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MR. Henry Philip Gudenius, Superintendant General, first Profeffor of our Academical College, and Ecclefiaftical Counsellor at Hanover, will foon publish Notitia Ordinis Eremitarum Auguftinianorum, in duos libros divifa, quorum primo Viri præftantes qui inde ab initio Ordinis ufque ad tempus Lutheri floruerunt; fecundo juxta Lutherum, qui eundem in Reformationis Ecclefiaftica negotio adjuverunt, recenfentur, ex idoneis Scriptoribus & rerum Monumentis.


MR. Liebe, Secretary and Antiquary to his Highness the Duke of Saxe-Gotha, has put out the Lives of the chief Divines, both Roman Catholics and Proteftants, who met at Augsburg in the Year 1530, when the Confeffion of Faith was prefented to the Emperor Charles the Fifth. That Book was written by the Duke's Order.


THERE is lately come out Hiftoria Pandectarum Authentica, five D. Juftiniani Imp. de Pandectis Epiftolæ tres, unà cum Indice Juris-Confultorum Florent. & emendationibus Laur. Theod. Gronovii, novaque opera Franc. Car. Conradi D. PP. in Academia Witt. In 8vo.

They are reprinting here Briffonius de Formulis & Verbis folennibus Populi Romani. Dr. Com rade fupervises that Edition. Briffonius's Life will be prefix'd to it.

Dr. Schreiber has published the first Part of his Elementa Medicine Phyfico-Mathematica. In 8vo.

An Author, who defires to be nameless, intends to publish a Treatife de Malignitate Juris Canonici. His Defign is to engage the Proteftant Princes to abolish the Authority of the Canon Law in their Dominions.






Published in the feveral Parts of

Floriferis ut apes in faltibus omnia libant,

Omnia nos itidem.


Being the Second of Vo L. III.


Printed for N, PREVOST, over-against Southamptonstreet, in the Strand; and E. SYMON, in Cornbill.


(Price One Shilling.)

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for No. XIV. Vol. III 1731. A


Art. V. HE Life and Actions of Soltân
Al-Malec Al-Nâfer Salâh'addîn
Modhaffer Yûfof the Son of Ayub the
Son of Shâd; by Bahâo'ddin the Son of
Shedâd, &c.
Page 103
Art. VI. The Hiftory of the Iland of Hifpaniola,
or of San Domingo. By Father Peter-
Francis-Xavier de Charlevoix. ~126
Art. VII. A Chinese Study, wherein are ex-
plained the Chinese Grammar and Littera-
ture. By Theophilus Sigefridus Bayerus
of Koningsberg.

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157 Art. VIII. Paufanias, or an Hiftorical Journey over Greece, tranflated into French, with Remarks. By the Abbot Gedoyn.

176 Art. IX. The Italian Hiftorians, from the Year of the Chriftian Era 500 to 1500, &c. By Lewis Anthony Muratori.

Art. X. Prefent State of Learning.









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Vita & Res gefte Sultani Almalichi Alna-
feri Saladini Abi Modaffiri Jofephi F.
Fobi, F. Sjadfi, autore Bohadino F.
Sjeddadi, &c.

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The Life and Actions of Soltân Al-Malec
Al-Nâfer Salâh'addîn Modhaffer Yûfof
the Son of Ayûb the Son of Shâd; by
Bahâo'ddin the Son of Shedâd, &c.
Being a Continuation of ART.I. N° XIII.

HO' the Christian Kingdom of Jerufalem was fubverted, as we have in our former Number feen, yet the Christian Power that fubfifted in Palestine and Syria, was by no means defpicable; the Franks were ftill a mighty People in those parts, poffeffed of many ftrong Holds, advantageous Pofts, and very confiderable Places; very willing and pretty well able to defend themselves from the Incroachments of the Soltán, and to crofs his defign of rooting them out; a Task he never with all his mighty Power and fage Conduct, was fo happy as to fee the end of. Now,

N° XIV. 1731.



Now, the Soltán had no fooner fettled his Affairs at Jerufalem, than he refumed the Siege of Tyre, defigning the Egyptian Fleet fhould block it up and annoy it by Sea, while he did the fame by Land. But the Tyrian Fleet going out against the Egyptian, furprized and defeated them, and wholly put them by their intended Service; which being known in the Soltan's Camp, it checked his Spirits: and in confideration of this Difappointment, and that the Rigours of the Winter drew near, he broke up the Siege.

Year of the THE next Year, he took the Field again, Hej. 584. and besieged Kawkeb, before which he had, not long fince, fuffered a blemish upon his Honour : for the befieged fallying out in the night, killed Seifo'ddin his General, and carried off the Arms and Colours. Upon this account it was that he befieged them now in perfon, with a choice Body of Troops, but he did not prove ftrong enough; and therefore quitted his hold of it for the prefent. He went to Damafcus, but made a trifling ftay there, of a very few days, receiving Intelligence that the Franks had a defign upon Hubeil; at which he took the Alarm, called in his Army, and was juft at this time reinforced by a Power from Affyria, and by others from other parts, all engaged in the profecution of the HOLY WAR.

He then led on his united Forces against the Territories of the Syrian Tripoly, to make an experiment of the Enemy's Courage and Skill; whereby he acquired a no mean Booty of Arms and other Valuables. Juft about this time it was that our Author prefented his Hiftory of the HOLY WAR, and Reduction of Jerufalem to the Soltán, who was fo taken therewith, that he


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