Imágenes de páginas

From the Port de Spiritu Santo vnto Apalache, Pagina 72. they trauelled from East to West, and Northwest.

From Cutifachiqui to Xuala from South to North. From Xuala to Coça from East to West. From Coça to Tasculaça, and to Rio Grande, as far as the Prouinces of Quizquiz and Aquixo from East to West. From Aquixo to Pacaha to the North. From Pacaha to Tulla from East to West: and from Tulla to Autiamque from North to South, to the Prouince of Guachoya and Daycao.

The bread which they eate in all the land of Maiz. Florida is of Maiz, which is like course millet.


And this Maiz is common in all the Islandes and West Indies from the Antiles forward. There are also in Flo- Walnuts, rida great store of Walnuts, and Plummes, Mul- Plummes, berries, and Grapes. They sow and gather their Mulberries, Maiz euery one their seuerall crop. The fruits Grapes. are common to all: for they grow abroad in the open fields in great abundance, without any neede of planting or dressing. Where there be Mountaines, there be chestnuts: they are somewhat smaller then the chestnuts of Spaine. Fro Rio Grande Westward, the Walnuts differ from those that grow more Eastward: for Eastward from they are soft, and like vnto Acornes: And those Rio Grande. which grow from Rio Grande to Puerto del Spiritu Hard Walnuts Santo for the most part are hard; and the trees from Rio and Walnuts in shew like those of Spaine. There Grande. is a fruit through all the Countrie which groweth on a plant like Ligoacan, which the Indians doe plant. The fruit is like vnto Peares Riall: it hath a verie good smell,

Soft Wlanuts


and an excellent taste. There groweth another A Peare riall. plant in the open field, which beareth a fruit like

vnto strawberries, close to the ground, which hath Strawberries. a verie good taste. The Plummes are of two Plummes of kindes, red and gray, of the making and bignesse two kinds. of nuts, and haue three or foure stones in them.

These are better then all the plummes of Spaine, and they make farre better Prunes of them. In the Grapes there is onelie want of dressing: for though they bee big, they haue a great kirnell. All other fruits are very perfect, and lesse hurtfull then those of Spaine.

There are in Florida many Beares, and Lyons, Beasts. Wolues, Deere, Dogges, Cattes, Marterns and Co


There be many wild Hennes as big as Turkies, Fowles. Partridges small like those of Africa, Cranes,


Duckes, Pigeons, Thrushes, and Sparrowes. There are certaine Blacke birds bigger then Sparrows, and lesser then Stares. There are Gosse Hawkes, Falcons, Ierfalcons, and all Fowles of prey that are in Spaine.

The Indians are well proportioned. Those of the plaine Countries are taller of bodie, and better shapen, then those of the Mountaines. Those of the Inland haue greater store of Maiz, and commodities of the Countrie, then those that dwell vpon the sea coast. The Countrie along the sea coast is barren and poore and the people more warlike. The coast runneth from Puerto del Spiritu Santo to Apalache, East and West; and from Apalache to Rio de las Palmas from East to West: from Rio de las Palmas vnto Nueua Espanna from North to South. It is a gentle coast, but it hath many sholdes, and great shelues of sand.

Deo gratias.

This Relation of the discouerie of Florida was printed in the house of Andrew D. Burgos, Printer and Gentleman of the house of my Lord Cardinall the Infante.

It was finished the tenth of Februarie in the yeere
one thousand, fiue hundred, fiftie and seuen,
in the noble and most
loyall citie of





A Discovery lately made on the Coast of


(From Lat. 31. to 33 Deg. 45 Min. North-Lat.)

By William Hilton Commander, and Commissioner with Capt. Anthony Long, and Peter Fabian, in the Ship Adventure, which set Sayl from Spikes Bay, Aug. 10. 1663. and was set forth by several Gentlemen and Merchants of the Island of BARBADOES.

Giving an account of the nature and temperature of the Soyl, the manners and disposition of the Natives, and whatsoever else is remarkable therein.

Together with

Proposals made by the Commissioners of the Lords Proprietors, to all such per

sons as shall become the first Setlers on the
Rivers, Harbors, and Creeks there.


Printed by J. C. for Simon Miller at the Star neer the West-end of St. Pauls, 1664.


JUNE 22. 1664.

Roger L'Estrange.

Force's Collection of Historical Tracts.

VOL. IV.-No. 2.


A true Relation of a Voyage, upon discovery of part of the Coast of FLORIDA, from the Lat. of 31 Deg. to 33 Deg. 45 m. North Lat. in the Ship Adventure, William Hilton Commander, and Commissioner with Captain Anthony Long and Peter Fabian; set forth by several Gentlemen and Merchants of the Island of Barbadoes; sailed from Spikes Bay, Aug. 10. 1663.

FTER Sixteen days of fair weather, and prosperous windes, Wednesday the 26 instant, four of the clock in the Afternoon, God be thanked, we espied Land on the Coast of Florida, in the lat. of 32 deg. 30. min. being four Leagues or thereabouts to the Northwards of Saint Ellens, having run five hundred and fifty Leagues; and to the Westward of the Meridian of Barbadoes, three hundred thirty and one Leagues. This Evening and the Night following we lay off and on: Thursday the 27th instant, in the morning, we stood in with the Land, and coasted the Shoar to the Southward, Ankering at Nights, and sending our Boat out a Mornings, till we came into the lat. of 31 deg. but found no good harbour that way. On Sunday the 30th instant, we tacked, and stood Northward: and on Wednesday the second of September, we came to an Anchor in five fathoms at the mouth of a very large opening of three Leagues wide, or thereabouts, in the lat. of 32 deg. 30 min. and sent our Boat to sound the Channel. On Thursday the third, we entered the Harbour, and found that it was the River Jordan, and was but four Leagues or thereabouts N. E. from Port Royal, which by the Spanyards is called St. Ellens: within Land, both Rivers meet in one. We spent some time to sound the Chanels both without and within, and to search


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