I think it is possible that Mr. Theobald's reading, my worthy and arch-patron, may be right. Heron (p. 305) says, my worthy arch and patron, is a Latinism, in which the component parts of a "word are separated, for my worthy and archpatron. Horace has such separations. Or arch may here mean support, as arches support an "edifice, as it evidently does in the passage quoted "from Heywood." If Heron has rightly explained the passage quoted from Heywood, I think it makes in favour of Theobald's reading, for I cannot be persuaded that arch is used here for support. I do not believe that Shakespeare intended a tmesis. P. 445.-543.-89. Stew. Good dawning to thee, friend: Art of the house? I prefer the reading of the folio, "of this house," which stands in Theobald's edition, and in that of 1785. P. 445.-543.-90, et seq. Kent. If I had thee in Lipsbury pinfold, I would make Stew. Why dost thou use me thus? I know thee not. Stew. What dost thou know me for? Kent. A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats; Lipsbury pinfold is, I think, rightly explained by Mr. Steevens. His first explanation of three-suited knave is the true one. He has rightly explained the other contumacious expressions mentioned in this note glass-gazing certainly means what Mr. Malone supposes, one who gazes often at his own person in the glass. Mr. Malone's quotation from Timon does not illustrate this expression. P. 448.-545.-93. Kent. Draw, you rogue: for though it be night, the [Drawing his sword. Stew. Away; I have nothing to do with thee. I believe Mr. M. Mason's is the true explanation of barber-monger. P. 449.-546.-94. Stew. Help, ho! murder! help! Kent. Strike, you slave; stand, rogue, stand; you neat Stew. Help, ho! murder! murder! [beating him. Mr. Steevens's is certainly the right explanation of neat slave. P. 451.-547.-96. Kent. That such a slave as this should wear a sword, Which are too intrinse t' unloose. I think with Mr. Malone that Warburton has seen more in this passage than the poet intended, and that the word holy is an interpolation. I would read thus Who wears no honesty. Such smiling rogues Corn. P. 453.-550.-99. This is some fellow, Who, having been prais'd for bluntness, doth affect Garb means habit, and is, I incline to believe, used here, however licentiously, for the habitual behaviour. P. 455.-551.-101. Stew. And put upon him such a deal of man, I think Mr. Steevens has done rightly in omitting the word again. P. 459.-554.-105. Kent. I know, 'tis from Cordelia ; Who hath most fortunately been inform'd I incline to believe that this is rightly explained by Mr. M. Mason. I cannot conceive that these words form any part of Cordelia's 'letter. P. 462.-557.-111. Scene IV. Before Gloster's Castle. Mr. Tyrrwhitt certainly assigns the true reason of Lear's coming to the Earl of Gloster's. I doubt whether his explanation of the words in the preceding act, (Go you before to Gloster with these letters) be right. P. 465.—559.-113. Lear. They durst not do't; They could not, would not do't; 'tis worse than murder, I used to understand this line to mean-To do such violent outrage deliberately, upon con sideration, taking respect to be used here in the same sense as in King John. More upon humour than advised respect. After having inclined to give up my own explanation for Mr. Malone's, I now think mine the true one. Dr. Johnson's cannot be right. P. 472.-565.—123. Reg. I pray you, sir, take patience; I have hope, Than she to scant her duty. Mr. Steevens has certainly given the meaning that Shakespeare intended. P. 474.-567.-126. Lear. Dear daughter, I confess that I am old; That you'll vouchsafe me raiment, bed, and food. [Kneeling. Mr. Steevens has given the true explanation of age is unnecessary: it certainly means old people are useless. P. 475.-568.-127. Lear. You nimble lightnings, dart your blinding flames You fen-suck'd fogs, drawn by the powerful sun, To fall and blast their pride. I rather incline to Mr. M. Mason's sense of these words. P. 478.-570.-130. Lear. Art not asham'd to look upon this beard? [To Gon. O, Regan, will thou take her by the hand? Gon. Why not by the hand, sir? how have I offended? --And dotage terms so. Mr. Steevens is right. Kent. P. 485.-575.-138. Where's the king? Gent. Contending with the fretful element. I incline with Theobald to prefer the reading of the folio, elements. P. 487.-577.-140. Kent. Sir, I do know you; And dare, upon the warrant of my art, I prefer the reading of the folio, upon the warrant of my note, because in so dark a night Kent could not very well exercise his skill in physiognomy. I understand note as Dr. Johnson does. Note is the reading of Theobald, and of the edition of 1785. Wilt break my heart? Kent. I'd rather break mine own: good my lord, enter. I can by no means agree with Mr. Steevens that Lear addresses these words not to Kent, but to his own bosom. Lear. P. 500.-587.-154. O Regan, Goneril ! Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave all,- I heartily agree with Mr. Steevens. P. 514.-600.-174. Corn. I now perceive, it was not altogether your I incline to Mr. M. Mason's explanation. |