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him a most unfaithful shepherd. Now what he would, in conscience, be obliged to do, on pain of his own damnation, he can have no pretence so bitterly to inveigh against others for doing.

But the goodly objectors tell us, they could with the less scruple subscribe, were it not for the damnatory clauses wherewith one of our creeds is clogged. The articles of that creed, say they, are too many, and too nicely scholastic, to be necessary to a faith which is itself necessary to salvation; and besides, although we are never so clearly convinced of them ourselves, we think it a shocking breach of Christian charity to pronounce damnation on those who do not believe them all.

Now, I insist on it, these articles are very few, if counted as they lie; and fewer still, if it is considered, that all the rest, not found in the other creeds expressly or virtually, are necessarily explanatory of two points only; the Trinity and the Incarnation; which, if not so explained and guarded, must be sunk in one or other of the heresies that have infested the church. So this creed is more explicit indeed, but not longer, as to its real content of articles, than any of the rest.

As to the nicety, the curiosity, and difficulty, of the terms wherein it is conceived; had it been clothed in terms less express and apposite, it could not so perfectly have exhibited the faith, nor so well have answered the end proposed by a declaration of that faith; for a declaration that is not full, particular, and clear,is a contradiction in terms, and can answer no other end, but to amuse and deceive. That the terms are not all scriptural, we own; nor was it possible they should; but, till they are shewn to contain meanings not warranted by Scripture, we have a right to use them; because we can in no language, but Hebrew and Greek, preserve the precise terms of Scripture; and because we are under a necessity, nevertheless, of declaring our faith in other languages. The whole merit of the question, therefore, resting in this, whether the terms of that creed convey scriptural meanings only, we ought to be attacked merely on the subject of their scriptural rectitude in point of sense, and not on the nicety of their choice, who were forced to use them, because no other words could so well have set forth the sense of Scripture on those heads.

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Now, as to the damnatory clauses, annexed to the articles of this creed; if the belief of the articles themselves is necessary, those clauses must be necessary too; for why should not the necessity of that faith be declared, as well as the faith itself? Christ saith, He that believeth not, is condemned already.' Believeth not what? What Christ himself, and what the Holy Ghost, tell us in Scripture; namely, that Jesus is Christ,' or the Messiah; that he is the onlybegotten Son of God;' that he is a Teacher sent from God;' that all his words are 'the words of truth, and eternal life;' that he is God himself;' that he took our nature on him,' and died a 'sacrifice for the sins of believers;' that 'he arose again from the dead,' and 'shall judge the world;' that the Holy Ghost is the very 'Spirit of God, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent;' that he shall guide us into all truth;' and that therefore whatsoever he communicates to us is truth, and necessary to be believed by us, if we will not give the lie to God, and thereby destroy our own souls. Such is our faith, and such the necessity of standing fast in it. Does the creed in question say more? Or ought it to say less? Surely a Christian may safely speak after Christ; and say again what the Holy Ghost hath said already.

What hath been urged is sufficient to shew, that the damnatory clauses are not of man's invention, and, consequently, no breach of Christian charity in those who pronounce them. But this will appear still more demonstrable, if we ever so little consider what are the true nature and use of those clauses, and what it is we do when we utter them as an appendage to our faith.

As to the first; these clauses were inserted in this creed, and in most of the ancient creeds, the Arian as well as others, by no means to intimate the condemnation, for want of faith, of such as had no opportunity of receiving the Christian religion; but of such only, as, having it duly preached to them, should receive it in an evil heart of unbelief,' and, holding it in unrighteousness,' should mutilate or corrupt its essentials. Accordingly, the creed in question says, not that all are damned who never heard of Christ; but, Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary, that he hold the catholic faith; which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish ever

lastingly.' You see here the true meaning and use of this clause; by which the other shorter, and seemingly more severe, clauses in the same creed are to be restrained and illustrated. Now, if the faith contained in the creed is necessary, thus its necessity must be expressed, in case we mean to be full and explicit.

