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The following are some of the notices of the Review, which have appeared in the periodical press.

"Now that the first volume of the Theological Review is completed, we are constrained by a regard to the religious literature of the Christian world, to commend it, so far as our opinion may have weight, to the warm patronage of our clerical and literary friends, as a work of unrivalled merit in its own department, and adapted to give expansion to the mind, and strength to its powers, while it satisfies its thirst for biblical knowledge, beyond any other periodical within the circle of our acquaintance. That we are not alone in this opinion, is clear from the favor with which it meets from the most competent judges on the subject, in our own and other lands. We have before us a letter, unsolicited, from a distinguished Baptist clergyman in this State-saying, “The article in the last No. on theological education in the United States is of itself worth the subscription for the year. It ought, through other channels, to find its way before the whole religious community. Many of its suggestions are of great importance, and ought to be read by those to whom they are especially appropriate." The same gentleman makes the following suggestion, which if not original, is yet important-that "if churches could be prevailed upon, to subscribe for the various theological Reviews, the expense would be unfelt, whilst the benefit to themselves and their pastors would be incalculable. The Review might be sent to the pastor, who after reading it might place it in the library of the church. The limited means of most ministers preclude them from the privilege of possessing more than one, if any, of those Reviews, from which they might derive stimulus and aid in their weekly studies. A plan like that proposed above, could not fail, if carried into effect, equally to benefit them and their people. The whole congregation would share the advantage of the increased variety and richness of the Sabbath services, to say nothing of the topics of profitable conversation, which would be suggested to them, by their more extensive reading, in their intercourse with each other. Happy will be the pastor, who shall succeed in persuading the members of his church to adopt so safe and salutary an expedient. In any event, we cannot refrain from expressing a strong hope, that ministers will, by one means or other, assure themselves of the advantages to be derived from the regular perusal of the pages of the Theological Review.'"-Boston Recorder.

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"The style of the Review, is learned, masterly and profound—although in advance, on the score of learning and research, of any contemporary; and the field which it occupies is of great importance and interest-one that lies at the foundation of all theological study-and which cannot be omitted or overlooked without creating a serious drawback upon the resources and ability of the preacher. It is an honor to our country, and ought to be generously supported."-New York Evangelist.

"The November number of the Review sustains its high character as the ablest periodical in the language in theological and biblical literature. It is truly an honor to the country. * This periodical is laying at our feet the richest treasures of Theological and classical learning from our own and foreign scholars. We hope it is well sustained. It occupies a place not filled by any other publication.”—Ohio Observer.

"As an aid to the Biblical student, this is doubtless the most valuable periodical in the English language. In England it has no rival, and many copies are taken there. The other religious quarterly publications in this country, admitting a wider range of subjects, cannot concentrate so much strength on the department of Biblical learning. None of them, therefore, can adequately supply its place. And its place, among Protestants, whose only authoritative rule of faith is the Bible, is of the first importance. The Bible alone gives us fundamental truths, to which everything else must yield, and by which all ideas derived from other sources must be corrected.

"This work is also furnishing uncommonly rich contributions to the history of religious ideas. Without this, ecclesiastical history is little else than an account of the various outward forms which Christianity has assumed. In this department nothing can be more valuable than the 'Early History of Monasticism, from the Original Sources,' by Professor Emerson. "Though the Bibliotheca is not a controversial work, it furnishes excellent means for deciding some of the most important controversies of the day. It would seem that no one could read the article on the doctrine of the Real Presence' in the Eucharist, by Professor Stuart, and the History of Monasticism by Professor Emerson, without being thoroughly cured of all tendencies towards Rome or Oxford.

"A principal recommendation of this work, after all, is the elevated and manly tone of its morality, which renders it a valuable corrective for some of the most dangerous errors of our age. Of this, the articles on the Imprecations in the Psalms, by Professor Edwards, the introduction to the History of Monasticism, and the Historical Sketch of the Christian Sabbath, may be taken as specimens. The reference to specimens, however, seems almost like an act of injustice; for the whole work is manifestly pervaded by a conscientious and fearless regard for truth, the silent influence of which must be more salutary than any direct inculcations of doctrines and maxims."- New York Observer.

"This is, perhaps, the most ambitious journal in the United States. We use the word in a good sense, as meaning that there is no journal among us which seems more laudably desirous to take the lead in literary and theological science. Its handsome type and paper give it a pleasing exterior; its typographical errors, though sufficiently numerous, are so comparatively few, as to show that it has the advantage of the best American proof-reading; while for thoroughness of execution in the departments of history and criticism, it aims to be pre-eminent."-N. Y. Churchman.

"The Theol. Review is doing much to elevate, or rather to sustain the high character of American theological literature abroad. It certainly has no rival in Europe; at least there is no periodical in Great Britain of a similar character and equal ability; and a feeling of something like jealousy that this should be the fact has more than once been expressed in English notices of the work."-London News Letter.

"The Articles [of the first two numbers], as is natural, possess various degrees of merit, but all are more or less valuable, while a few are extremely opportune at the present day; such as the elaborate examination, historical, patristic, and exegetical, of the words descriptive of the Lord's Supper; and the brief account of early Monasticism. All are adapted to interest inquiring students, especially such as are resolved to institute satisfying examinations of the divine word, and of those collateral subjects that throw light upon its pages." "This Journal is unquestionably the best Biblical one in the English language, and we candidly commend it to the attention of those who desire, by studying the sacred Scriptures in their original languages, to arrive at a fundamental knowledge of their contents."-London Eclectic Review, November, 1844.

"In two departments the United States have earned for themselves the honor of independent and original excellence, in practical divinity, and sacred geography. Dr. Robinson, Professor of Biblical Literature in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, by his Biblical Researches in Palestine,' has earned a European reputation, and his work, not less by its accuracy and thoroughness than by its bold, yet for the most part judiciously restrained originality, forms, by general admission, an era in our knowledge of the Holy Land.

"The subject so well handled in the work last mentioned, Dr. Robinson carries forward in a theological work, which deserves to be widely read in England-we mean the Bibliotheca Sacra,' which is at present conducted by Edwards and Park, professors at the Andover Theological Seminary, with the special co-operation of Dr. Robinson and Professor Stuart. A very valuable volume of the work was completed in 1843. The number for February (the last we have seen) contains, besides other pieces, an interesting sketch of The Aspect of Literature and Science in the United States, as compared with Europe,' by Dr. Robinson; a learned biographical notice of Aristotle by Professor Park; a useful paper on The Structure of the Gospel of Matthew,' translated from the Latin; and the first part of a translation from the unpublished lectures of Professor Tholuck on the very important subject which the Germans term, Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology,' meaning a practical introduction to the study of theology, suited to students and divines."-Foreign Quarterly Review.

"We rejoice that this Review has been commenced, without interfering with others already in the field; it will do very much for the advancement of good learning generally, particularly of exegesis and Biblical criticism and of systematic theology. The learning and talent and high literary attainments of its conductors, leave no room for doubt that its articles will have the permanent value which it is intended they shall possess, and that the Review will meet a want which has of late been extensively felt among clergymen and students of theology; if we may judge from this number any intelligent layman will also find himself well recompensed for his subscription to it."-Boston Recorder.

The work has also been favorably noticed by the N. E. Puritan, Christian Mirror, Vermont Chronicle, Congregational Journal, N. Y. Tribune, Courier & Enquirer, etc.

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