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styled the son of Eli. Nor can it be doubted that the author, when he introduces the subject as he does, was himself aware of the objection which might be made to the phraseology he employs. It is evident, however, that, according to this solution, the Evangelist takes it for granted, as a fact well known by the Jews and Christians of his time, that Mary was the daughter of Eli. And it is remarkable that as such she is actually mentioned in the Jewish Targums.

[To be continued.]

Keligious Intelligence.


WE mentioned, in a former number, the | you, as if it were at your feet, that you will great eagerness of the people in the islands pity us, and come over to us, at any time which Mr. Kam visited, to hear the word which will be convenient to you, as you of God; this will be further evinced by the return from the Negery Porto, if it be buf following extract (translated from the Ma- for one hour. lay) of a letter, sent by the chief people of the Negery, called Aboruw.

To our Minister, the Rev. Joseph Kam, who has obtained much wisdom and honour, who is now to preach the word of God in the island of Saparua: Honourable Sir, our Minister,

The humble request of us, your humble servants, as well the Regent,* or head of this Negery, as the master, with all the people of Aboruw, men and women, is, to pray

Your epistles of consolation have been very precious to us; they have broken the hearts of us, your sinful servants, who have been involved in great darkness; but wehave been constrained to believe in the truth of your consolations, and have been so far enlightened, that we have cast away and entirely removed all kind of idols, which are very evil.'

(Signed by all the principal people. (15th Nov. 1816.)


Of the Hungarian Government against Bible Societics.

IN a former Number we inserted a recent Bull of the present Pope (alias His Holiness) against Bible Societies; we now present our readers with another public of ficial paper, by the government of Hungary, to the same effect.

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'Considering that the London Bible Association has caused the establishment of several affiliated Societies, particularly in Germany, and that several such Associa

By the word consolation (panghiboran) they mean frequently the matter of a Sermon, or letter. Mr. Kam had sent them written Sermons; he will soon be enabled to print Tracts for their use.

tions in the Imperial Hereditary Dominions, minions, nor the establishment of a Bible particularly among the Protestants, have Association allowed. For the rest, His Samore intimate connexion in view; his Sa- cred Majesty is graciously pleased to allow cred Majesty has been pleased to ordain, the trade with Bibles, as with all other that care be taken that printed copies of the books, by booksellers, according to the or Bible be not circulated gratis, nor at a low dinances published on THIS subject. price, by such foreign Associations and Societies in his His Majesty's Hereditary Do

'Given at Buda, the 23d of Dec. 1816.'


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I find it said in the Bible, that pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this-to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions."—"Well," said he, " and did you give her any money!" Yes, Sir."

A KIND gentleman near London went to | had been to read the Bible to the sick wovisit a poor woman that was sick. As he man. She said she was. The gentleman was going into the room, he saw a little girl said, "My dear! what made you think of kneeling by the side of the poor woman's doing so?"--she answered, "Because, Sir, bed. The little girl rose from her knees as soon as she saw the gentleman, and went out of the room. "Who is that child?" the gentleman asked: "Oh, Sir!" said the sick woman, "that is a little Angel, who often comes to read the Bible to me, to my great comfort and she has just now given me sixpence." The gentleman was so pleased with the little girl's conduct, that he wanted to know how she had learned to love the Word of God, and to be so kind to poor people. Finding that she was one of the Scholars of a neighbouring Sunday School, he went to the School the next Sunday, and asked for the child. She felt rather afraid when she was called to the gentleman; but he was very kind to her, James i. 27.) and asked her if she was the little girl that |

"And where did you get it?" "Sir, it was the reward given me in this School."-The gentleman was so affected by the goodness of God in making this little girl so obedient to his holy word, that, as he said himself when he told the story, "I clasped the little Angel, as the poor woman called her, in my arms, and prayed that the latter part of the text, which she had quoted, might also be fulfilled in her-that God would keep her unspotted from the world!" (See


A Youth from New Zealand, who died at Paddington, Dec. 28, 1816. By the

Rev. Basil Woodd.

SO far as I have been able to ascertain | ly delighted and edified with the company particularly, this young man was born in to which he had been admitted. I little the island of New Zealand about the year thought that this would prove the last time 1796. I should ever take him out with me.

