Imágenes de páginas

value is received of another: and as the cafhiers are without any knowledge of the payee, or of his hand-writing; fo, if a fhopkeeper happens to have received in payment one of those bills, the payment may be refused, with the expreffion of a doubt as to the indorsement of the payee: and the holder of the bill fuffers the lofs, because of the impoffibility of his proving that which the law requires he should prove, before payment can be recovered. Apply this principle only to the Bank of England poft-bills; require the holders to prove the first indorsement, and not one half of the number now in circulation could be legally recovered.'


Art. 57. A true Eftimate of the Light of Inspiration, and the Light of Human Learning, before and fince the Apoftolic Age: fubmitted to the Candidates for Holy Orders, &c. 4to. 1s. 6d. der. 1788.


A zealous advocate for the doctrine of ordinary as well as extraordinary infpiration, here expreffes much diffatisfaction, on account of the confequence given to human learning in Bp. Horley's late difcourfe on that fubject. Human learning (according to this writer) not being the infpiration of the Almighty, can never give any man the right understanding of the things, of God and religion: minifters ought to take their learning from the bible, and not bring their learning to it, or make ufe of the Ignis Fatuus of earthly science to illuminate that which is from heaven and it is abfurd, and almoft impious, to fuppofe that the light of human learning or philofophy is neceffary for the right understanding, or clear communication, of chriftian doctrine.

The intelligent reader will eafily perceive, to what School this writer belongs, and for what order of teachers his work is intended as an apology.

Art. 58. Chara&eristics of Public Spirit and National Virtue: Occafioned by the honourable Union of Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, in Support of a late Royal Proclamation. 4to.

Faulder. 1788.

A piece from the fame fchool, and probably from the fame pen, with the preceding article. The first object of the writer's zealous wishes, without which he expects little public benefit from the Royal Proclamation against prophanenefs and immorality, is, the univerfal reception of the fundamental doctrine of the gofpel, juftification by faith in Christ.

Art. 59. Three Letters to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the Prayer for his Majesty's Recovery. Containing a Comparison between it and that of the Jews, fome Thoughts on Sunday Schools, on the bad Provifion for the Inferior Clergy, and feveral Anecdotes of former Archbishops. By a Prefbyter of the Church of England. 8vo. 6d. Stalker, &c. 1788. This prefbyter of the church is extremely diffatisfied with the prefcribed form of prayer for the King's recovery. He ftyles it a wretched compofition of dulnefs and inconfiftency, inelegance and abfurd

ity; and he pities his brethren, for the diffatisfaction and indignation which they muft feel, as he did, on being obliged to read it. But his charge against this production is not merely that it is languid, inanimate, and ungrammatical; he arraigns it alfo, for its want of orthodoxy grounding this objection on the claufe which prays for the removal of that vifitation, with which, for the punishment of our tranfgreffions, it has pleased God to afflict the King. The writer is very fevere in his anima verfions on this part of the compofition; and (without interpofing our fentiments on this fubject) we must obferve, that he is not fingular in his difapprobation of this claufe; for in whatever companies we have heard it mentioned (and our circle in fociety is not the fmalleft that may be conceived), that hath happened to it, which befel the firft Chriftians; it hath been every where fpoken against.'

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The angry author of thefe letters has contrafted our church-prayer with that which was compofed by the Jewish high-prieft, on the fame occafion, and delivered, with great fervour, at the fynagogues. He has printed both in oppofite columns; and in deciding the preference, he warmly pronounces in favour of the latter.

In his third letter, the Author remarks on fome abuses, refpecting the provifion for the inferior clergy; but for his thoughts on this topic, and on Sunday schools, we refer to the pamphlet: concerning which, in general, we have only further to remark, that if it had been written in a more liberal style, it would have been more entitled to our approbation.

Art. 60. Plain Sermons on Practical Subjects, adapted to different Characters. By the late Thomas Gordon, Minister of the Gofpel at Speymouth, near Elgin. 2 Vols. 8vo. 10s. Boards. Cadell.

