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cipled companions,-with those who would encourage them to cast off the fear of GOD, and by their infidel maxims betray them to their ruin!"

(INNES'S Domestic Religion: p. 110.)

REFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OF CREATION. WE read that ALMIGHTY GOD, having finished his works of creation, rested on the seventh day from all his works that he had made. "And GoD saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was good." Let us take a brief view of the Creation, in order to know the wisdom, the power, and above all, the goodness of our MAKER.

Let us first survey the heavens, and ask, what power suspended this mighty. arch over our heads, and spread out the heavens like a curtain? Who embellished the heavens with such a multiplicity of splendid objects? Who painted the clouds with such a diversity of colours and shades? Who formed the sun, that source of light and heat, and placed it at so convenient a distance? If it were nearer, we should be burned to death; if farther off, we should be frozen. Has it ever failed to rise and set at the usual time? By whom is it sent, in its diurnal and annual course, to give to us the vicissitudes of day and night, and the regular succession of different seasons? Who causes the moon to supply the absence of the sun in illuminating the earth, and to regulate the sea in its fluxes and refluxes, so as to keep it in constant motion, whereby the water is preserved from putrefaction, and accommodated to the convenience of man? How wonderful is it that the planets, and the innumerable host of heavenly bodies, are in their courses and revolutions so exact as not to fail for six thousand years ? These are plain proofs of an ALMIGHTY CREATOR, and of the wisdom with which he governs the universe; the consideration of which made CICERO, the Roman philosopher, conclude, that "whoever imagines that the wonderful order, and almost incre dible constancy, of the heavenly bodies, and their



motions, (upon which the preservation and welfare of all things depend,) are not governed by an Intelligent Being, he himself is destitute of understanding. For shall we, when we see an artificial engine, acknowledge, at first sight, that it is the work of art and understanding, and yet, when we behold the heavens moved and whirled about with incredible velocity, most constantly completing their anniversary vicissitudes, entertain any doubt that these were made by a Divine Intelligence."

If we descend from the heavens to the orb on which we live, we are compelled to acknowledge the proofs of the divine wisdom in the expansion of the air, which is so wonderfully contrived as to support the clouds for rain, and winds for the health of animated nature, without which the human race could not exist. By what wondrous power is the water drawn from the sea, and, by a natural distillation, made fresh, and condensed in the clouds, to be sent, upon the wings of the wind, to divers countries, and distributed over the face of the earth in gentle showers? "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of GOD!" What power, what wisdom, are exhibited in covering the earth with shrubs, plants, and beautiful flowers; in replenishing the land with various species of beasts, the air with birds that fill the creation with harmony, and the waters with innumerable fishes. Whether we look at the stately elephant, that bids defiance to all, except man, or at the diminutive insect, which can scarcely be perceived by the naked eye, but when viewed through a microscope, appears a perfect animal, with limbs, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, and blood, we are lost in wonder and praise, and are forced again to 660 say, the depth of the wisdom and knowledge of the great GOD!"

If we look at the instincts of the brute creation, we are struck with similar astonishment. Who di rected the salmon to go from the sea up the river, for several hundreds of miles, to deposit its spawn, and secure it from the enemies which the sea contains?

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HAVE often been requested to send the following versation for insertion in The Youth's Instructer. erhops it may encourage some who are engaged in the landable toil of Sanday-schools, as well as show the power of religion on a youthful mind.

Being about to preach in a village in the York Circait, just before I entered the pulpit, a person came to me, and requested the prayers of the congregation

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. II. "The sight of a crucified SAVIOUR, then, Avinced you of the evil of sin. Have you reason to think that God has heard your prayer?"

Girl. "Yes, I know he has."

P. H. "How do you know?"

Girl. Because I have redemption in his blood, the forgiveness of sins."

P. H." But as a sinner, are you not now afraid of GOD?"

Girl. "No: for being justified by faith, I have peace with GoD, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST." P. H. "But do you never doubt of your having such an interest in the atonement of JESUS?

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Girl. "Sometimes I get into a doubting way; but then I lift my heart to GoD, and say,—

"Behold for me the Victim bleeds!

His wounds are open'd wide:

For me the blood of sprinkling pleads,
And speaks me justified."

Who taught the birds to build their nests? Some choose to build on the tops of trees, others on the ground; some prefer bushes, others roofs of houses; some will use moss and wool; others employ feathers, others sticks and the fine parts of stubble; and some, again, prefer mud. If we look at the spider's web, the silk-worm's produce, the ant's granary, or the bee's cells, we cannot help exclaiming, "O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all."

If from the earth we turn our eyes on man, the peculiar favourite of heaven, (for to him all nature is given,) we behold a grand display of the goodness of GOD. If we were to see a lump of clay rise in an instant to a complete man, of full strength and symmetry, and endowed with rational parts and faculties; if we saw him move gracefully, talk freely, reason justly, and, in short, exercise all the functions of body and mind, should not we be struck with astonishment? Yet such was the case of our first parents.* And now, if serious attention be paid to the formation and structure of man's body, to the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, the circulation of the fluids, &c., we shall discover abundant proofs of the wisdom and goodness of the First Cause of all things. GALEN, on viewing a skeleton, was so struck at the surprising mechanism, that it effected his conversion.





I HAVE often been requested to send the following conversation for insertion in The Youth's Instructer. Perhaps it may encourage some who are engaged in the laudable toil of Sunday-schools, as well as show the power of religion on a youthful mind.

Being about to preach in a village in the York Circuit, just before I entered the pulpit, a person came to me, and requested the prayers of the congregation

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