The Psalms of David: Selected from Various Versions, and Adapted to Public WorshipJ. Mathews ... and W. Flexney, 1785 - 12 páginas |
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Página 1
... Heav'n will fhine with kindeft Beams On ev'ry Work his Hands begin . But Sinners find their Counsels croft ; As Chaff before the Tempest flies , So fhall their Hopes be blown and loft , When the laft Trumpet fhakes the Skies . 5 In vain ...
... Heav'n will fhine with kindeft Beams On ev'ry Work his Hands begin . But Sinners find their Counsels croft ; As Chaff before the Tempest flies , So fhall their Hopes be blown and loft , When the laft Trumpet fhakes the Skies . 5 In vain ...
Página 14
... or Mountains fly ? " 2 If Government be all deftroy'd , ( That firm Foundation of our Peace ) And Violence make Juftice void , Where fhall the Righteous feek Redress ? 3 The LORD in Heav'n has fix'd his Throne ; 14 X. PSALM.
... or Mountains fly ? " 2 If Government be all deftroy'd , ( That firm Foundation of our Peace ) And Violence make Juftice void , Where fhall the Righteous feek Redress ? 3 The LORD in Heav'n has fix'd his Throne ; 14 X. PSALM.
Página 15
... Heav'n has fix'd his Throne ; His Eyes furvey the World below : To Him all mortal Things are known ; His Eyelids fearch our Spirits through . 4 If He afflicts his Saints fo far , To prove their Love , and try their Grace , What may the ...
... Heav'n has fix'd his Throne ; His Eyes furvey the World below : To Him all mortal Things are known ; His Eyelids fearch our Spirits through . 4 If He afflicts his Saints fo far , To prove their Love , and try their Grace , What may the ...
Página 19
... Inheritance , My Soul can wish no more . I fhall behold the Face Of my forgiving GoD ; And ftand compleat in Righteousness , Wash'd in my SAVIOUR'S Blood . i , 5 There's a new Heav'n begun When I awake from PSALM XVI . 19 PSALM ...
... Inheritance , My Soul can wish no more . I fhall behold the Face Of my forgiving GoD ; And ftand compleat in Righteousness , Wash'd in my SAVIOUR'S Blood . i , 5 There's a new Heav'n begun When I awake from PSALM XVI . 19 PSALM ...
Página 20
... Heav'n begun When I awake from Death , Dreft in the Likeness of thy SON , And draw inmortal Breath . PSALM XVII . Metre ii . ORD , I am thine , but Thou wilt prove My Faith , my Patience , and my Love : When Men of Spite againft me join ...
... Heav'n begun When I awake from Death , Dreft in the Likeness of thy SON , And draw inmortal Breath . PSALM XVII . Metre ii . ORD , I am thine , but Thou wilt prove My Faith , my Patience , and my Love : When Men of Spite againft me join ...
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Términos y frases comunes
afcend againſt Almighty arife Behold blefs bleft Breath caft cheerful Defires divine Duft dwell Earth endleſs eternal ev'ry exalted Eyes facred fafe faithful fave Fear fecure feek Feet fends fhine fhould fing fix'd flain Fleſh Foes fome fov'reign fpeak fpread ftand ftill fure fweet glorious Glory Grief hath hear Heart Heav'n heav'nly Hell Hofts holy Honours Hope Houſe humble Souls Ifrael JEHOVAH joyful Juft Juftice KING laft LORD Metre Metre ii o'er Peace Praiſe Pray'r Prefence proclaim Promiſe PSALM Race Rage raife raiſe reft reigns rejoice rife Righteouſneſs Salvation SAVIOUR ſhall Sinners Skies Song Soul ſpread ſtand Thee thefe thine thofe thoſe Thoufand thy Face thy Grace thy Hand thy Law thy Love Thy Mercy thy Name thy Pow'r thy Praife thy Saints thy Throne thy Truth thy Word Tongue truft Voice wakeful Eye whofe Whoſe Woes Wonders wondrous World ye Saints
Pasajes populares
Página 171 - The Lord, ye know, is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make : We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take.
Página 136 - With warm desires To see my God. 2 O happy souls that pray, Where God appoints to hear ! O happy men, that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still ; And happy they That love the way To Zion's hill.
Página 172 - BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy.
Página 147 - A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day...
Página 100 - May through the world be known ; While distant lands their tribute pay. And thy salvation own. 3 O let them shout and sing, With joy and pious mirth ; For thou, the righteous Judge and King, Shalt govern all the earth.
Página 124 - Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs, That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs.
Página 78 - SHOW pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee...
Página 278 - Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God : he made the sky, And earth and seas, with all their train : His truth for ever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain.
Página 34 - Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile : The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around...
Página 172 - Jehovah's awful throne, -*-* Ye nations bow with sacred joy : Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create and He destroy. 2 His sov'reign power, without our aid, Made us of clay and form'd us men ; And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again.