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Lesson 92.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.


North, South, East, and West are the four points of the Compass.

These are called the CAR'-DI-NAL POINTS, because they are the principal points.

If you can tell where one of these points is you can easily find the others.
The sun helps us to find these points.

The East is in that part of the sky where the sun rises.

Lesson 93.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) 37,862 × 45, 37. (2) 28,496 ÷ 6, 7.

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Lesson 94-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.

my side.

"Will you walk Speak in a whisper. hear a sound in the The wind whistles

EXERCISE.-Write out ALL the nouns you can. into my parlour said the spider to the fly." Your tone of voice is very loud. distance. What a pain I have in among the branches of the trees.

Hark, I

DICTATION.-My dear children never tell a lie. Many boys and girls, I am a-fraid, are of-ten found out tel-ling un-truths, but I think if they knew how naugh-ty it is they would give over this bad hab-it. Ly-ing is a low, mean vice, and is very wick-ed. When you do wrong never be afraid to speak the truth; own your fault, and a-bide by it.

Lesson 95.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply forty-nine thousand, seven hundred and ninety-six by 57, 36.

(2) Divide ninety-eight thousand, four hundred and sixty-five by 10, 11.

Write and Learn.





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Lesson 96.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM XXXIV., Verses 16, 17, and 18; OR ELSE LEARN-
HYMN (Continued.)

Keep us by thy mighty power,
Keep our hearts and lives from sin;
Keep us in temp-ta-tion's hour,
Make and keep us pure with-in.

We would early learn Thy will;
We will early seek Thy face,
Early taste Thy saving grace.
All Thy bles-sed word ful-fil.

Lesson 97.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn, Geography.


The West is in that part of the sky where the sun sets. The West is opposite the East.

The South is in that part of the sky in which the sun is seen at 12 o'clock.

The North is opposite the South. The sun is never seen in that part of the sky.

The letter N. is used for north, S. for south, E. for east, and W. for west.

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Lesson 98.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Add 9,864; 27; 6,863; 7,787; 5; 28,793; 79; 6,482. (2) 38,506-10,008. (3) 57,864 × 67.

(4) Fifty-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty-four ÷ 8.

Write and Learn.






Lesson 99.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.

EXERCISE.-Pick out all the NOUNS you can.

DICTATION.-The mon-key is a very strange an-i-mal, very much like a man in his shape, as per-haps you may have scen in pic-tures. He lives in hot coun-tries, the for-ests of which are often fil-led with large bands of these an-i-mals. Monkeys have long tails which they can twist round things, and hold on by. They make a queer noise with their mouth, which we call chattering.

Lesson 100.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) Nine thousand and eighty-four × 29, 36.

(2) Seventy-six thousand, five hundred and nine ÷ 7, 9. the answers by Multiplication.

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Lesson 101.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM XXXIX., verses 4 and 5; OR ELSE LEARN—
HYMN (Continued.)

In the morn-ing of our days,

We would learn Thy name to love;

Still our thank-ful voices raise,

As Thy grace we dai-ly prove.

So may life with Thee be pas-sed;

With Thy gra-cious pres-ence bles-sed;

So in heav-en with Thee at last,

May we find eter-nal rest.

Lesson 102.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.


The earth does not stand still in the sky, but is always spin-ning round, just like a top.

You cannot feel the earth moving, because it moves so fast, and because you and the air, and everything else on it, moves along with it.

The earth spins round from West to East.

If you are looking towards the north the earth is spinning round from your left hand towards your right hand.


Lesson 103.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) 876,593 × 84, 39. (2) 732,941 ÷ 5, 9.

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Lesson 104.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.

All the names of things we can only THINK about are nouns, as "happiness," "goodness," "peace,' 99 66 misery."

EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS which are the NAMES OF THINGS we can only THINK about. Wisdom is a virtue. Lying is a sin. Honesty is the best policy." Anger is madness. Charity begins at home." "Godliness is great gain." Always speak the truth.



*DICTATION.-A man bought a watch, which for a while, kept good time. But soon it be-gan to tick slower and slow-er, till at length it stopped. He then brought it to the maker, who took up his glass, and, look-ing into it, spied a lit-tle grain of sand firmly fixed a-mong the wheels. This was the cause of the stop-page.

Lesson 105.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Forty-nine thousand, eight hundred and seven × 96, 48. (2) Thirty-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-nine ÷ 7, 5. Prove the answer by Multiplication.


Lesson 106.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LI., Verses 9, 10, 11, 12; OR ELSE LEARN—


"Remember thy Creator,"
Now in thy youthful days,
And He will guide thy footsteps,
Through life's uncertain ways.
"Remember thy Creator,"
He calls in tones of love,

And offers deathless glories

In brighter worlds above.
And in the hour of sadness,

When earthly joys depart,
His love shall be thy solace,

And cheer thy drooping heart.

Lesson 107.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.


The Earth has two motions, one a Daily motion, the other a Yearly motion.

The earth spins round once in 24 hours, or a day. This is called its daily motion.

The Daily Motion of the earth causes Day and Night.

The earth is round, and so the sun can only shine on half of it at once. That part of the earth on which the sun shines, has day; the part of the earth behind, where the sun is not shining, has night. As the earth spins round once a day, all parts of it, one after another, are turned in front of the sun, and then are turned away from it.

Lesson 108.-Wednesday Morning.

Work these Sums.

(1) Add 3,374; 962; 75,863; 284; 97; 378; 60,786.

(2) 257,836 - 157,837. (3) 27,984 × 329.

(4) Divide eighty-nine thousand, six hundred and sixty-six by 9. Prove the answer by Multiplication.

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Lesson 109.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.

EXERCISE.-Pick out all the NOUNS you can.

DICTATION.-Bob was a boy who kept sheep on the hill-side. One fine summer's day, as he was sit-ting down on a bank, under the shade of a thick oak tree, and eating his din-ner of but-tered bread and cheese, a butterfly flew close by him. He jump-ed up at once, and began to chase the gay in-sect from flow-er to flower.

Lesson 110.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply five thousand and sixty-nine by 49, 157.

(2) Divide forty-nine thousand, eight hundred and six by 12, 7. Prove the answer by Multiplication.

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