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3 God is our strength and song,
And his salvation ours;
Then be his love in Christ proclaimed
With all our ransomed powers.

1 WITH joy we lift our eyes
To those bright realms above,
That glorious temple in the skies,
Where dwells eternal Love.

2 Before thy throne we bow,
O thou almighty King;
Here we present the solemn vow,
And hymns of praise we sing.

3 While in thy house we kneel,
With trust and holy fear,
Thy mercy and thy truth reveal,
And lend a gracious ear.

1 LORD, in this sacred hour

Within thy courts we bend,
And bless thy love, and own thy power,
Our Father and our Friend.

2 But thou art not alone

In courts by mortals trod;
Nor only is the day thine own
When man draws near to God.

3 Thy temple is the arch

Of yon unmeasured sky;
Thy Sabbath, the stupendous march
Of thine eternity.

4 Lord, may that holier day

Dawn on thy servants' sight;
And purer worship may we pay
In heaven's unclouded light.

S. M

S. M. 42.

S. M


1 COME, we who love the Lord,
And let our joys be known;
Join in a song of sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.

2 Let those refuse to sing

Who never knew our God;
But children of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad.

3 The men of grace have found
Glory begun below;
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
From faith and hope may grow,
4 The hill of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets.

5 Then let our songs abound,
And every tear be dry;
We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground
To fairer worlds on high.

Psalm 84.

1 WELCOME, Sweet day of rest,
That saw the Lord arise!
Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes!

2 The King himself comes near,
And feasts his saints to-day;
Here may we sit, and see him here,
And love, and praise, and pray.

3 One day, amid the place

Where my dear Lord hath been,
Is sweeter than ten thousand days
Within the tents of sin.

S. M 15.

4 My willing soul would stay
In such a frame as this,
And sit and sing herself away
To everlasting bliss.

Revelation 15; 3, 4.

1 AWAKE, and sing the song
Of Moses and the Lamb;
Wake, every heart and eve
To praise the Saviour's name.

2 Sing of his dying love;

every tongue,

Sing of his rising power;
Sing, how he intercedes above
For those whose sins he bore.

3 Ye pilgrims! on the road
To Zion's city, sing!
Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God,-
In Christ, the eternal King.

4 Soon shall we hear him say,-
"Ye blesséd children! come;"
Soon will he call us hence away,
And take his wanderers home.

5 There shall each raptured tongue
His endless praise proclaim;
And sweeter voices tune the song
Of Moses and the Lamb.

Psalm 92.

1 SWEET is the work, O Lord,

Thy glorious name to sing;
To praise and pray-to hear thy word,
And grateful offerings bring.

2 Sweet at the dawning light,
Thy boundless love to tell;
And when approach the shades of night,
Still on the theme to dwell.

S. M

S. M. 46


3 Sweet on this day of rest,

To join in heart and voice,
With those who love and serve thee best,
And in thy name rejoice.

4 To songs of praise and joy
Be every Sabbath given,
That such may be our blest employ

Eternally in heaven.

Psalm 19.

1 BEHOLD, the morning sun

Begins his glorious way;
His beams through all the nations run,
And light and life convey.

2 But where the gospel comes,
It spreads diviner light;
It calls dead sinners from their tombs,
And gives the blind their sight.

3 How perfect is thy word!

And all thy judgments just!
Forever sure thy promise, Lord,
And we securely trust.

4 My gracious God, how plain
Are thy directions given!
Oh, may I never read in vain,
But find the path to heaven.

Psalm 117.

1 THY name, Almighty Lord,

Shall sound through distant lands:
Great is thy grace, and sure thy word
Thy truth forever stands.

2 Far be thine honor spread,

And long thy praise endure,
Till morning light, and evening shade,
Shall be exchanged no more.

S. M

S. M 48.

1 How charming is the place
Where my Redeemer, God,
Unvails the beauty of his face,
And sheds his love abroad!

2 Not the fair palaces,

To which the great resort,
Are once to be compared with this,
Where Jesus holds his court.

3 Here on the mercy-seat,

With radiant glory crowned,
Our joyful eyes behold him sit
And smile on all around.

4 Give me, O Lord, a place
Within thy blest abode,
Among the children of thy grace,
The servants of my God.

S. M

[blocks in formation]

2 Now may the King descend

And fill his throne of grace;

Thy sceptre, Lord, extend,

While saints address thy face:

Let sinners feel

Thy quickening word,


And learn to know

And fear the Lord.

3 Descend, celestial Dove,

With all thy quickening powers ;

Disclose a Saviour's love,

And bless the sacred hours :

Then shall my soul

w life obtain,

Nor Sabbaths be

Enjoyed in vain.

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