Imágenes de páginas

Gràciously look upon our afflictions"

With pi'ty' behold the sorrows of our hearts" Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people" Favourably' with me'rcy' hear our prayers" O Son of David' have mercy upon us"

Both now and ever' vouchsafe to hear us' Ŏ Christ"

Graciously hear us' Ŏ Christ" graciously hear us' Ŏ Lōrd Christ'''

Ŏ Lord' let thy mercy be she'wed upon us' As we do put our trust in thee=


We humbly beseech thee' Ŏ Father' mercifully to look upon our infirmities" and for the glory of thy name' turn from us all those evils' that we most ju'stly have deserved" and grant' that in all our troubles' we may put our whole trust and confidence in th`y me'rcy' and evermore serve thee' in holiness and pureness of living' to thy honour and glory' through our ònly Mediator and Advocate' Jēsus Christ our Lōrd=

It must be manifest, I think, to every careful observer, (although it is unnoticed by Sheridan,) that there

is here a change as to the person addressed. Most of the petitions in the Litany, are addressed to the second person in the Trinity: to Him who submitted to "baptism, and fasting and temptation;" to "agony and bloody sweat;" to the "cross and passion" for us. This is especially true, of the fervent responsive petitions immediately preceding this concluding prayer. "O Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace," &c. "Graciously hear us, O Christ," &c. But this prayer, is manifestly addressed to the first person in the Trinity; and this change is distinctly marked by reading the introductory address with the emphasis upon the word theè, as follows, "We humble beseech thee' Ŏ Father' &c." Whereas, in the common mode of reading it, the important change is passed over without notice, and this most solemn and interesting part of our service is deprived of one of its distinguishing beauties.



Most gracious Gōd' we humbly beseech thee' as for the People of these United States in general' so especially for their Senate and Representatives' in Co`ngress assembled" that thou wouldest be pleased to dire`ct' and pro`sper' all their consultations' to the advancement of thy glòry' the good of thy Church' the safety' honour' and welfare of thy people" that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours' upon the be'st' and sùrest foundations" that peace and happiness' truth and justice' religion and piety' may be established among us' for all generations" These' and all o`ther necessaries' for the'm' for u's' and thy whòle church' we humbly beg' in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ' our most ble`ssed Lōrd and Saviour


Ŏ Father of mērcies' and Gōd of àll cōmfort' our only help in time of need" look down

from heaven' we humbly beseech thee" behold' visit' and relie`ve thy sick servant for whom our prayers are desired"" Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy" comfort him with a sense of thy goo`dness" preserve him from the temptations of the enemy" give him pàtience under his affliction" and' in thy good time' restore him to health' and enable him to lead the residue of his life' in thỹ fear' and to thy glōry" Or else' give him grace sò to take thy visitation' that after this painful life ènded' he may dwell with thee' in life everla`sting through Jesus Christ' our Lōrd"


Ŏ Eternal God' who alone spreadest out the heavens' and rulest the raging of the sea" we commend to thy Almighty protection' thy servant' for whose preservation on the great deep our prayers are desired" Guard him' we beseech thee' from the dangers of the sea" from sickness" from the violence of enemies' and from every evil to which he may be exposed"" Conduct him in safety to the haven where he would be' with a grateful sense of thy mercies' through Jesus Christ' our Lord"''


O Mērciful God' and heavenly Father' who hast taught us' in thy holy Word' that thou dost not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men" look with pìty' we beseech thee' upon the sorrows of thy servant for whom our prayers are desired" In thy wisdom' thou hast seen fit to visit him with troùble' and to bring distre'ss upon him" Remèmber him' Ŏ Lōrd' in mercy' sanctify thy fatherly correction to him" endue his soul with pàtience under his affliction' and with resignation to thy blessed will" comfort him with a sense of thy goodness" lift up thy countenance upon him' and give him pea'ce through Jesus Christ' our Lōrd""'


Almighty and everlasting God' who' by thy Holy Spirit' didst preside in the councils of the blessed Apòstles' and hast promised' through thy Son' Jesus Christ' to bè with thy Church' to the end of the world" we beseech thee' to be present with the council of thy Church' hère assembled in thy name and presence""' Save them from all error' ignorance' pride'

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