On Monday, Dec. 16, about twelve days before his death, I had taken him to spend the evening with some friends. We came home together, as I was fearful of trusting him by himself, lest he should mistake his way. We had some very pleasant conversation, in which he expressed himself great

Just before we got out of the coach, I said, "Mowhee, you can now write a tolerably good hand. I wish you would, at your leisure, write down what particulars you can recollect of your history. I will keep it, to remember you, after you have departed for New Zealand."

Accordingly, in the course of the week, he undertook this narrative; and had proceeded in it as far as his return to his native

state of mind. He frequently conversed with Mowhee's father; and endeavoured to impress on his conscience the value of his

island, at the close of 1814, when his unex-soul, the importance of eternity, and the pected death prevented farther progress.

From this narrative, and from occasional conversation, I have collected the following interesting facts: and, so far as I am able, I shall insert the statement in his own plain and unaffected words. The history discloses an extraordinary series of the interpositions of Divine Providence.

Mowhee was a relation of Terra, a head chief, and a man of considerable influence, on the south side of the Bay of Islands.

About the year 1806, one of the natives had gone to Port Jackson in New South Wales, and staid there some time. On his return, he told his countrymen "what a fine place the English people had, and the wonderful news of our Saviour dying for sinners and the world." He also persuaded many of the natives to wish to send their children thither.


leading truths of the Christian religion. This kind attention so much gained the affections and confidence of the father, that, when the ship was preparing to quit New Zealand, he earnestly entreated the captain to take his son a voyage with him.

Mowhee was at this period about nine or ten years of age. He had been a good deal with the captain while on shore, and loved him as a parent. He had also been frequently on board the ship; and, as was perfectly natural, was greatly delighted with the novelty of the scene, and the prospect of the voyage to a new island.

Accordingly, when the day arrived for the sailing of the ship, the father and mother, and several natives, accompanied Mowhee on board. Here he found a native with whom he was acquainted, who who had been to visit the English settleShortly after two ships came into the har-ments, and was going back again with the bour. The captains came on shore; one of captain. He spoke highly of the kindness them to the spot where Mowhee's family of the captain, and of the English people; resided. By the character Mowhee gave and persuaded Mowhee to persevere in his of him, he appears to have been a man of a intention. very friendly disposition, and of a religious

[To be continued.]


Delivered at the Anniversary of the New-York Bible Society, in the Presbyte rian Church in Cedar-street, Dec. 2, 1816, by the Rev.PH. MILLEDOLER, D.D.

as to posterity unborn. A few years only have elapsed, since Societies for distributing the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment, were first organized in these United

THE British and Foreign Bible Society was founded at a time, when that nation, as well as most of the other nations of Europe, were engaged in a dreadful and sanguinary conflict. Under the immediate auspices of States. Calculating on the rich fruits of the God of Providence, that bright star personal industry-on the moral habits of arose, not only to diffuse its splendour over the country-on the facility of procuring the fields and hamlets of its native land, but copies of the Scriptures, and on the general to light up other stars, of a similar descrip- diffusion of religious knowledge, it was tion, in different and far distant regions. doubted by many, when this subject was To say nothing of its past or present in- first agitated amongst us, whether such Sofluence upon the European and Asiatic con- cieties were needed in America. tinents, it has given rise to a new era in the American Church, fraught with incalculable advantages to the present age, as well

This doubt, however, was of no long continuance. It was soon found that, owing

some instances to causes, which ope

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rate in other countries, and in others, to the zeal we can employ, in their prompt such as are perhaps in great measure pe- and liberal distribution. culiar to our own, an almost incredible mass of our population was actually destitute of the word of life.

The Scriptures to which we allude, are contained in one single volume, styled, by way of eminence, The Bible, or Word of the living God.

In all that relates to doctrine, to holy

stands a signal, and unrivalled monument of
the wisdom and of the grace of God.
There is no other writing in the world
comparable to this book.

The most splendid exhibitions of Greek and Roman learning, sink into insignificance, before the majesty of the Bible.

