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three miles off; and though, during the fine seasons, they had many a pleasant visit at the parsonage, in the winter this was impossible, unless they could have skaited like little Dutch girls.

When the heavy rains of November and December came down and overflowed the valley they inhabited, they could almost fancy themselves to be like the family in NOAH's ark,-alone in the world. If they were dull and tired, as the liveliest people sometimes will be, no friendly neighbour popped in to enliven them; no child on her way from school came to show her new doll, or baby-house, or book, to raise their admiration or excite their wonder. "Few, and far between," were even the postman's most welcome visits; and when he was beheld in the distance, his red jacket was hailed as a signal of approaching delight. If any one called, it was only "old MRS.


for her weekly soup, or some poor brown gypsey, who cheated the deluded servants out of their money by pretending to tell them their fortunes. The family of Lwere therefore obliged to seek all their earthly enjoyments among themselves. Perhaps some young persons who live in London, or any other city, town, or village, and who, when at home, can always amuse themselves with counting the carriages and gay people that pass, or when out, with peeping into the splendid shops, will ask, "What could those girls do, in an old house, surrounded by brown hills, and grey valleys, and black naked trees, and a dark misty sea in the distance, all the winter long, with no companions but one another?" Now to this question, I mean all my future Papers to be an answer.

I must return to JANE, of whom I have not said enough yet; but if any, who read this Paper, have

an elder sister whom they love very much, and who is very kind to them, they can imagine what sort of a person this was, better than I can describe her. If they must, however, have her picture, here it is. She was sixteen years old, and "neither handsome nor plain;" but she had good sense and a good temper ;-these made her (and will make every one who possesses them) very good-looking. She was pious too; and she remembered, that one fruit of religion is, "to do unto others as we would they should do unto us."

Now when she was a child, she was very fond (as indeed most children are) of reading stories ;-in fact, she liked no other kind of reading;—and she often crept into her father's study, when he was away, and, for entertainment, got at some old books that contained tales more calculated to frighten, than amuse. They did frighten indeed, as her beating heart told her when bed-time came; but she said nothing of it, for she knew it was her own fault. JANE, however, was determined that her sisters should never be obliged to have recourse to stories of that kind to interest them; and therefore she told them some more instructive, and, perhaps, more pleasing.-What they were, my readers must be so kind as to wait another month to learn.




(By a Sunday-School Teacher.)

SARAH RAWLING was born at Flibsby, in Yorkshire. While she was yet young, she began to seek after GOD; and, under the instruction of a pious aunt, was directed into the way of life, and joined the Methodist Society at Leeds, in the year 1818.



In February, 1820, she came to reside in Manchester; and was admitted as a scholar in the David-street Sunday School, in which she became an ornament to the class in which she was taught, and an example to all around her. Her serious and Christian behaviour gained her the respect of the conductors and teachers; and to her fellow-scholars she was as 66 a city set on a hill which cannot be hid." Her piety was deep and sincere, not showy and ostentatious; so that while we saw her light, and beheld her good works, we were led to glorify our Father which is in heaven. She was introduced to the Methodist Society in this town by a note of recommendation from the REV. R. REECE, then stationed at Leeds; and it is worthy of remark, that on the day when her class was to assemble, she was observed to go through her ordinary work with more than usual celerity and cheerfulness, that she might, without neglecting any worldly duty, have time to attend the meeting in the evening. From the period at which she first joined the Society here, to the close of her life, it appeared that she was weekly "growing in grace," and increasing in the knowledge and love of God.

She was very conscientious in her observance of the LORD's day; always making every possible preparation, that she might not be occupied in secular things on the Sabbath, nor be hindered in "observing the day unto the LORD." A young man, who resided under the same roof, was in the habit of cleaning his shoes on the Sunday morning: knowing that this practice was a violation of the precept, "Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy," she very gently and affectionately reproved him. Her admonition had the desired effect; and from that time he ceased to make the day of rest a day of labour. This young man had once made a profession of religion; but, "in some unbless'd hour," had forsaken the good and the right way. At length, however, by her pious example and earnest entreaties, she was made the instrument of inducing him to turn his feet again towards the testimonies of GOD, and he is now a member of

our Society, and a useful teacher in the Sunday-school. Thus God blessed the simple efforts of this "little maid."

While residing with her parents at Leeds, she had purchased a Bible, by the payment of one penny per week. This circumstance shows how laudably anxious she was to possess a copy of the Book of GOD as her own property, at the early age of eleven years. She brought this Bible to Manchester, and every hour of leisure was spent in the perusal of its contents. stated times of private devotion were in the morning and evening; but she did not neglect other opportunities of making known her requests to God, by prayer and supplication.


As an apprentice, she adorned the doctrine of our SAVIOUR, and strictly adhered to that exhortation of the Apostle, "Be obedient to your masters, (or mistresses,) and please them well in all things." This she did heartily, as unto the LORD, and not to men." When any of her fellow-apprentices were quarrelling, she endeavoured to make peace, but would never add fuel to the fire. It is stated by her mistress, that, during the eleven months of her residence with her, she was never known to be angry or out of temper. This fact evinces the amiableness of her disposition, and exemplifies that "charity which never faileth." As a daughter, she was one of the most obedient. A pleasing instance of this occurred when she was about nine years of age. She often obtained leave to attend a prayer-meeting held near her home. On these occasions, she experienced much pleasure and profit, but made it a point never to stay longer than the exact time allowed by her parents. Her mother, it is said, never knew her to tell an untruth; and, in corroboration of a fact so honourable to her, it is stated by the Ladies with whom she was an apprentice, that they could always place the strictest confidence in her word, because she would speak the truth, though she might suffer by it.

This pious girl was remarkable for her observance of ST. JAMES's rule, "Ye ought to say, if the LORD



will, we shall live, and do this or that;" and the young reader will be convinced of the propriety of this langnage, when I mention, that, had she lived, she was to have gone on a visit to her parents, at Leeds, on the very day after that on which it pleased her Heavenly FATHER to call her out of this world. Her sister, who was an apprentice at the same place, said to her, but a few days before her death, "SARAH, on Wednesday we will go home ;" to which SARAH very mildly replied, "PRUDENCE, you should say, if it please GOD.'"


The testimony of her class-leader is as follows :— "Never before did I know so young a person as SARAH RAWLING Possess such deep and solid piety, evidenced by such a circumspect life. Whenever I met her, whether at the class, or in the town, or any other place, she was always happy in GOD." Thus we see that the blessing of God maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow therewith.

In the neighbourhood where she resided, she was very much respected; and the time of her death was, to those who best knew her, a season of great mourning. On the last day of the old year, she was at school; on the second day of this year, a cold and breathless corpse! So uncertain is life. On the day of her death, but a very short time before the fatal catastrophe took place, she was singing that hymn,

"Come, ye that love the LORD," &c.

About one o'clock, she had been called to go into the town, and was returning with all possible speed; enjoying, no doubt, the anticipation of seeing her parents and friends on the next day. When but a very short distance from home, walking quickly across one of the principal streets, she, by some means, fell before a horse in a cart heavily laden. Before the driver could stop his horse, one of the cart wheels had gone over a part of her body. She was immediately carried to the Infirmary. She uttered but a few words; and in less than half an hour expired, at the early age +

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