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1. When the young men were going to walk abroad, it was customary for the elders to inquire of them, "Where and for what purpose they were going?" If the youth thus interrogated either would not answer the question, or gave unsatisfactory reasons, he was rebuked; and if an elder failed to reprove a young man, who was thus delinquent, he thereby rendered himself obnoxious to the same punishment as if he himself were the original defaulter. The errors of youth were very properly imputed to those whose duty it was to correct or restrain them. At the same time, the office of reproving youthful delinquents caused the elders to place a guard upon their own conduct, lest they themselves should do any thing of which they might be ashamed for with what propriety could they reprove their inferiors in age, if they themselves, by the commission of crime, had become liable to reproof?

2. When any one was detected in a crime, he was compelled to go several times round a particular part of the city of Sparta, repeating, with a loud voice, a formal reprimand of his own evil conduct; which was, in substance, reproving himself from his own mouth.

3. In their petitions to their gods, they were accustomed to ask, among other things, for " power to enable them to suffer injuries:" for they judged no one fit for the government of an empire, or the management of public affairs, who allowed any kind of injury to disturb the equilibrium of his temper.

4. They banished CTESIPHON,* because he made a public boast of being able to occupy a whole day in speaking upon any single topic; telling him, that the part of a good orator was to measure his speech by the importance of his subject. It was their opi

* CTESIPHON was a native of Athens, who advised his fellowcitizens publicly to present DEMOSTHENES with a golden crown for his probity and virtue. This was opposed by the rival of DEMOSTHENES, the orator ESCHINES, who accused CTESIPHON of seditious views. DEMOSTHENES undertook the defence of his friend in a celebrated oration still extant, and ESCHINES was banished.

nion, that nothing should be used with more frugality than speech; coinciding with HESIOD, who terms that faculty"a precious treasure, which should only. be resorted to for use, and not for ostentation.”



THIS animal may be justly ranked among the most beautiful of quadrupeds, his colour being a fine orange yellow, white on the throat and belly, and elegantly marked throughout with long transverse bands or stripes. He also holds the second place in the class of carnivorous animals; but it has been justly observed, that while he possesses all the bad qualities of the lion, he seems entirely destitute of his good ones. To pride, strength, and intrepidity, the lion joins magnanimity, and sometimes clemency; while the tiger is fierce without provocation, and cruel without necessity. Alike regardless of man and all his hostile weapons, he is the scourge of every country which he inhabits: wild as well as tame animals are indiscriminately sacrificed to his insatiate voracity : he even attacks the young elephant and rhinoceros, and has sometimes engaged the lion himself with such fury and perseverance, that both animals have perished in the dread-, ful contest.

A few years ago, a company seated under the umbrageous branches of some trees near the bank of a river in Bengal, were alarmed by the unexpected appearance of a tiger, preparing for its fatal spring: but a lady having, with almost unexampled presence of mind, unfurled a large umbrella in the animal's face, it instantly retired, as if confounded by so extraordinary and so sudden an appearance, and thus afforded them an opportunity to escape.

Another party, however, were not so happy; but, in the height of their entertainment, of their companions was suddenly seized and carried off by a tiger. The fatal accident which occurred a few years ago, in the East-Indies, must also be



fresh in the memory of all who have read the description given by an eye-witness of that tragic scene. A party went on shore on Sangar Island, to shoot deer, of which they saw innumerable tracks, as well as of tigers: they continued their diversion till near three o'clock; when, sitting down by the side of a jungle to refresh themselves, a roar like thunder was heard, and an immense tiger seized on MR. MONRO, Son of SIR HECTOR MONRO, BART., and immediately rushed into the jungle, dragging him through the thickest bushes and trees, every thing giving way to its monstrous strength: a tigress accompanied his progress. The united agonies of horror, regret, and fear, rushed at once upon the friends of the unhappy victim. One of them fired on the tiger; he seemed agitated. A second gentleman fired also; and in a few moments after this, the unfortunate gentleman came up to them bathed in blood. Every medical assistance proved vain ; and he expired in the space of twenty-four hours, having received such deep wounds from the teeth and claws of the animal, as rendered his recovery impossible. It is remarkable, that a large fire, consisting of ten or twelve whole trees, was blazing near the party, at the time when this accident took place, and ten or more of the natives were with them. "The human mind," says an eye-witness, can scarcely form any idea of this scene of horror. We had but just pushed our boat from the shore, when the tigress made her appearance, almost raving mad, and remained on the sand all the time we continued in sight."


