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for I have sinned, and thou chastenest me less than my iniquities have deserved. In punishment thou shewest mercy, continuest to me many comforts, prolongest my opportunities of reflection and amendment, and givest me hope of that pardon which I so much want, and at this time earnestly intreat.

Petition for Improvement of Sickness.] I desire in this poor condition of my health, to try and search my ways, and turn unto thee, O Lord, with deep humility, sincere repentance, and faith in the great Redeemer; and may the fruit of this and of every affliction be, to take away sin, and make my heart better.

For the Restoration of Health.] I beseech thee, O Lord, who healest, to direct me to, and to prosper some means for the removal of my disorder, and the establishment of my health; that I may yet be capable of glorifying thee in my station, and by farther endeavours for thy service upon earth, be fitter for immortality.

For a right Temper of Mind.] Support me, gracious God, that " my soul may not be quite cast down, and too



"much disquieted within me." Assist me to cherish penitent, believing, serious thoughts and affections. Grant me such resignation to thy will, such patience and meekness towards men, as my divine Master requireth, and as he himself manifested, while he was a sufferer upon earth. Forgive all the harshness and sinfulness of my temper, and keep it from increasing upon me. May I learn from what I now feel, to pity all who are sick, in pain, or otherwise afflicted, and do all in my power to assist and relieve them.

For preparation for Death.] If by this affliction thou intendest to bring me down to the grave, prepare me by thy grace for my removal hence, and an entrance on the unseen eternal state; and may all the sufferings of the present life, "work out for me a far more exceeding "and eternal weight of glory."

For the Morning.

For the Evening.

I bless thee, O [I thank thee, O、 Lord, that thou art Lord, for any degree giving me another of ease and comfort, day. Grant me such which I have this measures of ease and day enjoyed. Grant

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comfort, that I may me this night such improve it diligently refreshing rest, that by conversing with I may be better able thee and my own to discharge the duheart, in meditation ties, and bear the and prayer, and be burdens of another capable of enjoying day, if thou art pleathe blessings which sed to indulge me thou art pleased still with it. If my eyes to grant me.] are kept waking, may my meditations thee be comfortable, land useful to me.]

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Pity my weakness, merciful and heavenly Father, and hear my imperfect petitions, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who was once a man of sorrow, and is still "touched with the feeling of our infirmities;" to whom " as our merciful "high-priest," be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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A Prayer in short Paragraphs which may be used by a Sick Person, either in one Prayer or separately, as they are independent of each other.

From Dr. Ston

Submission and Confeshouse. Page 226. sion.] Almighty God, the


Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee, as the wise and gracious governor of all thy creatures, and the sovereign Disposer of all events. -I acknowledge thy hand in the afflictions under which I now labour; and confess that they are far less than mine iniquities have deserved.-May I have wisdom and grace to improve the afflicting ftroke of thy rod, and discern HIM, who hath appointed it; and though this calamity is not joyous, but grievous; may it hereafter bring forth in me the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Amen.

Thanksgiving.] I thank thee, O Lord for all the accommodations, refreshment, comfort, and help I enjoy. May thy blessing attend all my friends for their good offices to me in my present afflictive circumstances, and mayest thou direct and prosper all their endeavours for my good. Amen.

Prayer for Improvement in Sickness.] Grant, O Lord, that I inay search and try my ways, and again turn unto thee. -May I improve the leisure of such a state as this, to examine my own heart; and may I be led to form a right judgG4


ment of myself!-If I am yet an unreformed sinner, discover to me, I beseech thee, my danger and my misery; and give me by thy renewing spirit an unfeigned repentance towards God, and a true faith in Christ, that I may turn from every sin, and devote myself for ever to thy service. If I am already in a state of acceptance with thee, strengthen, I beseech thee, all my graces more and more, and subdue all the remainders of sin in my heart; and particularly teach me righte ousness by those things which I now suffer. Amen.

Prayer for Improvement of present Advantages.] Graciously assist me, O God, that I may religiously improve all the advantages I enjoy: May I carefully read thy word, thankfully receive the admonitions of the Minister who visits me, heartily join his petitions, and devoutly remember my Saviour's death, especially at the sacrament; and may all I now suffer, lead me to reflect on the evil of sin, and on the love of Christ manifested in those sufferings, which he endured for my sake.

HE went about doing good: May I, when I have any such opportunity, embrace the occasion with readiness and thankfulness. Amen.


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