The above title gives a juft account of thefe fermons : they are plain and practical: they fhew that the Author had natural good fenfe, improved by learning and obfervation: and they manifest an unaffected piety, and earnest defire to ferve the interefts of virtue and true religion. His religious opinions are faid to have been those of the church of Scotland. The ftyle, though unornamented and rather diffufe, is yet, on the whole, manly and agreeable, though fometimes, indeed, introducing phrafes not wholly fuited to printed difcourfes; in refpect to which we infert the following lines from the Editor's preface: Having ftudied not only the characters of his people, but also their ways of thinking and fpeaking, he was happy in the talent of adapting himself to their capacities and touching their confciences. And his folicitude to do fo will perhaps account for fome peculiarities of expreffion in this work, which as they occur not in his other writings, it may be prefumed he would not have ufed in his fermons, if he had not by experience found that they were profitable to his hearers, either by engaging their attention, or affifting their memory, or perhaps by facilitating their comprehenfion of his doctrine. To the common people, who in moft congregations are the majority, and who have the greatest need of intruction, a pious and judicious clergyman will be particularly careful to adapt his exhortations.' The reader will now be able to form


fome judgment of thefe volumes, which are profeffedly defigned for thofe of the middling clafs, who think not of elegance, or depth of fentiment, or correctness of compofition, but are fatisfied if they understand and are edified.

Art. 61. Sacred Hiftory, felected from the Scriptures, &c. Second Edition. By Mrs. Trimmer. 12mo. 6 Vols. 11. 15. Boards. Lougman, &c. 1788.

For our opinion of the first edition of this valuable work, fee Rev. vol. lxviii. et feq. This fecond, and much improved, edition, with refpect to fome of the volumes, being almoft a new work, we fhall lay before our readers the Author's account of it, in her own words: The flattering attention which was bestowed on my labours, by perfons of maturer age, as the volumes were fucceffively produced, encouraged me to expatiate more largely on the doctrinal parts of the New Teftament, than at firft 1 intended to do, when I had a view to the improvement of young perfons only; and having had the pleafure to find that the two lait volumes were honoured with particular approbation, I thought it advisable, in this new edition, to have the Old Testament printed in a type fomething smaller than before; that I might have room for additional matter, without increafing the number of volumes. Confcious that there was not in the first edition an uniformity of ftyle throughout the fix volumes, I have here endeavoured to correct that defect by writing new annotations to the greater part of the firft volume; the fourth alfo will be found confiderably altered and enlarged. I hope this work is now free from material errors and omiffions; for I have pursued the arduous pleafing tafk, with the moft fervent defire of doing all pos fible juice to the important fubject; and I prefent it to the public, in a full affurance that it will meet with the fame kind indulgence as my former productions.'

Having carefully compared the two editions, we must do Mrs. Trimmer the juftice to acknowlege that the appears to have spared no trouble to render this publication peculiarly deserving of the public attention.

Art. 62. Four felect Evangelical Difcourfes of Mr. George Nicholson, Svo. I s. Parfons. 1788.

From the above title we muft conclude that Mr. George Nicholson is well known in the world; though we do not particularly recollect him. The great end propofed by all perfons who are fincere in performances of this kind, is, to advance the intereft and prevalence of virtue, and true religion. They may purfue this purpose by fome different means; but all the variety of means and notions are infignificant, and ufelefs, unless they tend to this; and this is the object to which the prefent difcourfes are practically directed. Though not of a Calvinific, they are yet of a methodistic caft; but avowedly oppofed to the doctrines of unconditional election and predeftination. The flyle is declamatory; and though not incorrect, is more fuited to extempore effufions than a well-ftudied difcourfe; the Author frequently introducing fuch fingular words as fupernal, immarceffible, and effectuation; which have rather an affected appearance.


SERMONS, &c. in Commemoration of the REVOLUTION, in 1638.

I. Preached at the Old Jewry, Nov. 4, 1788, before the Society for commemorating the glorious Revolution; being the Completion of an Hundred Years fince that great Event. By Andrew Kippis, D. D. F.R. S. and S. A. 8vo. Is. Robin fons.

Dr. Kippis has very properly remarked, that

It is the natural effect of a long courfe of time, to weaken, and almost to obliterate, the impreffions which remarkable tranfactions, and providential interpofitions, at firft make upon us, and which it is defirable to be for ever retained. To preferve, therefore, the continuance of these impreffions, to renew, to ftrengthen, to confirm them, it is the dictate of wisdom and virtue to lay hold of the feasons and circumftances which are favourable to purpofes fo falutary and ufeful! Such an opportunity is prefented to us this day.'