About seven years ago, information was brought to the 1st battalion of the 4th regiment of Native Infantry, at Kaira, commanded by CAPTAIN HULL, that a tiger had committed great devastation in the neighbourhood. CAPTAIN HULL immediately formed a party for its destruction; and in the course of the pursuit, the retreat of two of the ferocious animals was discovered in a thick jungle near a village. One of them escaped: the other, a tigress, crossed the bed of a river, and in her flight was struck

by two well-directed shots. The pursuit was continued with spirit, and after a long search, a Sepoy traced the place of her concealment. The party advanced towards the spot, but, in the way, on approaching the edge of a deep ravine, the animal burst upon their view sooner than was expected. With a tremendous roar she instantly made a spring at CAPTAIN HULL, who was in front of some of his Sepoys. Seeing the imminent peril of their commanding officer, with one accord, they rushed forward to interpose themselves and receive the tigress on their bayonets, crying, "Save the Pultan Ka nuseeb Kawind,* and firing at her at the same time. The furious animal, although wounded by several shots, and with her tongue pierced by a bayonet, completed her spring, ripped up pantaloon and boot of CAPTAIN HULL, broke the leg of a Sepoy, and then fell with them and another Sepoy into an adjoining ravine, where, after receiving five balls in her shoulder, she met from her gallant assailants with the coup-de-grace: (the death-blow :) she measured ten feet in length.


The ship-carpenter, who came over with the tiger, brought from Bengal, in 1791, by the Pitt East-Indiaman, after an absence of more than two years, came to the Tower to see him. The animal instantly recognised his former acquaintance, rubbed himself backward and forward against the grating of his den, and appeared highly delighted. Notwithstanding the urgent request of the keeper that he would not rashly expose himself to danger, the man begged so earnestly to be let into the den, that he was at last suffered to enter. The emotions of the animal seemed roused in the most grateful manner. He rubbed against him, licked his hands, fawned upon him like a cat, and in no respect attempted to injure him. The man remained here for two or three hours; and he at last began to imagine there would be some difficulty in getting out alone. Such was the affection of the animal toward his former friend, and so close did he keep to his person, as to

*The Fortune and Father of the Corps.



render his escape almost impracticable. With some care, however, he got the tiger beyond the partition of the two dens; and the keeper, watching his opportunity, dexterously closed the slide, and thus separated them.

Very obstinate combats have sometimes taken place between the tiger and the elephant. One of these was seen by M. D'OBSONVILLE, in the camp of HYDER ALI. The tiger, not yet of full strength, (for he was not more than four feet high,) was brought into the area, and fastened with a chain to a stake, round which he could turn freely. On one side, a strong and well-taught elephant was introduced by his keeper. The amphitheatre was enclosed by a treble rank of lance-men. The action, when it commenced, was extremely furious; but the elephant, after receiving two deep wounds, proved victorious.

[From HULBERT's Museum Asianum, p. 193–196.]

INSTANCE OF CHINESE GENEROSITY. MR. ANDERSON was a British Merchant, who resided in China for purposes of business. SHAIKING-QUA was a Chinese Merchant, who knew MR. ANDERSON intimately, and had extensive transactions with him. MR. ANDERSON met with heavy losses, became insolvent, and at the time of his failure, owed his Chinese friend upwards of eighty thousand dollars. MR. ANDERSON wished to come to England in the hope of being able to retrieve his affairs; he called on the Chinese Merchant, and in the utmost distress explained his situation, his wishes, and his hopes. The Chinese listened with anxious attention, and having heard his story thus addressed him,- My friend AxDERSON, you been very unfortunate,-you lose all,-I very sorry, you go to England,-if you more fortunate there, you come back and pay,-but, that you no forget China-man friend, you take this, and when you look on this, you will remember SHAI-KING-QUA.'-In saying these words, he pulled out a valuable gold watch, and gave it to MR. ANDERSON.

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