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Review.-Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson.

that shall prove both instructive and amusing to his readers. Without either puffs, or any parade of pretensions, on which the wary always look with a suspicious eye, the promises of this panorama find a substantial basis in the merits of the parts already published; and if no degeneration take place, it will be both a cheap and valuable publication.

REVIEW.-Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, wife of the Rev. Adoniram Judson, Missionary to Burmah, &c. By James D. Knowles. 12mo. pp. 324. Wightman. London. 1829.


WHOEVER has perused with attention an article entitled, "American Baptist Mission at Ava," inserted in col. 497 of the Imperial Magazine for June last, cannot fail to feel an interest in this memoir of the heroic and intelligent writer. article to which we allude, displays intellectual energies of the most exalted order, employed in gathering useful information from a foreign soil, and transmitting it to Europe and America in a vehicle of language, which will never be much indebted to emendation.

The first thirty pages of this volume contain the personal history of this young lady in early life, the means through which she was rescued from constitutional and companionable gaiety, brought under serious impressions, and led to a saving knowledge of her interest in Jesus Christ. In this department her biographer has carefully avoided an error into which many authors, under similar circumstances, fall; viz. that of extending the narrative with tedious repetitions of daily occurrences, varying from each other in scarcely any thing besides the dates under which they appear. No art can render monotony interesting, and in religious biography it always appears to the greatest disadvantage.

Her acquaintance with Mr. Judson, marriage, embarkation for India, voyage, and safe arrival, furnish the next portion. The body of the volume is chiefly appropriated to the manners, customs, and peculiarities of the natives in India among whom she sojourned and travelled, particularly those of the Burman empire; the vicissitudes of the war, which she was called to witness; and the varied sufferings which both she and her husband underwent while in the kingdom of Ava. These incidents lead us to the last awful scene, in which this pious lady breathed her last, and the volume concludes with an address written by herself to the females of the United States.


In the first part nothing remarkable occurs, beyond what the biography of thousands can furnish. Sincere and unaffected piety appears in every page, accompanied with an ardent desire to spread among the heathen, the unsearchable riches of Christ. This desire was followed by correspondent action. To this cause her life was devoted, and in this glorious cause she fell in a foreign land.

Voyaging to India, this lady's thoughts were principally occupied with the important object of the mission; but this did not prevent her from making observations on the incidents which occurred, the varied scenes to which she was introduced, and the effects produced by a succession of novel objects that presented themselves to her contemplation. On these occasions her letters are rendered peculiarly interesting by the anecdotes with which they are enlivened, the piety which they breathe, and the appropriate reflections with which they abound.

The diary of Mrs. Judson, while in India, contains a vast fund of valuable information respecting a people hitherto but partially known, and relative to customs both in peace and war, to which the great mass both of Europeans and Americans are total strangers. Viewed only as a narrative of facts, and a delineation of manners, these portions of this volume are rendered so peculiarly affecting, that they operate upon the feelings of the reader like a talisman, and he remains spell-bound, without being conscious of the fetters which he wears. The following incident, among many others, will be read with undissembled commiseration.

"Last night I heard a considerable noise in the yard in which we live, connected with another family. We went to the door, and saw a female slave with her hands tied behind her, and her mistress beating her with a club, in a most dreadful manner. My blood ran cold within me, and I could quietly see it no longer. I went up to the mistress, and, in broken French, asked her to stop, stopped, and told me that her servant was very and what her servant had done. She immediately


bad, and had lately run away. I talked with her till her anger appeared to be abated, and she concluded her punishment with flinging the club she had in her hands at the poor creature's head, which made the blood run down on her garment. The slave continued with her hands tied behind her all night. They were untied this morning, and she spent the day in labour, which made me conclude she would be punished no more. this evening I saw a large chain brought into the yard, with a ring at one end, just large enough to go round her neck. On this ring were fixed two pieces of iron about an inch wide and four inches long, which would come on each side of her face, to prevent her eating. The chain was as large and heavy as an ox chain, and reached from her neck to the ground. The ring was fastened with a lock and key. The poor creature stood trem. bling while they were preparing to put the chain on her. The mistress's rage again rekindled at seeing her, and she began beating her again, as



History of the Christian Church.

the night before. I went to her again, and begged she would stop. She did, but so full of anger that she could hardly speak. When she had become a little calm, I asked her if she could not forgive her servant. I told her that her servant was very bad, but that she would be very good to forgive her. She made me to understand that she would forgive her, because I had asked her

but she would not have her servant to think it was out of any favour to her. She told her slave that she forgave her because I requested it. The slave came, knelt, and kissed my feet, and said, Mercy, madam-mercy, madam,' meaning, Thank you, madam. I could scarcely forbear weeping at her gratitude. The mistress promised me the chain should not be put on her, and ordered it to be carried away. I have felt very happy this evening, that this poor slave can lie down and sleep without that heavy chain."-pp. 81.

