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Possibly this rite commenced imme-nifies our being members of Christ's diately after the flood. Jacob and one mystical body the church, 1 Cor. his family washed themselves before xii. 13. It is called baptism for forthey approached to God at Bethel, giveness and washing away of sin, as Gen. xxxv. 2. The Hebrews wash- it solemnly represents the remission ed themselves before they entered of sins, to such as receive it in faith, into covenant with God at Sinai, Acts ii. 38. and xxii. 16. It is the Exod. xix. 14. Aaron and his sons baptism of repentance, as therein we washed themselves before their con-profess and engage to hate and mourn secration to the priesthood, Ex. xxix. over our sin, and turn from it to God, 4. After the Jews circumcised their Acts xiii. 24. and xix 4. It is callproselytes, they washed them in wa-ed baptism for the dead, because


In the ministry of John, his sometimes received in the view of baptism comprehended the whole an immediate death, natural or viosubstance of what afterwards obtain-lent; and chiefly as it is a baptism ed, though it did not so clearly re-into the faith and profession of present the Trinity of Persons in the Christ's being risen from the dead, Godhead, and the actual incarnation and that we shall be in due time raisof Christ, nor is there any evidence ed up in our order, 1 Cor. xv. 29. that any baptized by John were re-It is called baptisms, as it relates both baptized by the disciples of Christ. to the outward and inward man; or Our Saviour, and perhaps most of as the outward signifies the inward his apostles, had no other but the bap-baptism of the Holy Ghost, whereby tism of John. Christ baptized none our soul is really washed and rege himself, that he might baptize none nerated; or baptism may there dein his own name, and that he might note the ceremonial purifications, ás maintain his dignity as the sole Lord emblematic of faith and repentance, of the church, and baptizer with the Heb. vi. 1. Baptism saves: it is a Holy Ghost; and that the validity of mean of salvation, when it is conbaptism might appear not to depend scientiously received and improved, on the worth of the administrator, to lead men to Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. but the authority of God. And per- iii. 21. yet it is not the receiving of haps, for this last reason, Paul shun-baptism, but believing on Christ, that ned baptizing as much as he could, will secure our salvation, John iii. John iv. 2. 1 Corinthians i. 14. Be- 16. nor will the want of baptism, but fore his death, Christ had commis- of faith, expose to damnation, Mark sioned his apostles to baptize in xvi. 16. John iii. 18. None but miJudea; and after his resurrection, nisters of the gospel have any warto teach and disciple all nations, bap-rant from Christ to baptize, Matt. tizing them in the name of the Fa-xxviii. 19. 1 Cor. iv. 1. Nor have ther, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, they any warrant to add to the simJohn iii. 26. and iv. 1, 2. Matt. ple washing prescribed by him, exxxviii. 19. orcisms, crossing, oil, spittle, &c. Israel's baptism unto Moses in the No adult person is to be baptized, pillar of cloud and Red Sea, signified, until he understand the Christian that their dwelling under the cloud, faith, and solemnly profess his belief and passing through the Red Sea, re- of, and obedience thereto, Matt. presented and confirmed their obli- xxviii. 19. Acts viii. 37. Matt. in gation to follow Moses as a leader, 6. Luke lii. 8. But those infants and to receive, profess, and obey his who are descended from one or both laws, 1 Cor. x. 2. Baptism into parents, members of Christ's mystical Christ and his death, signifies our body, ought to be baptized. It is partaking of the benefits purchased certain the children of believers are by his death, Rom. vi. 3. Gal. iii. 27. called holy, 1 Cor. viii. 14. and It is baptism into one body, as it sig-members of the kingdom of God,

