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part, with the most perfect defign: and therefore may well conclude, that the time, when our Saviour appeared in the world, was of all others most proper, and, in all respects, moft fitting. It is true, the facred writers do not say much on this head; but we may collect enough to fatisfy us of the propriety of the time of our Saviour's appearance, and to shew, that he was manifested, when the world moft needed, and, in many particulars, was best prepared to receive him.

For there was, in the first place, a general and prevailing expectation of him, not only among the Jews, and in the eaftern parts of the world, but also in the weft: where an opinion ftrongly propagated itself, that some great perfonage was to arife, and to affume the reins of univerfal dominion. The teftimonies of Suetonius and Tacitus, are fo well known that I fhall not produce them; and that celebrated eclogue of Virgil's, whence I have taken the motto to this paper, is an inconteftible proof of the prevalence of fuch an opinion.-And as thus, many were waiting in Ifrael for the confolation of God, for the appearance of the Meffiah; this not only rendered his appearance more acceptable, but afforded an evidence to his divine miffion. For we may ask, how came fuch an expectation univerfally to prevail, at and about that time? It must have had fome foundation, The writings of the prophets, afford the Chris


tian a fufficient anfwer. But, feparate from them, no fufficient answer can be given.

But further, the state of the world, in many refpects, was well adapted to this great event. The Roman arms had at this time almost over-run the world or at least had brought under their rule, all the confiderable parts of it. United thus under one head, nation eafily communicated with nation and commerce and intelligence, before impracticable, now became easy. Befides, fatigued with wars, and fatiated with blood, the temple of Janus at length was clofed, and the ambition of Rome confented that the world should have peace. Under these favourable circumftances the Prince of peace, and the univerfal Lord was born; and these circumstances rendered the propagation of his faith much more eafy and expeditious, than it could poffibly have been, had kingdom been divided against kingdom, and had wars prevented a frendly intercourse: Indeed we find, that, under thefe advantages, the gospel spread with amazing rapidity, infomuch, that about thirty years after our Saviour's afcenfion, St. Paul could affert, that it had been preached to every creature under heaven, that is, it had been preached in all the known world. How little did the Romans fuppose, that while they were anxious to fix their eagles in every region of the earth, they were only inftruments in the hands of the All-wife:


and victorious, only to prepare the way for the knowledge of his eternal Son!

If we confider the moral ftate of the world, we shall fee again the propriety of the time of our Saviour's appearance, and be convinced that it was never more neceffary. "The alliance between morals and government, fays an able writer, was now broken: and an influence, hitherto fo friendly to virtue, became altogether malignant, and was exerted, with moft fatal fuccefs, to poifon and debafe the human mind. Together with despotic power, entered all those odious vices, which are usually found in its train; and, in a fhort time, they grew to an incredible pitch. The colours are not too ftrong which the Apoftle employs in drawing the character of that age: Cotemporary hiftorians juftify him, when he describes it to be alienated from the life of God, walking in vanity through blindness of mind; to be paft feeling, given up to lasciviousness, and to work all uncleanness with greediness. In this time of univerfal corruption did the wifdom of God manifeft the Chriftian revelation to the world; not to re-establish virtue upon the fame insecure foundation of civil government; but to erect it upon the eternal and immoveable bafis of a religion, which teacheth righteousness by the authority of God. What the wisdom of men could do for the encouragement of virtue in a corrupt

corrupt world had been tried, during feveral ages; and all human devices were found by experience to be of very small avail; fo that no juncture could be more proper for publishing a religion, which, independant on human laws and inftitutions, explains the principles of morals with admirable perfpicuity, and enforces the practice of them by moft perfuafive arguments. Had not Christianity appeared to check and to mitigate the pernicious effects of defpotic unlimited empire, it is hard to fay how far they might have gone, towards extinguishing the name and exercise of virtue amongst men. This we know, that in a moft diffolute age, and under the worst government, the primitive Chriftians attained, in every virtue, to an eminence of which there is no example, in the hiftory of mankind. The fpirit of their religion, fuperiour to the corrupt genius of the age, continued pure and vigorous; and men saw with admiration, that when every other foundation of virtue was overthrown, the foundation of God ftill flood fure and immoveable."

Now, if further we take a view of the religious ftate of the world at our Saviour's appearance, it will serve to convince us yet more of the wisdom of God, and of the neceffity of Chrift's coming to give light to the darkness of deluded mankind. But you must indulge me

with future admiffion into your useful paper for this purpose, when I will conclude my subject. I am at all times,


Your fincere friend,



We take no note of time

But from its lofs. To give it then a tongue

Is wife in man.


S time glides on in fo imperceptible a

As manner, in order the better to distinguish

the feveral periods of life, it hath been divided into smaller or larger portions; and as the memory of particular facts would, perhaps, speedily be obliterated by a general notice, particular days and times have therefore been appointed, upon which to commemorate peculiar and important incidents. Again the day has closed upon us, which admits us into a new year, and which should lead our reflections to a serious review of the past, and to wife refolutions with refpect to the future time. Our friends are continually VOL. II. reminding


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