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" And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3... "
Portions of the Psalms of David, with hymns on various subjects, selected ... - Página 346
editado por - 1822
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Hymns Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures

Philip Doddridge, Job Orton - 1766 - 414 páginas
...prefs with Vigour on : A heav'nly Race demands thy Zeal, And an immortal Ciown. 2 A Cloud of Witnefles around Hold thee in full Survey : Forget the Steps already trod, ' And onward urge thy Way. 3 'Tis GOD'S all-animating Voice, That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own Hand prefents the Prize...
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Hymns founded on various texts in the holy Scriptures, publ. by J. Orton

Philip Doddridge - 1776 - 376 páginas
...Vigour on : A heav'nly Race demands thy Zeal, And an immortal Crown. • 2 A 2 A Cloud of Witneffes around Hold thee in full Survey : Forget the Steps already trod, * And onward urge thy Way. 3 'Tis GOD'S all-animating Voice, That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own Hand prefents the Pri2e...
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The works of... P. Doddridge [ed. by E. Williams and E. Parsons ..., Volumen3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - 712 páginas
...nerve, •^^ And press with vigour on : A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around, Hold thee in full survey:...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice, That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize...
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The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, Volumen3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - 680 páginas
...every nerve, ^"^ And press with vigour on : A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around, Hold thee in full survey:...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice, That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize...
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A collection of hymns and psalms, for public and private worship, selected ...

Collection - 1807 - 630 páginas
...nerve, •L*- And press with vigour on: A heav'nly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis GOD'S all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; Tis his own hand presents the prize...
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Hymns for Public Worship: For the Use of the Church in Brattle Street, Parte2

1808 - 170 páginas
...witnefles around Hold thee in full furvey : Forget the fteps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand prefents the prize To thine uplifted eye : — 4 That prize, with peerlefs glories bright, Which fhall...
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A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns ...: From More Than Two ...

John Dobell - 1810 - 542 páginas
...nerve, T •V And press with vigor on ; A heav'nly prize demands thy zeal, And an immortal citwn. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice, Which calls thee from on high : 'Tis his own hand presents the prize...
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A Collection of Divine Hymns, Or Spiritual Songs

Elias Smith - 1810 - 196 páginas
...voice, That calls thee 1'rom on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 3 A cloud of witnesses around, Hold thee in full survey...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 4 Bless'd Saviour, introduc'd by thee, Have we our race begun, And crown'd with victory, at thy feet....
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A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns: For Private, Family, and ...

John Dobell - 1810 - 538 páginas
...nerve, •** And press with vigor on : A heav'nly prize demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey...Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice, Which calls thee from on high : 'Tis his own hand presents the prize...
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A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: In Two Parts, Part I. Containing ...

William Parkinson - 1811 - 346 páginas
...That ealls thee from on high : 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 3 A elond of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, Andomvard urge thy way. 4 Bless'd Saviour, introdue'd hy tfree> Have we our raee hegun ; And, erown'd1with...
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