Mark x. 14. why then refuse them bars, or bars of iron, Amos i. 5. Isa. the seals? The promise of God's be- xlv. 2. ing their God, is as much to them as BARABBAS, son of shame, a noto the offspring of Abraham, who torious robber; guilty also of sedition received circumcision on the 8th day, and murder. He happened to be Acts ii. 39. with Gen. xvii. 7. The imprisoned for his felony, when apostles baptized sundry whole fami- Christ was accused of blasphemy. lies, without any exception, in which As it had, for some time, been usual infants must be supposed till the to release some prisoner to the Jews contrary be proved, Acts xvi, 15, at their Passover-feast, Pilate put 33. 1 Cor. i. 16. Nor indeed can Jesus and Barabbas in the court, that we, without guilt, imagine that the the Jews might choose one of them blessed Jesus came to straiten the to be released. Contrary to his exprivileges of the New Testament, pectation and wish, they warmly and put Christians into a worse state requested the release of the noted than the Jews were under the Old, malefactor, and the crucifixion of the John x. 10. Nor, whatever Tertul-blessed Jesus, Matt. xxvii. 21, John lian, and some others equally extrava-xviii. 40. A conduct which thougant in their notions, pretend, can any sands have reprobated, and yet have without the most glaring imposition, in effect too generally followed. allege, that infant baptism was not BARACHIAS, one who blesses commonly allowed in the primitive God, or who bends the knee before God, ages of Christianity, as well as ever (1.) The father of Zacharias, mensince to this day. tioned Matt. xxiii. 35. as slain beThere is a two-fold metaphoric tween the temple and the altar. (2.) baptism, (1.) The baptism of the Holy The son of Zerubbabel, 1 Chron. iii. Ghost, which denotes chiefly his 19. (3.) The father of Asaph the Legracious influence, which purifies, vite, 1 Chron. vi. 39. (4.) The son softens, and inflames our heart with of Asa, a Levite, 1 Chron. ix. 16. ardent love to Jesus, Matthew iii. BARAK. See DEBORAH. 11. 1 Corinthians xii. 13, Col. ii.] BARBARIAN, a rude, unlearned 12. Rom. vi. 4. (2.) The sufferings person, or one whose speech we canof Christ and his people, are called not understand, 1 Cor. xiv. 11. The baptism; they thereby solemnly de- Greeks called all besides themselves, dicate themselves to the service of Barbarous, or Barbarians; because God, and avouch him to be their only they reckoned their language coarse, Lord, Matthew xx. 22. Luke xii, and their manner of life rude and savage, Rom, i. 14. Acts xxviii. 2, 4. ` BAPTIST, one that baptizeth, Col. iii. 11. John, the son of Zacharias, is so BARBED, having points like called, because he first administered hooks, or prickles of thorn, Job baptism as an ordinance of God, Matt. iii. 1. and his whole doctrine BARE, (1.) Stripped, destitute is called his baptism, Acts xviii. 25. of covering, Lev. xii. 45. or deBAR, (1.) That whereby a door prived of outward comforts, Jer. xlix. is bolted and made fast, Neh. iii. 3, 10. (2.) Pure, naked; so bare grain, 6. (2.) A narrow cross-board or is grain of corn without any bud, rafter to fasten other boards to, Exod. straw, ear, or chaff, 1 Cor. xv. 37. xxvi. 26. (3.) A rock in the sea To have the legs, thighs, heels, feet, that runs across its bottom, Jon. ii, head, or body, bare or naked, imports 6. (4.) The bank or shore of the want of outward comforts, and mourn sea, which, as a bar, shuts up its ing and grief on account thereof, Isa. waves in their own place, Job xxviii. xlvii. 2. and xx. 2. and xxxii. 11. 10. (5.) Strong fortifications and Jer. xiii. 22. and Ezek. xvi. 7. powerful impediments are called BAR-JESUS, In the Arabic lan


xli. 7.

guage, his name was Elymas, or the rounds the seed, and keeps it from sorcerer. He was a noted Jewish falling out; the seed is oblong, belmagician in the isle of Cyprus. When lied, sharp-pointed, and marked Sergius Paulus, the prudent deputy lengthwise with a furrow.

or proconsul of that place, under the In Palestine, the barley was sown Roman emperor, sent for Paul and about October, and reaped in the Barnabas, to hear from them the doc-end of March, just after the passover. trines of Christianity, this sorcerer In Egypt, the barley-harvest was endeavoured to hinder the deputy's later; for when the hail fell there, a conversion. With holy indignation, few days before the passover, the Paul looked at him, and pronounced flax was ripe, and the barley in the him full of all subtlety and mischief; ear, and the wheat only in the blade, an enemy of all righteousness; and an Exod. ix. 30, 31, 32. Barley was unceasing perverter of the right ways anciently held a contemptible grain, of the Lord: he foretold, that his op- proper only for servants, poor people, position to the light of gospel truths and beasts. In David's flight from should quickly be punished with the Absalom, his friends brought him loss of his natural sight. The threat- wheat, barley-meal, pease, beans, and ening immediately took place, and pulse, 2 Sam. xvii. 28. Solomon the sorcerer was obliged to seek one had barley for his horses; and sent to lead him by the way. The view barley, with wine, oil, and wheat, to of this miracle determined the depu- his Tyrian servants, 1 Kings iv. 28. ty immediately to embrace the Chris- 2 Chron. ii. 15. One that came from tian faith; and it is likely he confer-Baal-shalisha presented Elisha with red the name of PAUL on the honour-20 loaves of barley-meal, and corn in ed instrument of his conversion, the husk, 2 Kings iv. 42. Christ Acts xiii. 8-12.

