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employed, even to physical exhaustion, when any good may be hoped for from the instrumental labours in which the mind or the hands may have to engage. Yet would not such a state of rejoicing require that there should be clear evidence of the present work being just the right work for the present time, and also a sense of the day's work, in other respects, keeping pace with the day? And must not, in many of us, a fear in this respect, check the feeling of unreserved enjoyment? Our joy will also be checked by the sight of the many evils and sorrows there are in the world, and our inability to do what we would wish for the help of those who suffer.

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"Were I to go this season, the leading concern seems to be toward the spiritual advancement of the poor Wesleyans, already awakened to a sense of good, and to remind them of the injunction of the Saviour to Peter, When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren :' yet also to form more schools, and to introduce my lessons, in the native languages, into schools already formed. What I seek and solicit to obtain, is a clear sense of the Divine will, and the unity of my dear friends.

66 6th. The subject of a return to Africa continuing to dwell with me, it seemed better to open it to my friends at the close of the select meeting at Tottenham. The subject was very seriously considered, and all seemed agreed in looking towards the next year rather than to the present. It was avowed, that this was not with any view to turn from entering into it at that time. After supplication for help and preservation on the right hand and on the left, and for a continuance of desire among us for the advancement and spread of truth,

my mind was so far relieved, as to be willing to look forward to another year.


"25th. Experience more and more deeply convinces me, that true prayer can never be dependent on either position of body, or the utterance of language, but must be the pouring forth of the feeling of supplication before the Most High, either vocally or mentally, and this feeling, if true, must be inspired by that heavenly influence, which we can only receive from the everlasting Source of good-No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost ;' and it is through Him alone, that we have access, by one Spirit, unto the Father. Oh! that the dependence of mankind were more fully turned to this Divine Spirit; and that the rest in outward forms, whatever they may be, were more effectually broken up! It is not the sitting down in outward silence, it is not the utterance of written language in forms of prayer,—nor yet the extempore effusion of words at stated seasons, that can bear the character of real supplication. Still in religious assemblies for the instruction of the young, much may be done to lead to devotional feeling; and our merciful Father has appointed, that we should be instrumental in helping one another. The sacred records of Divine truth are the first general means for the attainment of this end: and for the reading of them in private, and the hearing of them in public, every facility should be given, to every human being, as far as circumstances will allow. It is however to be acknowledged that all parts of the holy Scriptures are not alike adapted for public instruction, and for this purpose a right selection should be attempted.

"28th. How many dangers are to be guarded

against in the militant state of the church of Christ, and among these, a rest in certain stages of attainment, without seeking to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is greatly to be feared that some are too much resting in the disposition to be satisfied,-they are not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, or doers of offensive things,-while yet the mind, not fully humbled before God, is not prepared for that reception of heavenly good, which, through redeeming mercy, is imparted to the humble penitent.

"There is heard on some occasions an expression of pity, I cannot call it sympathy, which appears to verge on the supercilious, and instead of really entering into sympathy with the person addressed, seems rather to say, 'I look on thee at a distance, and am glad I am not as thou art.' I would not give way to hard judgment, yet cannot but think there has been, in some minds accustomed to prosperity, and to a kind of general good opinion from others, this kind of repelling, rather than sympathizing, feeling, to such as move in a more untrodden path than themselves, and with whose proceedings, while they hesitate to unite, they will not openly disapprove. I should like to be enabled fully to analyze this feeling, and see from whence it springs, without violating that merciful precept of our Lord, Judge not that ye be not judged.' Oh, this great city! how many are the dangers lest its load of cares should choke the good seed by the briars and thorns that spring up!


"30th. Let friends in London consider what is due at our hands in the diffusion of Christian truth at home and abroad; for surely throughout the world we should include our own country as well

as those more distant. Many sit in heathen darkness even here.

"10th mo. 1st. This is the first day of sitting down to a fire-side retirement in London, in an abode of my own: however I would rather feel myself dependent on my heavenly Father's love and care, for all needful supplies, than appropriate anything to myself that might better promote the Redeemer's



3rd. Yesterday was so sweet and quiet, I was ready to sigh when it was nearly ended, and long for the ensuing Sabbath. I see not in the New Testament any abrogation of the observance of one day in seven, and the divestment of our wonted cares on that day, gives time for a comprehensive view of important subjects, which is greatly to be valued.

"11th mo. 22nd. After what has been suffered in seasons which are past, from the dread of water, how ought I to be thankful that fear did not so predominate, as to blind my mind to the sense of duty on the way to Sierra-Leone. Yet, oh! may my petition be granted, that whenever again my path shall be directed thither, the feeling may be given that can say, 'Thy will be done,' even should the waves open to receive my body into a watery grave; and may a preparation, through infinite mercy, be known to meet the awful summons into eternity, in whatever form or at whatever season it may be sent.

"23rd. It is very important that, amidst all the cares into which we rightly enter on behalf of the uninstructed and the poor, we should yet keep in view the importance of strengthening those who have known something of the Redeemer's love, since

these may be the instruments by which our heavenly Father will promote His own cause on the earth. The redemption of the minds of these from all that hinders the advancement of His work should be the subject of our daily solicitude and prayer.

"Oh! the many amongst us, as a society, who are in need of the awakening sound of 'Come, let us go up to the mount of the Lord, to the house of our God!' How sweet is the hope that He may teach us of His ways, and so direct and guide us, that we may walk in His paths, for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Whatever advances may take place among us, and some have already, as to the instruction of the young, and the right adaptation of such outward means of help as are consonant with sincerity and truth, there will yet I do trust be a steady testimony maintained as to the leading principles of our profession, and this testimony I trust will spread :-that of silent worship, of simplicity in language and apparel, of requiring no oath, and of renouncing all war and destruction of human life. To bring forward these may require time and patience, but truth is great and will prevail.

"O! that a daily watch may be maintained in my own mind, that I may be taught to feel and know how very weighty is the responsibility that attaches to the Christian profession I avow, and be willing to dwell under this weight.

"How good is our Lord thus to renew the strength of the weakest. Yesterday I was ready to sink into depression from the sense of inability; and thus it sometimes is, we are made to feel what weakness is

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