But how harassing soever such instances of inhuman cruelty are, to the sensibilities of our common nature, not blunted by a familiarity with enormities, it is in the personal suffering of Mr. and Mrs. Judson, that our sympathies feel their strongest emotion. Robbed, imprisoned, ill treated, and driven from place to place, the energies of human nature sunk under the severity of Asiatic cruelty. The hardships which Mrs. Judson was compelled to endure, imperceptibly preyed upon her constitution, and brought her life to a speedy termination. Early in July, 1826, Mr. Judson left her at Amherst, while he joined an embassy going to Ava. During his absence, she was taken ill of a fever, and, on the 24th of October following, surrounded by none but strangers, breathed her soul into the hands of her Redeemer, after an illness of eighteen days. Of her it might be truly said

By foreign bands thy dying eyes were closed, By foreign hands thy decent limbs composed, By foreign hands thy humble grave adorned, By strangers honoured, and by strangers mourned. Independently of the account which professedly delineates her religious feelings and experience, all her letters and expressions furnish features which give completion as well as variety to her pious and missionary character. It is a work replete with valuable materials, and one which will furnish an important addition to our stock of Christian biography.

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production of Bishop Burnet; and with William Cobbett, of political notoriety, perhaps he would hardly wish to be identified. Within a given circle, the present appellation may be sufficiently specific, but beyond this it is a phrase of dubious, because of uncertain import.

It has sometimes been said, but we hope with more severity than truth, that "church history is a long lie;" though it cannot be denied, that the false colouring which facts and incidents derive from those who record them, is strongly calcu lated to awaken suspicion. In the representation of the same occurrences and facts by writers within the range of our own observations, we perceive a strange incongruity; and in many periods of time, it is scarcely possible to find genuine historical truth, wholly detached from distortion. It would, therefore, be unreasonable to expect that impartiality should have presided over the writers of the dark ages, to whose industry we are indebted for all our knowledge of the early history of the church. Torn by factions, harassed by persecution, and perplexed with heresy, the common infirmities of human nature demand from us much allowance in their behalf. They have transmitted to us an invaluable treasure, and if, during its journey along the stream of time, it has been polluted with some alloy, it is our duty, after duly weighing all circumstances, to separate the ore from the dross, and hand onward to future generations the sacred deposit pure and undisguised.

This arduous, this very important task, the author has undertaken in the volume now before us; and, having prosecuted his design with commendable industry, he now sets before us the result of his laborious researches. On reviewing his long, and sometimes difficult journey, we perceive him penetrating gloomy forests, traversing barren deserts, and walking over uncultivated wastes, but gathering from the whole a valuable harvest to recompense him for his toils.

In the earlier stages of this work, nothing new can reasonably be expected. It is an abridgment of what has repeatedly been published in a voluminous manner, and in giving it condensation, the author has exercised much judgment in his selections and discriminations. From the unwieldy mass of materials, he has contrived to extract the essence, without disfiguring it with unnecessary encumbrances. Within a narrow compass the has embodied most of the leading facts which constitute the great links in the chain of history, and


Review.-Polynesian Researches.

given to them an arrangement, over which the eye can glance without difficulty, by the rays of light which he has imparted. He has preserved a consistency throughout the whole, and if in any branch his statements have not been strictly impartial, we feel disposed to attribute the deficiency to any cause rather than to a want of integrity.

In noticing the great events which distinguished the period of the Reformation, both the claims, the arrogance, and the cruelty of papal power, and the formidable opposition by which it was effectually resisted, are fairly stated, but not without giving some degree of prominence to local appellations, from which this work can never derive any advantage. Some few expressions, indeed, may be found, which, among readers of a certain description, can hardly fail to awaken suspicions, which, though unfounded, may prove to this work injurious in their operations. They may be led to infer, that the elevation given to localities among events with which they are more familiar, may not have been without its influence in the details of history, with which they have only a partial or a remote acquaintance.

On descending to more modern times, the author's views have been directed to the spread of the gospel throughout the world, and to the various instruments by which it has been effected. On all these his information is extensive, though his remarks are brief; but we readily admit, while his partialities are not concealed, that no improper language is used respecting those who differ from him in opinion, and that, although his statements may not always be accurate, he cannot be accused of misrepresenting their tenets because they do not happen to coincide with his own.