BARJONA, a Syriac designation of PETER, importing that he was the son of one Jona, or Jonas, Matt. xvi. 17. John i. 42. and xxi. 15-17.

and his disciples seem to have lived on barley-bread, and with five loaves of it, and a few small fishes, he feasted above 5,000 men, John vi. 9— 14. The jealousy-offering was to be To BARK, (1.) To yelp, make a of barley-meal, without oil or franknoise like a dog. But ministers that incense, to signify, some think, the as dumb dogs cannot bark, are such as base condition of one who had given have neither conscience nor courage occasion to suspect her chastity, to reprove men's sin, and publish the and that the offering merely called alarming truths of Christ, Isa. Ivi. 10. sin to remembrance, Numb. v. 15. (2.) To peel the bark, or rind off a Sometimes barley is put for a low tree, Joel i. 7. contemptible reward or price. So

BARLEY, a well-known kind of the false prophets are charged with the triandria digynia class of plants: seducing God's people, for handfuls its calyx is a partial wrapper, com- of barley and morsels of bread, Ezek. posed of six leaves, and containing xiii. 19. Hosea bought his emblesix flowers; the leaves are erect, matic bride for fifteen pieces of sillinear, sharp-pointed, and two under ver, and an homer and half of barley, each flower; it has no glume: the Hos. iii. 2.

corolla consists of two valves; the BARN, a repository for grain, outmost and largest of which termi-Prov. iii. 10. The filling one's barns, nates in a long awn or beard: the or enlarging them, imports great stamina, are three hairy filaments plenty and prosperity, Deut. xxviii. shorter than the flower; the antheræ 8. Luke xii. 18. Breaking them are oblong; the bud of the pistil is down, signifies great scarcity and of a top-formed oval figure; the styles want, Joel i. 17. By way of metaare two, reflex and hairy; the stig-phor it is also put for heaven, Matt. mata are similar; the corolla sur-xiii. 30.

BARNABAS, son of prophecy or ness was, under the Old Testament, comfort, his ancestors were Levites, considered as a peculiar judgment and had retired to Cyprus, perhaps from heaven; while, on the other to shun the ravages of the Syrians, hand, the wife as a fruitful vine, and Romans, or others in Judea. Here children as plants round the table, he was born, and was at first called were descriptive of the highest apJoses; but, after his conversion to probation of heaven. The great the Christian faith, was called BAR-cause of the high value in which BABAS, the son of prophecy, from his fruitfulness was then held, seems to eminent gifts and foresight of future have been, that as the hope of guilty things; or the son of consolation. man, from the promulgation of the That he was one of the 70 disciples first promise, all hinged on the seed of our Saviour, or was educated by of the woman; as it had been revealGamaliel with Paul, we have no ed, that the Lord of heaven and earth certain evidence; but it was he was to sojourn with his guilty creawho introduced Paul to the Chris-tures, by being made of a woman; tians at Jerusalem, and assured them a mother in Israel was a respectable of his conversion, Acts ix. 26, 27. character. Many circumstances in He was sent to order the affairs of the histories of Sarah, Rebekah, Rathe church newly planted at Antioch chel, Hannah, Michal, (David's wife) in Syria; and, finding the work too Hezekiah, &c. cannot be understood heavy for him, he went to Tarsus, without attention to this. Again, and engaged Paul to be his assistant; the barren woman, in the language some time after, he and Paul carried of the Old Testament prophecy, is the a large contribution from Antioch Gentile church, Isaiah liv. 1. she to their famished brethren in Judea, brought forth no sons to the church Acts xi. 22-30. Not long after, of God. Lastly, barrenness, in the he and Paul were divinely directed New Testament particularly, is exto leave Antioch, and plant new pressive of unfruitfulness in the work churches among the Gentiles. After of the Lord, 2 Pet. i. 8. three years they returned to An- BARSABAS, son of the oath, or tioch. In their second journey into return, (1.) Joseph Justus, was perLesser Asia, Barnabas, at Lystra, haps one of Christ's 70 disciples; it was taken for JUPITER, probably is certain he was an eye-witness of because of the comeliness of his per- Christ's public work of the ministry. son, and his grave deportment. Some He stood candidate with MATTHIAS time after, he and Panl were appoint- for the apostleship, instead of Judas, ed delegates from the Syrian church but was not chosen of God, Acts i. to the Synod at Jerusalem; and were 21-26. (2.) Barsabas Judas. He therein commissioned to carry the was a member of the synod at Jerudecrees to the Gentile churches. At salem; and was sent with Paul, BarAntioch, Barnabas was led into dis-nabas, and Silas, to publish the desimulation by Peter. In their return crees thereof among the Gentile to Lesser Asia, he and Paul having churches. After preaching a while had a sharp contest about taking at Antioch, he returned to JerusaMark, Barnabas's nephew, along with lem, Acts xv. 22-34. them, they separated; and Barnabas BARTHOLOMEW, son of the susand Mark went to Cyprus, Acts xiii. pender of the waters, son of Ptolemy : xiv. and xv. Gal. ii. 13. What be-one of our Lord's twelve apostles. came of him afterwards, whether he As John never mentions Bartholopreached in Italy, and was stoned to mew, but Nathanael; and the other death at Salamis near Athens, as evangelists never name Nathanael, some pretend, we know not. but Bartholomew; as John classes BARREN, without issue or fruit, Philip and Nathanael, as the others Gen. xxv. 21. xxix. 31. Barren-do Philip and Bartholomew; as Na

