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2 Oh! hast thou felt a Saviour's love,
That flame of heavenly birth?
Then let thy strains melodious prove,
With raptures soaring far above
The trifling toys of earth.

3 Hast found the pearl of price unknown,
That cost a Saviour's blood?
Heir of a bright celestial crown,
That sparkles near the eternal throne,
Oh, sing the praise of God!


4 Sing of the Lamb that once was slain
That man might be forgiven;

Sing how he broke death's bars in twain
Ascending high in bliss to reign,

The God of earth and heaven!

Luke 15: 2.

1 WOULDST thou eternal life obtain!
Now to the cross repair;

There stand and gaze and weep and pray
Where Jesus breathes his life away;
Eternal life is there!

2 Go 't is the Son of God expires!
Approach the shameful tree;
See quivering there the mortal dart,
In the Redeemer's loving heart,
O sinful soul, for thee!

3 Go-there from every streaming wound
Flows rich atoning blood:

That blood can cleanse thy deepest stain,
Bid frowning justice smile again,

And seal thy peace with God.

4 Go-at that cross thy heart subdued,
With thankful love shall glow;

By wondrous grace thy soul set free,
Eternal life from Christ to thee

A vital stream shall flow!

C. M


1 O SAVIOUR, lend a listening ear,
And answer my request!
Forgive, and wipe the falling tear,
Now with thy love my spirit cheer,
And set my heart at rest.

2 I mourn the hidings of thy face ;
The absence of that smile,

Which led me to a throne of grace,
And gave my soul a resting-place,
From earthly care and toil.

3 'Tis sin that separates from thee
This poor benighted soul;
My folly and my guilt I see,
And now upon the bended knee,
I yield to thy control.

4 Up to the place of thine abode
I lift my waiting eye;
To thee, O holy Lamb of God!
Whose blood for me so freely flowed,
I raise my ardent cry.

[blocks in formation]

1 Do not I love thee, O my Lord?
Behold my heart, and see;

And turn the dearest idol out
That dares to rival thee.

2 Is not thy name melodious still
To mine attentive ear?

Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound,
My Saviour's voice to hear?

3 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock
I would disdain to feed?

Hast thou a foe before whose face
I fear thy cause to plead ?

C. M.

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4 Would not my heart pour forth its blood
In honor of thy name?


And challenge the cold hand of death
To damp th' immortal flame?

5 Thou knowest that I love thee, Lord;
But oh! I long to soar

Far from the sphere of mortal joys,
And learn to love thee more.

Matt. 183,

1 Он, see how Jesus trusts himself
Unto our childish love!
As though by his free ways

Our earnestness to prove.

with us

2 His sacred name a common word
On earth he loves to hear;

There is no majesty in him

Which love may not come near.

3 The light of love is round his feet,
His paths are never dim;
And he comes nigh to us when we
Dare not come nigh to him.

4 Let us be simple with him, then,
Not backward, stiff, nor cold,
As though our Bethlehem could be
What Sinai was of old.

[blocks in formation]

1 JESUS! thou art the sinner's Friend;
As such I look to thee;
Now, in the fullness of thy love,
O Lord! remember me.

2 Remember thy pure word of grace,—
Remember Calvary ;

Remember all thy dying groans,
And then remember me.

C. M.

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3 Thou wondrous Advocate with God!
I yield myself to thee;


While thou art sitting on thy throne,
Dear Lord! remember me.

4 Lord! I am guilty-I am vile,
But thy salvation's free;
Then, in thine all-abounding grace,
Dear Lord! remember me.

5 And, when I close my eyes in death,
When earthly helps all flee,
Then, O my dear Redeemer God!
I pray, remember me.


1 JESUS, who on his glorious throne
Rules heaven, and earth, and sea,
Is pleased to claim me for his own,
And give himself to me.

2 His person fixes all my love,
His blood removes my fear;
And while he pleads for me above,
His arm preserves me here.

3 His word of promise is my food,
His Spirit is my guide;

Thus daily is my strength renewed,
And all my wants supplied.

4 For him I count as gain each loss,
Disgrace for him renown;

Well may I glory in my cross,
While he prepares my crown.

Cant. 2 16.

1 My God! the spring of all my joys,
The life of my delights,

The glory of my brightest days,
And comfort of my nights!

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2 In darkest shades if he appear,
My dawning is begun :

He is my soul's sweet morning star,
And he my rising sun.

3 The opening heavens around me shine
With beams of sacred bliss,

While Jesus shows his heart is mine,
And whispers, I am his!

4 My soul would leave this heavy clay,
At that transporting word;
Run up with joy the shining way,
T'embrace my dearest Lord!

5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death,
I'd break through every foe;
The wings of love and arms of faith
Should bear me conqueror through.

Peter 2: 7.

1 BLEST Jesus! when my soaring thoughts
O'er all thy graces rove,

How is my soul in transport lost,—
In wonder, joy, and love!

2 Not softest strains can charm my ears,
Like thy belovéd name;

Nor aught beneath the skies inspire
My heart with equal flame.

3 Where'er I look, my wondering eyes
Unnumbered blessings see;
But what is life, with all its bliss,
If once compared with thee?

4 Hast thou a rival in my breast?

Search, Lord, for thou canst tell
If aught can raise my passions thus,
Or please my soul so well.


C. M.

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