; nor wholly pracevening is that portion of the day tical, lest the saints be not built up when the servant can be best in their faith. He must be a man spared, and that the evening being well versed in biblical literature, the usual time when burglaries are and of fervent piety; he must have attempted, it is therefore the most a ready utterance and an earnest proper time for the master to be at manner; he must have sufficient home. Now, were there more faithfulness to reprehend the vanimeeting-houses open morning and ties of this life and worldliness of afternoon, to which those of my professors-sufficient firmness to situation in life could resort, there resist the seductions of a silk gown would ensue a greater regularity although offered by female hands; and a more uniform attendance on and above all, he must possess and the part of both masters and ser- maintain a character that can chalvants, and the houses of trades-lenge scrutiny and defy calumny. people would be better protected.

*The writer will doubtless be gratified to find that the provincial committee for

It may be asked, where is such a man to be found? I answer,

Salter's Hall, have anticipated his wishes respecting the times of worship.

that if this letter appear in the an obscure village or town, watchmagazine, it may meet the eye of ing and waiting for a call like this, some tutor of a Baptist Academy, to unfurl the standard of the cross who knows of such a one, whom and the banners of the Baptist he is desirous of recommending to denomination, on a spot where ina pulpit worthy his talent and zeal; fidelity has been trying its utmost or it may summon to the metropo- to supplant Christianity from the lis, to the help of the Lord, some earth.

herald of salvation now fixed in I am Sir, yours respectfully,



The Establishment of the Turks in Eu- (of his illustrious ancestor, and his Essay rope. An Historical Discourse. Fools-on the British Constitution. In the cap 8vo. pp. 128. Price 5s. 6d. Lon-present work, his Lordship has given don: Murray. an account of the establishment of the THE state of the Turkish Empire has of Turks in Europe by the conquest of late powerfully attracted the public at- Constantinople, and after rapidly glantention, and still continues to do so. cing at their subsequent successes, has And it is observable, that individuals of considered-I. The extent of the convery different characters harmonize in quest: II. The character and genius of their sentiments on this point. The the conquerors: III. The causes of their politician sees various symptoms of in- success: IV. The kind of government ternal weakness and decay, anticipates they established and V. The causes the final success of the Greeks and the which arrested their progress and have declaration of independence by the led to their decline. Much useful inPacha of Egypt, presumes that the formation is given, and numerous obserChristian Powers of Europe will not vations are interspersed, characterised long continue inactive, and therefore by accurate discrimination and sound hesitates not to declare, that the Otto-judgment, and expressed in an elegance man crescent is rapidly waning, and and terseness of style which cannot fail I will soon be extinct. Some modern to please every reader of taste. We interpreters of prophecy have formed must make room for a few extracts. the same opinion, though on different grounds. Their views are founded on the visions of Daniel and John, in which painting:—

Unless we are greatly mistaken, the following is a fine specimen of moral

they have not only discovered predic- "The primitive character of the Turks tions of the downfall of the Turkish is a simple one; it is that of the pastoral power, but have also ascertained, as or warlike nations; they are by turns active they suppose, the time when it will take place, and that it is now very nigh at hand. Whether we are interested or

not in these theories, we cannot but receive with pleasure any information respecting the singular people to whom they relate. The volume now before us is ascribed to the pen of Lord John Russell, who has already attained high distinction as a writer, by his Memoirs

and indolent, cruel and merciful; easily excited to combat, but with difficulty induced to labour; equally pleased amid the toils of war and the luxury of repose. In their general mode of living, they are temperate and even abstemious; implicit followers of the commands of their Prophet, and haughty despisers of all other institutions. By nature they are frank, candid and sincere ; but too barbarous to consider properly the obligation of a treaty, or the sanctity of a promise, more especially with regard to

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nations of a different faith. Venality seems to have been long a blot upon their character. Integrity the virtue of extreme simplicity or extreme refinement; the Turks soon passed the one point, and never reached the other. Yet, although the possession of a rich empire has tended greatly to corrupt their manners, the noble nature of the savage is still perceptible; the generosity of the Turk is spontaneous, and even his injustice, though violent, has something which savours of hardihood and grandeur.

