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The same.

COME, thou long expected Jesus!
Born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in thee!
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,-
Joy of every longing heart.
Born thy people to deliver;
Born a child, and yet a king;
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now thy gracious kingdom bring;
By thine own eternal Spirit,
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to thy glorious throne.


The same.

"SHEPHERDS rejoice, lift up your eyes, "And send your fears away; "News from the regions of the skies, "Salvation's born to day.

"Jesus, the God, whom angels fear, "Comes down to dwell with you; "To day he makes his entrance here, "But not as monarchs do.

"No gold nor purple swaddling bands, "Nor royal shining things; "A manger for his cradle stands, "And holds the King of kings.

"Go, shepherds, where the infant lics,
"And see his humble throne;
"With tears of joy in all your eyes,
"Go, shepherds, kiss the Son!"

Thus Gabriel sang-and straight around
The heavenly armies throng;
They tune their harps to lofty sound,
And thus conclude the song:

"Glory to God that reigns above,
"Let peace surround the earth;
"Mortals shall know their Maker's love,
"At their Redeemer's birth!"


The same.

'IN heaven the rapturous song began,
And sweet seraphic fire
Through all the shining legions ran,
And strung and tun'd the lyre.

Swift through the vast expanse it flew,
And loud the echo roll'd;

The theme, the song, the joy was new, 'Twas more than heav'n could hold.

Down through the portals of the sky
Th' impetuous torrent ran ;
And angels flew with eager joy,

To bear the news to man.

Hark ! the cherubic armies shout,
And glory leads the song;

Good will and peace are heard throughout,
Th' harmonious, heavenly throng.
With joy the chorus we'll repeat,
"Glory to God on high;

، Good-will and peace are now complete,
"Jesus was born to die."

Hail, Prince of life, for ever hail!
Redeemer, Brother, Friend!

Though earth, and time, and life should fail,
Thy praise shall never end.



SONS of men, behold from far
Hail the long expected star;
Jacob's star that gilds the night,
Guides bewilder'd nature right.

Fear not hence that there should flow

Wars or pestilence below;

Wars it bids, and tumults cease,

Ush'ring in the Prince of Peace.

Mild it shines on all beneath,
Piercing through the shades of death;
Scatt'ring error's wide-spread night,
Kindling darkness into light.

Nations all, afar and near,
Haste to see your God appear;
Haste! for him your hearts prepare,
Meet him manifested there.

There behold the Day-spring rise,
Pouring eye-sight on your eyes;
God in his own light survey,
Shining to the perfect day.

Sing, ye morning stars, again,
God descends on earth to reign;
Deigns for man his life t' employ,
Shout, ye sons of God, for joy.


The crucifixion of Christ.

'TIS finish'd! so the Saviour cried,
And meekly bow'd his head and died:
"Tis finish'd-yes, the race is run,
The battle fought, the vict❜ry won.

'Tis finish'd-Aaron now no more
Must stain his robe with purple gore;
The sacred veil is rent in twain,
And Jewish rites no more remain.

"Tis finish'd-this my dying groan,
Shall sins of ev'ry kind atone;
Millions shall be redeem'd from death,
By this my last expiring breath.

"Tis finish'd-heav'n is reconcil'd,
And all the pow'rs of darkness spoil'd;
Peace, love, and happiness, again,
Return and dwell with sinful men.

"Tis finish'd-let the joyful sound,
Be heard through all the nations round;
'Tis finish'd—let the echo fly,

Thro' heav'n and hell, thro' earth and sky.


The same.

FROM whence these direful omens round,
Which heav'n and earth amaze?
Why thus do earthquakes cleave the ground?
Why hides the sun its rays?

Well may the earth astonish'd shake,
And nature sympathize,

The sun as darkest night be black-
Their Maker-Jesus-dies.

Behold fast streaming from the tree
His all-atoning blood;

Is this the Infinite?-Tis he,-
My Saviour and my God."

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