We learn from a catalogue prefixed to the first volume, that this history of "the Christian church" belongs to a series of works denominated "the Popular Library," of which several are already published. Some of these we have seen and noticed. They rank highly in our estimation, and this history now before us, rather increases than diminishes our approbation. It is a work of great promise, and what is of more importance, of correspondent execution. With simplicity and perspicuity it narrates the leading events in the history of the church, from the earliest age of the apostles to the present time. In all the vicissitudes which have taken place, the finger conspicuous, us, in guiding her through the wilderness, and in bringing her in safety to the margin of that illustrious


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To the Christian, the moral philosopher, and the philanthropist, no other portion of the globe has, perhaps, of late years appeared so interesting as the South Sea Islands. Whether we view the inhabitants in reference to their advancement in civilization, their progress in the mechanic arts, or their renunciation of idolatry in favour of Christianity, they form an im portant era in the history of our species, and stand without any rivals among the nations of the earth.

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Until of late years we merely knew that these islands existed, and that they were inhabited by savages; but no attempts were made either to cultivate the intellectual capabilities of the natives, or to explore the soil and varied productions of their distant abodes. It was not until the Duff, under the command of Captain James Wilson, carried some Missionaries thither in the year 1797, that they excited much attention in England; and even then a long period elapsed before they became objects of Christian and philosophical solicitude. In the year 1816, Mr. Ellis, in company with others, embarked at Portsmouth, to make known to these umutored children of nature the truths of Christianity; and, in connexion with his colleagues, to their unexampled successes, unremitting observations, and diligent researches, we are indebted for nearly all we know res specting this interesting portion of the human family; and more particularly to

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Review.-Polynesian Researches.

Mr. Ellis, for the present Work, which has a right to claim a prominent station in the extensive catalogue of Missionary productions. My des

Some time since, Mr. Ellis published an interesting volume, entitled, "Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee, with observations on the natural history of the Sandwich Islands, and remarks on the manners, customs, traditions, history, and language of their inhabitants." This Work, from its first appearance to the present day, has continued to engross a considerable share of public attention, and to merit that ample patronage by which it has been supported.

The name of Mr. Ellis, thus made known, and his abilities as a writer duly appreciated, nothing, it might be supposed, would be deemed unimportant, in reference to these distant regions, that flowed from his pen. The work now before us fully justifies public expectation. It is rendered deeply interesting by the variety and importance of the matter which it contains, and will continue to advance in public estimation as an authentic record of facts, incidents, and historical details, which are already nearly banished from existence, We, therefore, entirely concur with the writer in the following sentiments, which we quote from his preface.

All their usages of antiquity having been so entirely superseded by the new order of things

that has followed the subversion of their former


changes that of late years have taken place in their views, acquirements, and general character. Surveying them through this medium, we behold a savage race emerging from the darkness of barbarism into the light of knowledge, and displaying mental energies which cannot be contemplated without something more than common admiration.

Throughout the whole of his details, Mr. Ellis invariably interweaves the progress which these interesting natives have made in the acquisition of religious knowledge, not merely as a systematic theory, which can do nothing more than afford amusement to speculation; but as a revelation of divine truth, affecting their hearts, and reforming their lives, and leading them to rely for salvation on the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. In the department the power of divine grace is strikingly conspicuous, and multitudes among them stand as living monuments of its saving efficacy.

In thus blending the religious character of this people, with their civil, social, and political history, Mr. Ellis had an arduous task to perform, and it is not unlikely that he will be exposed to censure from two opposite quarters. The enemies of missions will think too much of these volumes has been devoted to this department; while many among its advocates and friends will hardly believe that the mis

system, the knowledge of but few of them is versionary cause has been rendered sufficiently

tained by the majority of the inhabitants, while the rising generation is growing up in total ignorance of all that distinguished their ancestors from themselves. The present, therefore, seems to be the only time, in which a variety of facts,

connected with the former state of the inhabitants, can be secured; and to furnish, as far as possible, an authentic record of these, and thus preserve them from oblivion, is one design of the following work."

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-The first volume contains eighteen chapters, and the second nineteen, which, without attempting to analyze their contents, may be said to embody every species of information which either the islands or the inhabitants can be supposed capable of affording. Beginning with their first discovery, and noticing the subsequent voy agers by whom they have been visited, we are led to survey the natives at distant intervals. Mr. Ellis then introduces to our cobservations their ancient manners, ceremonies, and customs, both in peace and war. Their modes of government, hereditary rights, public pastimes, idolatrous establishments, romantic traditions, and domestic, usages, also in turn engross his attention. These, and a great variety of kindred particulars, he contrasts with the

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prominent. The more reasonable part of his readers will, however, conceive, that he has contrived to place both in an interesting light, and that each contains all the information which industry could collect, or sober inquiry hope to obtain. ad.avowis

As the history of several islands is given in succession, an apparent sameness will sometimes be found; but this will only be in a few particulars. We are soon led into varied regions of observation, and placed in new attitudes to contemplate the human character. Of every favourable opportunity, Mr. Ellis has readily availed himself, and accompanied his narration of incidents with reflections that are at once honourable to his feelings as a Christian, and creditable to his talents as a man.