defective, that of criminal law seems to have hardly advanced beyond the rude time when men first discovered the advantages of order and the necessity of punishment. The power of life and death, that dreadful and extreme resource of society, seems to reside every where, and for every purpose, without delay, without mercy, without limit. Take a single instance. The great Hassan Pacha ordered the captains of his fleet to superintend the caulking of their own ships. Upon finding one of them absent at his own house about a quarter of a mile off, he sent for a blunderbuss, and when the offender by his order came to receive his commands, shot him dead on the spot without saying a word. The chief of the police, at Constantinople and other great towns, goes round in the day-time and at night, and executes immediately the sentences he gives. If a baker is found selling his bread by a light weight, he is hanged before his door; if any one is apprehended on the spot where a disturbance takes place, he is instantly despatched. No matter if the apprentice who knew nothing of the fraud is hanged instead of the baker; no matter if a spectator loses his life instead of the actual rioter; the purpose is to create terror to the guilty, even by shedding the blood of the innocent, and the crime is punished when the criminal escapes. Inferior punishments are ordered and regulated by the same arbitrary caprice. If the officer does not think the offence worthy of death, he orders the bastinado to be applied, and sits smoking his pipe till it appears to him the culprit has been tortured sufficiently, and he is pleased to pronounce the merciful word enough.'

"The Turks appear to be distinguished from the nations which occupy the rest of Europe in nearly every circumstance. The ample folds of their garments, their shorn heads covered by a turban, their long beards, their stately bearing, form a direct contrast with the trim dress and coxcomb fashions of our Christian communities. Nor is there less difference in substance than in outward appearance. The Turk is moved by few passions, and those few carry him straight to their object; if he is revengeful, he takes away the life of his enemy; if he is covetous, he seizes the possessions of those who are weaker than he is; if he is amorous, he buys and shuts up in his seraglio the object of his love. He has no conception of the complicated intrigue, the perpetual bustle, the varying opinions, which attend and influence the business of life in our northern countries. Still less can he imagine the active society; the distinctions of rank; the conversation without any thing to say; all the toys, in short, by which vanity seeks to be remarked, and the love of novelty requires to be gratified. His life is simple, tranquil, dull, we should say, when not moved by the great passions of our nature. A steady trade-wind carries him to port, or a calm leaves him motionless; of the vary-ed to awe the minds of foreigners. A Rusing state of our atmosphere, and all its shifting breezes, he has no adequate conception: he wonders at and pities our activity. Whether these dispositions are suited or not to promote the happiness of the individual, may admit of a doubt: but it is quite evident they are unfavourable to the progress of a nation. The busy motion of commerce, the disinterested ardour of science, the continual desire of distinction, the slow advancement of patient industry, the passion for notoriety, and the favours of what is called public opinion, are the wheels upon which the great machine of civilized society is moved forward; they are all unknown to or despised by the Turk." p. 25-29.

"It not unfrequently happens that the celerity of Turkish justice is purposely display

sian minister complained to the vizier of an outrage that had been committed on persons entitled to his protection. The vizier made a horizontal motion with his hand to some of his attendants, and before the conference was over, seven heads were rolled on the floor before the face of the Russian. An English ambassador, on another occasion, was also a witness of this fatal motion of the hand in a conference he had with the vizier; when he rose to go away he saw several heads newly put up at the gate of the palace." 82-85.

"Besides the oppressions I have mentioned under the heads of Justice and Taxes, it must be added that the Christian subjects of the Sultan are always treated as an inferior race, and bear in every relation of life the marks of their degradation. By a solemn fetva of the Mufti, the oaths of Christians, when unsupported by Mussulmans, are "If the administration of civil justice is of no avail against a Mussulman. In order

The next extracts will show how grateful we ought to be for a constitution which secures civil liberty and religious toleration :

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