And, that we may be so, without the smallest breach of charity on this occasion, we shall be clearly convinced, the moment we consider what that charity is. Now charity is the love of God and men. It will not, I believe, be alleged, that the pronouncing this clause hath any thing to do with the love of God; at least, I may venture to say, it is no sign of our want of love for him, that we utter that condemnation of those who deny the truth of his words, which he hath already uttered. Nor is it at all an instance of our want of love towards men, if we are so far from doing it with pleasure, that we do it with grief of heart, and a tender concern for the dangerous state of unbelievers, nay, with an earnest endeavour after their conversion. Besides, we are far from pronouncing this as our own sentence, or taking on us the authority of judges; we are far from levelling it at any particular man; but, on the contrary, include ourselves, in case we dissemble in our professions, or shall hereafter fall from the faith. There is, surely, a wide difference between condemning with severity; and believing, with sorrow and compassion, that another is condemned. A man who pronounces this sentence, because he sees it pronounced in the word of God, might die for the conversion and retrieval of those, on whom he is forced, by the conviction of his faith, to pronounce it. And surely, if this is very possible, it must be very plain, his heart was as far from want of charity towards his unbelieving neighbour, as theirs who make a difficulty of these clauses. The truth is, this whole cry of uncharitableness, on account of the use which the church makes of these clauses, is but a mere cant; and they who raise or keep it up among Protestants, with whom it is a primary principle to shew all possible kindness to such as differ with them even in fundamentals, know it to be but a cant; yet fail not to lay as much stress on it, as if they thought it a solid argument, in order to throw an odium on that particular church, which hath distinguished itself throughout

the world for its charity to all men, but more especially to these very objectors.

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I have now gone through with what I had to say on this important, though controverted, subject; and have only this to add, that they, whose principles are conformable to those of our creeds, ought by no means to suffer their artful, their interested, adversaries to amuse them with their cry of, no articles, no creeds; but ought rather to consider coolly what would be the consequence, if we had none; what an anarchy of opposite principles, of horrible corruptions, of scandalous arts, and bloody dissensions, must immediately break in upon us, and throw all into confusion, both in church and state. He, who loves his religion and country, cannot without horror behold, from the rock of safety he at present stands on, this inundation of imposture, superstition, hypocrisy, cruelty, and, in the end, of universal ruin. Till, therefore, he is on good grounds convinced the principles of our articles and creeds are erroneous, let him never wish to see himself, and the flock he belongs to, committed to the tuition of a teacher, who hath not, with full conviction of mind, and with a sincere heart, subscribed the articles of our church. Let him never wish to see her communion shared by Papists, Arians, Socinians, and God knows who, enrolled in her ministry, perverting her people, undermining her foundations; and, after ruining her, tearing one another to pieces; all which, it is easy to foresee, must be the effects of either laying aside the present subscriptions, in complaisance to the plea of our adversaries, or of suffering them to be eluded by the artifices of the very worst of men. Such I must call those men, who have consciences capable of subscribing, and declaring for, the articles, as they stand, with principles directly opposite to the most essential. Good God! cannot cunning and dissimulation be satisfied to take up their abode with the viler sort of politicians; with the sharpers in gaming; with the sharks of law or trade; or with common cheats and thieves? but must the church of Christ be invaded by them? Must the house of God be polluted with them? Must the holy altar groan under the abuse of this infernal imposture, which, paying more respect to men than God, amuses them with a shew of principles they approve of, while it insults him, who cannot be amused,

with a bold and impious prevarication, in that very thing whereby he proposes to teach all men the fear of himself, and the love of truth?

May God, of his infinite goodness, after having so far left us to the trial of our own infirmity, be graciously pleased to avert the horrible evil from us, and to give us truth and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.



JOHN V. 36.

The works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

OUR blessed Saviour, having every where represented himself as the Messiah, or messenger of God, sent into the world to teach and redeem mankind, here pleads the credentials of his mission, and appeals to the works which the Father had given him to finish,' as a full proof, that he came immediately from the Father, and was then employed in executing the gracious purposes of his Father. That these works were thoroughly well qualified to prove this great point to all men, and more especially to the Jews, who knew, or ought to have known, that the prophets had foretold them as the peculiar distinguishing works of Christ, I shall endeavour to shew, in this and the following Discourse. In this I shall treat of the works only.

What these were, we may see throughout the Gospels; namely, 'miracles;' such as, giving health to the sick, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead, and driving out devils.

I shall shew, in the first place, That this was a demonstrative proof of our Saviour's mission;

And, in the second, That it was actually given.

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