Ranging thus from island to island, and mixing with the natives in their diversified routine of life, a deficiency of arrangement in his valuable materials, may, perhaps, be easily discovered. But for this we can easily make ample allowance. It is a defect which arises more from the subject than from the writer, and one which, under similar circumstances, no author

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Brief Survey of Books.

could perhaps wholly avoid. In a work of this kind, we seek for information respecting a people, on whose history, peculiarities, and ideas, all former writers were nearly silent, and finding this in abundance, none but the fastidious will turn from the repast, to animadvert on points of ceremony, and unimportant circumstantials.

In all the genuine materials, for which alone history is valuable, these volumes amply abound. A copious table of contents accompanies each chapter, through which any article, without much difficulty, can be found, especially as the pages are specified where all the chapters begin and end. The first volume is embellished with five copperplate, and nine wood engravings; and the second is ornamented with four of the former, and seven of the latter.


are neatly executed; and in some of the idols, they exhibit monstrous images, that rarely before, perhaps, ever met an European eye. The work is neatly printed on excellent paper; and though far from being diminutive in magnitude, it will confer more honour and dignity on the library into which it is admitted, than it will take of the room it occupies on its shelves.

Viewed both in their outline and detail, these two volumes of Polynesian Researches are replete with interesting matter. We have perused them with glowing ardour, and can hardly avoid thinking that they add a new and striking feature to the characteristic history of the human race. But what is of still greater importance, they erect a more stupendous monument to the efficacy of divine grace, than, under similar circumstances, any other portion of the globe, or period of history, can furnish. In both of these respects, they have nothing to fear from any existing rival, and an age will perhaps elapse, before they will be degraded from this exalted station in the eyes of posterity.


1. The Desideratum of Penmanship, &c. &c. &c. by J. Carstairs, (Longman, London,) exhibits some curious specimens of lines, quadrants, and other mathematical figures in connexion with the letters of the alphabet, the formation and position of which the author endeavours to reduce to scientific rules. His method displays much ingenuity and industry, and the result will be found of great service to learners, and also to many of those who teach learners to write. His system is adapted to secure a command of hand in every degree of variety; and so effectually has he guarded the avenues which lead to


error during the mechanical operation, that the pupil is compelled to go straight forward in the path prescribed. Some parts, without doubt, will be found rather ornamental than useful, but in every effort a certain portion must be devoted to fancy. It is like the tweedle of an organ, emptying its pipes when the tune is ended. On the whole, we think that this system is entitled to an impartial trial, and we can hardly doubt that this will give it respectability, and adoption.

2. The Christian Visitor, (Simpkin, London) has lately made its appearance numbers, to be continued quarterly. It contains general information on religious topics, and subjects connected with Christian instruction. The two numbers which we have, are of fair promise, and the sources of information to which the compiler has access, appears to be both re spectable and numerous.

3. Scripture Characters and Subjects Versified, by R. Tobit, (Bennet, London,) continue to sustain the character with which it began, namely, that it is designed for children, to whose capacities the humble verse is adapted.

4. Address of Earl Stanhope, President of the Medico-Botanical Society, at the Anniversary Meeting, Jan. 16. 1829, (Wilson, London,) is in every respect suited to the occasion. It takes an extensive and luminous survey of the various subjects immediately connected with the society, of the interest which they excite in various parts of the world, and of their importance to mankind.

5. A Memorial or Tribute of Praise to the Holy, Essential, and Eternal God, by Samuel Eyles Pierce, (Baynes, London,) seems to contain and express much religious feeling. But in his nomination of Deity he has so overloaded the subject with laudatory epithets, that, although they may be all appropriate, they have more the appear. ance of fulsome adulation than of rational homage, and sober devotion.

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6. The New French Manual and Tra veller's Companion, &c., by Gabriel Su renne, F.A.S. E., (Marshall, London,) is an useful book for learners, and as such we characterized it some months since. It has now reached the third edition, which indicates that the public are not ignorant of its value.

7. The Sabbath Minstrel, a Collection of Hymns for Sunday Schools, by John Taylor, (Westley, London,) we have perused with pleasing emotions. They are familiar in their style, easy in their versification, and pure in their sentiment.

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