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living of an hundred, perhaps an hundred and fifty pounds per annum: they have a family to maintain they are to appear according to their . ftation they know not how to appear otherwife; their birth and education have raised them above the fordid ideas of penury. Diftreffed on all fides, and dejected, how can they elevate an oppreffed mind? —Nay, many of them are forced to perform the duties of their function, perhaps through their whole lives, for lefs wages than are paid to a common Excise-man: lefs than almost any journeyman mechanic can procure! What wonder, that fuch men are obliged to mingle with improper company; that they fall into vices; into contempt ?.

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Of the fuperior Clergy, what fhall I fay! I know many of them truly worthy. But again; how many feem to forget, that they are clergymen, that they have the care of fouls; rarely vifiting their charges, or perhaps giving them occafionally a dry harangue,


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while too, too often they carry themfelves with a loftiness, ill-befuiting the humility of their function; and from their over-grown revenues allow a fcanty pittance to a worthy man (a brother) to perform the labour ! I will not go higher. Let me only obferve, that as clergymen of all degrees and diftinctions are as lights fet upon an hill; fo deficiencies in their conduct are more obfervable; and confequently they are called to greater caution.


By thefe means, and the like (which I need not enumerate) the clergy are brought into contempt: thus they have given the most prevailing handle to fectaries. The ill examples of the clergy, are a common topic with them; and it is much to be wifhed, there were no truth in their remarks. When they speak of proud, lazy, immoral clergymen, it is a bitter reproach. God wipe it from our land, and stop the mouths of these men. I am convinced, nothing will tend fo much to stop their mouths, and ftem their progrefs, as zeal and activity in our clergy. There is a ftrong attachment in the people to the regular clergy; where fuch are active and exemplary, there are found but few Methodists or Diffenters. What then, you may fay, is to be done? Hear an old man for once; it is the last time perhaps I may ever deliver my thoughts to the public: my fun is just about to fet, and the days of darknefs are hafting upon me: may my last words (if these be fuch) prove serviceable to religion and my country!

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Our gracious Monarch hath affured us, that he will on all occafions, diftinguish perfons of Piety and Virtue." This is the firft and fureft method, to promote Picty and Virtue amongst the clergy, as well as all orders of men. What encouragement hath a man to apply himself to the labour of learning, and the toils of the minifterial function (if we abate the in


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felt fatisfaction arifing from conscious duty) when he is well-affured, that he fhall neither meet with regard nor attention: nay, perhaps, fhall rather meet with sneers and neglect. When he fees, that to preferment other roads lie open ; and that the advanced station, is not the wellearned purchase of real merit? But fhould the ferious clergyman, whofe blameless and shining conduct; whofe earnest and constant labours in the pulpit, and in other parts of his duty; whofe abilities, fincerity, and piety are evident; should he, fhould fuch men be called out and diftinguished; fhould the royal favour mark out fuch; we should foon fee a harveft of good men, diligent in their minifterial functions, and cheared with the pleafing reflection, that they were fecuring their best interests, while they were recommending themfelves to their princes or their bishops favour!-The lukewarm and the worthlefs would thus be afhamed into duty; and we fhould fee virtue and religion assume the fairest appearance.God affift and ftrengthen our gracious King in this good work.

A fecond method to ferve religion, by affifting its minifters, would be, to render their lives more free from the uneafy diftraction of worldly anxieties, by giving them a more comfortable fubfiftence. I do not take upon me, either to direct or fuggeft, how this may be accomplished. It deferves the attention of our fuperiors. In

this charitable age, no confiderations could be more charitable. Mark me, I do not plead for wealthy fupplies, or the means of luxurious living: I afk, (and no man can fay it is unreafonable) that those who minifter to us in holy things, fhould not be farved-should have a competency. Those who administer to our pleafures, players, fingers, dancers, &c. are not fatiffied, but with their thousands per annum! Countrymen and fellow Chriftians, is not this the greatest reproach upon us? we give these men fuch fums, to spend in the vileft manner;—and our clergy, men of liberal education, and, for the most part, (where neceffity is not too powerful) men of good lives have not fifty, not an hundred pounds a year to support themselves and families! ought these things fo to be? —" But many of them, you fay, have their thousands a year: accumulate preferments upon preferments: and, like the horfe-leech, ftill cry, Give, give? thefe too are often hardest upon their inferior brethren what would you say of these ?". Truly, nothing: I will only refer you to my laft remark, concerning the first method to promote Piety and Virtue! -This will fuffice for an answer to any objections from the trifling or immoral conduct of the clergy.

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One method more, I would offer," Ordain fewer, ordain none who have not been of the university; or, are not very shining exceptions.”

As to the latter branch of this advice, it may fure, eafily, be complied with. It is a fhame to fee fo many illiterate mechanics in our city pulpits. I heard one, reading prayers the other day, who mifcalled every proper name in the leffons, and mif-pronounced half the words in the fervice.-Not long fince there were five of thefe men candidates, (Fratres eheu dilectiffimi!) for a citylecture: fhoemakers formerly, weavers, bakers, &c. now right good and reverend divines! This is a grievous nuifance: a fad offence and opprobrium to religion. And what is worse, fome of thefe interlopers have been apostles, and wandring prophets among the methodists! I know that it is faid, there is a fcarcity in the northern counties and therefore the Bishops are obliged to ordain men not regularly bred. This may be fome excufe, in thefe cafes: but let not fuch northern men difguft us in the pulpits of our capital; and let not mechanics be ordained for the fervice of the metropolis. Hence the fhabby gown and tattered caflock, which pains us, .draggling in the ftrects; hence prating in the ale-houfe, &c.

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But how, "Ordain fewer ?" Fewer, who come with regular teftimonials from univerfi→ ties? It is cruel to disappoint young men, whose parents have fitted them for this occupation; fpent much money in their education, and thus incapacitated them from any other means of liv

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