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Estate of

Miss Annie J. King,

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.



CHAP. 1.-Extent of ancient Greece. Early history.
Sicyon. Argos. Mycena. Thebes. Corinth
Sparta. Troy. Story of the Trojan war.
LHAP. 2.-Heraclidæ and Pelopida. Foundation of
Athens. Amphictyon. Bacchus. Codrus. End
of the regal government and establishment of the
archons Division of Greece into republics.
Athens and Sparta. Lycurgus. Form of govern-
ment established by him Life and manners of
the Spartans. Death of Lycurgus. Messenian


CHAP. 3.-Athenians dissatisfied with their archons.
Solon. Divisions and government of the Atheni-
Factions. Conduct of Pisistratus. Death of
Solon. Hippias and Hipparchus. Their ultimate
tyranny and defeat. Darius fits out an expedition,
which is unsuccessful. Reception of his heralds by
the Athenians and Spartans. Battle of Marathon.
Fate of Miltiades. Ostracism of Aristides.
CHAP. 4.-Xerxes succeeds to the throne of Persia.
Destruction of the bridge over the Hellespont.
Numbers of the Persians. Athenians and Lacedemo-
nians. Leonidas and the battle of Thermopylæ.
Persians enter Athens and set fire to it. Battle of
Salamis and Platea, and triumph of the Greeks.

CHAR. 5.-Walls of Athens rebuilt. Expedition to

Asia Minor. Treachery and death of Pausanias.

Banishment of Themistocles. His reception at the

Persian court. Magnanimity and death. Admin-

istration of Aristides. Victories of Cimon and in-

gratitude of his countrymen. The age of Pericles.

Recal and death of Cimon. State of the fine arts

at Athens.

CHAP. 6.-Peloponnesian war. Attack on Platan.
General rising throughout Greece. Departure of
Pericles. Eclipse of the sun. Pestilence at Athens.
Death of Pericles. Revolt of Lesbos. Nicias and
Alcibiades. Their characters. Departure of the
fleet upon the expedition against Syracuse.
CHAP. 7.-Accusation and flight of Alcibiades. Cor-
duct of Nicias. Siege of Syracuse. Spartans as-
sist the Syracusans and attack the territories of
Athens. Defeat of the Athenians under Demos-
thenes. Return of Alcibiades to Athens.

CHAP. 8.-Defeat of the Athenians by Lysander.

Athens besieged by the Spartans. Peace granted

upon humiliating conditions. Entrance of Lysan-

der into Athens. The Thirty Tyrants. Decline

of Grecian glory. Death of Theramenes. Of Al-

cibiades. The Athenians rise and are headed by

Thrasybulus. Restoration of the popular govern-

ment. Retreat of the Ten Thousand under Xeno-

phon. Death of Socrates.

CHAP. 9.-War with Persia. Peace of Antalcidas.
Theban war. Epaminondas and Pelopidas. Ba-
nishment of the latter with four hundred Thebans.
Success of their conspiracy. Battle of Leuctra.
Of Mantinea. Death of Epaminondas.

CHAP. 10.--Decline of Athenian glory. Fame and

power of the Macedonians. Philip and his Mace-

donian phalanx. Demosthenes. Birth of Alexan-

der the Great. The Sacred war. Proceedings of

Philip Battle of Chæronea. Assassination of




CHAP. 11.-Alexander the Great Early ambition.
Bucephalus. Confederacy of the Grecian states
Success of Alexander. His visit to Diogenes
Asiatic campaign B. C. 334. Illness at Tarsus
Magnanimity. Fidelity of the physician Philip.

CHAP. 12.-Battle of Issus. Generosity of the con-

queror. Victorious progress of Alexander. Recep

tion at Jerusalem. Foundation of Alexandria.

Oracle of Jupiter. Battle of Arbela. Babylon.

Persepolis. Destruction of the royal palace. Con-

spiracy of Bessus. Assassination of Darius. 29

CHAP. 13.-Alexander's progress through northern

Asia. Return to Bactriana. Death of Parmenio.

Of Bessus. Alexander slays Clitus. Marries

Roxana. Indian campaign. Extravagance of the

conqueror. Death of Hephaestion Death of Alex-

ander at Babylon.


CHAP. 14.-Division of the Empire. Death of De-

mosthenes. Of Phocion. The Achæan league.

Efforts of Aratus. Character of the Spartans

Agis and Agesilaus. Death of the former. Cleo-

menes defeats the Achaians. Success of Antigonus. 31

CHAP. 15.-Earthquake at Rhodes. The Etolians
defeat Aratus. Philip of Macedonia. Philopamen,
the last of the Greeks." The Romans defeat
Philip in Thessaly, and Nabis. Death of Philo-
pomen. Mummius defeats the Achaians and de-
stroys Corinth. Greece reduced to a Roman pro-
vince, under the name of Achaia.

CHAP. 16.-Beauty of natural scenery. Athens.

Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth. Grecian architec-

ture and sculpture. Venus. The Laocoon. Paint-

ing. Zeuxis and Parrhasius.

CHAP. 17. Classes of Athenians. The Magistracy
Government. Popular assemblies. The Areopagus.
Ostracism. Spartans. The Amphictyonic council.
Grecian armies and their equipments. Punish-
ment of cowards. Naval affairs.
CHAP. 18.-Oracles. Public games. Literature
Oratory. Dress. Modes of life. Marriage. Greek
women. Children. Burial of the dead.
CHAP. 19.-Early history. Eneas. Numitor. Usur-
pation of Amulius. Birth of Romulus and Remus.
Their exposure on the Tiber. Education. Amu-
lius dethroned. Building of Rome. Death of
Remus. Government and divisions of the people
Religion. Various regulations. Rape of the Sa-
bines. Tatius enters Rome. Perfidy and punish-
ment of Tarpeia. Hostilities terminated by the
interference of the women. Death of Romulus
Divine honors paid him.
CHAP. 20.-Reign of Numa Pompilius. Temples
and orders of priests. Death of Numa. Interreg-
num. Tullus Hostilius. War with the Albans.
Combat of the Horatii and Curiatii. Cruel conduct
of the victor. Death of Tullus.

CHAP. 21.-Election of Ancus Martius. His victo-

ries. Death. Lucius Tarquinius Priscus elected

king. He defeats the Latins and Sabines. The

Soothsayers. Tarquinius slain by order of the

sons of Ancus.

CHAP. 22.-Servius Tullius. Early years of his

reign. Murdered by Lucius, his son-in-law. Con-

duct of Tullia.



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