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thanael is mentioned with the other cho with his disciples, attended with apostles that met with their risen Sa-a great croud of people, Bar-timæus viour at the sea of Tiberias; as Bar-sat by the way-side begging. tholomew is not a proper name, but when he heard that it was Jesus of only signifies one to be the son of Nazareth, he began to cry out and Talmai, as Peter is called Barjona; we say, 'Jesus, thou son of David, have suppose Bartholomew and Natha- mercy on me. Then Jesus stood nael to be one and the same person. still, and commanded him to be Being informed by Philip concerning called. Bar-timæus immediately our Saviour as the true Messias, Nacame. Jesus said unto him, What thanael doubted if any good thing wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? could come out of a place so notori- The blind man answered, Lord, ously wicked as Nazareth. Philip that I may receive my sight. Jedesired him to satisfy himself con- sus said unto him, Go thy way, cerning Jesus's excellency, by con- thy faith hath made thee whole; versing with him: he complied. Je- and immediately he received his sus seeing Nathanael, declared him sight and followed him.' Mat to be an Israelite indeed. Nathanael thew, (xx. 30.) relating the same asked how he knew him? Jesus in-story, mentions two blind men sitting formed him, that he knew what had by the way-side; but Mark thought passed under a certain fig-tree, whi-fit to set down Bar-timæus only, bether he probably retired to his most cause he was more known, or exsecret devotion. Struck with this pressed more faith and zeal; or discovery of his omniscience, Natha-spoke to Jesus Christ, and distinnael readily acknowledged him to be guished himself most on this occa the Son of God, and the promised sion. The cure of another blind man Messiah, or king of Israel. Jesus mentioned in Luke (xxiii. 35-43.) assured him, that his faith should be is different from this. That in Luke quickly rewarded with further proof happened when Jesus was entering of his Messiahship; he should see into Jericho; the other, the next day, the angels attend on and serve him as he was coming out. How readily, as their high and sovereign Lord.-how cheerfully, would our Redeemer Some time after, he was sent with heal all our spiritual maladies, if proPhilip to preach and work miracles perly applied to by us! in the land of Israel; and with the other apostles, had repeated visits from his risen Redeemer, John i. 45-51. and xx. and xxi. Matt. x. 3. Mark iii. 13. Luke vi. 14.

BARUCH, blessed, a Jewish prince, son of Neriah, grandson of Maaseiah, and brother of Seraiah, one of Zedekiah's courtiers; he attached himself to the prophet JereAfter teaching about 13 years at Je-miah, and was sometimes his scribe. rusalem, he is said to have preached When king Jehoiakim had imprito the East Indians, and committed soned that prophet, Baruch, accordto them the gospel according to Mat-ing to the direction of God, wrote thew. Thence, it is said, he travel- his prophecies from his mouth, and led to Lycaonia; and at last, by the read them to the people, as they Albanians on the Caspian seas, was were assembled at some extraordi flayed alive, and crucified with his head downwards.-A spurious gospel is ascribed to him.

nary fast. The courtiers, informed of this by Michaiah, one of his hearers, sent for him, and he read them again BAR-TIMÆUS, the son of Tima-in their hearing. Affected with ns; a blind man of Jericho, who sat what they had heard, the courtiers near the public road when our Sa-advised Baruch and Jeremiah to viour passed that way, on his journey hide themselves; for it was meet to Jerusalem. Mark (x. 46-52.) that they should lay the matter besays, that Jesus coming out of Jeri-fore the king. Having laid up the

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