IF the thanks of the Conductors of this Work were due to its supporters ten or twenty years ago as was acknowledged, they must be more than doubly so at the present period. This Magazine once stood almost alone; scarcely another work of the same kind then existing; but the success with which it was crowned, with the wish perhaps of particular Denominations to obtain a share of the patronage which we received from all, gave rise to a variety of other Publications, adapted, in various degrees, to instruct and edify religious readers, who have happily very much increased in the course of the last thirty years. We complain of none; but we have a right to rejoice and be thankful, that, notwithstanding all competition, we still retain so large a portion of public favour-that we maintain a sale nearly equal to that of any former period-and are enabled to continue, undiminished, our usual aid to the distressed WIDOWS of Gospel Ministers deceased, as well as occasionally contribute to other objects of like importance. Our general plan of Catholicism, though censured by all partisans, has recommended our Work to Christians of all Denominations, whose object is to promote_the cause of God and truth throughout the world; and we hope to be enabled to proceed in the same spirit with the New Series, as that in which we commenced the old; and with the like kind assistance from our Correspondents, our aim will be, under the divine blessing, still by the same means to promote the glory of God, and the interests of Evangelical Religion. As to our former series, though the volumes included much temporary matter, which greatly contributed to their interest at the moment, they also contain many articles of permanent utility, and will, we hope, long be to their pious readers a treasury of religious knowledge. In our BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES and OBITUARIES, will not only be found instructive Memorials of many deceased Ministers and pious Laymen, "whose praise |