The Revolution, he obferves, was a moft happy event to Great Britain; ft, As it delivered us from the two greatest calamities under which any nation can groan-popery and tyranny: 2dly, As this deliverance was effected without the risk or flaughter of a fiugle battle in England: in Scotland, by one fmall engagement; and in Ireland, though the fubfequent commotions had, at firft, an alarming and dangerous afpect, yet they were foon concluded with victory and honour. 3dly, The Revolution will appear to have been a most important event, if we confider that it fixed the privileges of the fubject, and the free form of the conftitution, on a more firm and extenfive foundation than they had ever flood upon before. Here the Doctor has expreffed himself in terms fo agreeable to our fentiments, that we fhall gratify ourselves, and, we truft, our readers too, with his enlargement under this head. He proceeds:

Some ingenious men have afferted that, in preceding ages, the frame of our government was entirely arbitrary; that we had no pretenfions to liberty, till a little before the period of the civil wars; and that the fettlement in 1688 was not folely the establishment and augmentation, but the proper æra and commencement, of English freedom. This is feemingly a high compliment to the Revolution. But I accept not of a compliment which is delivered at the expence of truth, and which, perhaps, has rather proceeded from a defire to exculpate the Stuarts than from affection to the memory of William III. After having read the history of my country with attention, and, I truft, without much prejudice, I cannot but agree with those writers who have maintained, that our government, though imperfect, though in fome refpects indigetted, and not accurately and fully defined, was, nevertheless, in its effential conftitution, originally free.'

The Doctor fuccefsfully attempts to prove this pofition by indifputable facts. Other inestimable advantages arofe from the Revolution particularly, the more certain fecurity of our properties and perfons. It was likewife highly favourable to our religious as well as our civil government; for, at that period, Dr. Kippis obferves, it was enacted, That no one who is a Papist, or who marries a Papift, fhall inherit the crozyn. Then alfo, toleration firit received a legal


fanction; and an end was put to the reftraints, fines, imprisonments, and cruelties, which, for a series of years, had been inflicted on the Proteftant Diffenters. And it is no fmall honour, he adds, to the reign of George III. that it hath placed the toleration of the Proteftant Diffenters on a foundation far more enlarged than that on which it formerly fubfifted; and that it hath relaxed the severity of the ftatutes against the Papifts.-The Doctor enumerates many other advantages refulting from this glorious Revolution; among the principal of which ftands the Act of Settlement, which, fays he, hath bestowed Princes upon us of amiable and worthy characters; under whom there hath been a fucceffion of every bleffing which can render human fociety and human life defirable.'

In the practical improvement of this pleafing fubject, the worthy preacher difmiffes his audience with the following animated perora


• Permit me to urge it on parents, guardians, or tutors, to furnish the minds of the young perfons who are under their direction and influence, with proper fentiments of things. To infpire their breafts with an early regard for the Proteftant religion, the rights of confcience, and the facred interefts of political and civil liberty. Set in order before them the numerous interpofitions of Providence in our favour. Warm them with a veneration for the memory of King William III. with an attachment to the Hanover fucceffion, and with affection to the mild Princes of the Brunfwic line. In fhort, let it be the object of your fervent folicitude, that the cause of liberal enquiry, of univerfal toleration, and of public and private freedom, may live and flourish, when yourselves are laid in the filent grave. This is a duty which is demanded of us by the regard we have to our own honour, the happiness of our children, the welfare of pofterity, and the profperity and glory of our country. Yes, our country calls upon us never to forget fo indifpenfable an obligation. "The God "of nature," the fays, "hath feparated me from the world, hath girt me with the fea, and hath held me out a great example of his "goodness; he hath beftowed upon me natural advantages of the highest importance. He hath given me the nobleft model of go66 vernment; has refcued it from repeated perils; and, from age to "age, has added to its improvement. At length, he has appeared "for me in a Revolution which is unparalleled in its manner and its "effects: he hath made me the feat of genius, of fcience, of learning, of commerce, of law, of liberty, of religion; and will you, my fons, fuffer fuch inestimable benefits to be wreited from you? "Will you not pioufly tranfmit them to your defcendants ?" Our anfwer is, "We will never fuffer fuch inestimable benefits to be "wrefted from us; we will piously transmit them to our defcendants. "British liberty, by the bleffing of the Supreme Ruler upon our en"deavours, fhall be coeval with the globe, and only ceafe at its "final diffolution." Amen.'

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II. Preached at the Scots Church, London Wall, Nov. 4, 1788, in Commemoration of the glorious Revolution in 1688. By Henry Hunter, D. D. 8vo. 1s. Murray.

A very fenfible and animated difcourfe. The fentiments which it breathes are juft, and the language is elegant; though fome may, perhaps,


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