It gives us such views of God, as are to be found in no other book. It treats of his Being, attributes, and works, in a style, differing from any other book in the world. It describes the creation of the world; the original character of man; the entrance of moral evil; and the movements of Divine Providence respecting it, in such a way, as

The unexampled rapidity with which settlements have been formed throughout the whole range of our extensive frontier-living, or to the motives that enforce it, it their deprivation in many instance of the regular administration of the word and ordinances the inroads of death upon the original settlers, as well as the ancient habits of newly acquired territory, all have contributed in a greater or less degree, to a dearth of religious knowledge, and scarcity of Bibles. No sooner were these evils discovered, than means were employed to counteract them. Bible Societies were speedily organized in our large cities, and their example was emulated with almost enthusiastic ardour, by numerous towns and villages, in almost every section of the country. The present year has recorded the erec-to account for all the phenomena which ap tion in our city, of that broad and respect-pear in the moral world, and consequently able monument of Christian philanthropy, in a more satisfactory manner than they are the American Bible Society. Reared with accounted for in any other book or writing. great unanimity, by the hands of men of It opens up the character of man,-his desalmost every religious denomination; aided perate circumstances, his enemies,-his in its funds by the Bible Society of New-dangers,-and the relief afforded him York, and other auxiliary institutions, it through a Saviour, which is Christ the promises to become at once the pride and Lord. It shows what he has to hope, the boast of our country. and what to dread. It proves, beyond all

The zeal, with which copies of the Holy controversy, the immortality of the soul, Scriptures have, within a few years, been-the resurrection of the body, and a futranslated, multiplied, and distributed both ture judgment. It draws aside the curtain at home and abroad, is unparalleled in the which conceals the mysteries of the eternal annals of the world. The Societies which world, and brings far-distant objects to our have been formed, and the efforts employed view. The information it conveys, is so in this cause, have not been the effects of extravagant calculation, nor have they arisen from the mere caprice or fashion of the age in which we live.

perfectly original-so suited to the nature and wants of the soul-and withal so wor thy of God, as to discover the very impress and superscription of his hand. In a word, That they will bear the inspection of our whatever is grand, or beautiful, or useful, own time, and command the unqualified in heavenly science, and therefore desirable approbation of posterity, may easily be to be known, is all involved, summed up, shown. If we examine into those Scrip- and presented to the world, in this wondertures, and into the effects they are calcu-ful and comprehensive volume.

lated to produce, we shall see at once the propriety, as well as the necessity, of all

And this book is precious, not only on account of the information it conveys to us,

The second passage to which I have alluded is in 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17.

but also on account of the sources of that information, and the manner in which it is conveyed. It is a communication of the "All Scripture is given by inspiration of eternal God to man. It is not man speaking God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reto man, but God speaking to man, that ar-proof, for correction, for instruction in rests our attention in the Scriptures; for righteousness: that the man of God may be "holy men of God spake, as they were perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good moved by the Holy Ghost." Their writings works." therefore, under these circumstances, are appropriately styled the Word of God.

The condescension of God, in making this communication to sinful men, is unparalleled and overwhelming. It ought to endear to us these Scriptures; and so much the more, as they are adapted by their nature, and intended by their Author, to produce innumerable and incalculable advantages to the human race.

This is a point that deserves attention. In estimating the value of things, we must view them, in their power of doing good. Let us do so in the present instance. Let us consider the Scriptures of God in their influence

1. On individuals; and, 2. Upon society at large.

The time, and occasion, on which we are convened, forbid minute discussion. We shall therefore principally confine ourselves to general statements on these subjects.

The Word of God carries with it its own eulogy.

There are two passages which admirably describe its power, and its worth. I will read them. The first is contained in the 19th Psalm, and is as follows:

"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple: the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes: the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.”

From these highly descriptive passages it appears, that it is the great instrument in the hand of God, of conversion to the sinner, and of direction, warning, excitement, and consolation to the saint. Youth are taught by it the fear of the Lord, and the aged, patience in adversity. To the one it is a sure guide to honour and solid glory; to the other, it is the prop of his declining years.

To all wayfaring men to the city and kingdom of our God, it is a counsellor in difficulty, a friend in adversity, a light to their feet, and a lamp to their path through all this dreary wilderness.

So necessary is it to every age, and to every station in life, that it cannot at any time be dispensed with, without exposing to incalculable injury.

The benighted traveller, who having lost his way in a wild and desert waste, sees neither moon, nor stars, nor distant cottage light; or the mariner, at night, without compass, in a dangerous sea, when mountain waves break over his shattered bark, and fierce winds drive it he knows not whither, are not in a situation so cheerless, or tremendous, as he that is deprived of the Word of God.

These images may appear to be too highly coloured, but could we raise the description, could we infuse into it new and hitherto unheard-of terror, that would freeze the very blood in our veins, we should not even then reach the dreadful reality of such a deprivation.

To ascertain the value of the Word of God, ask that pious youth, trained up from a child in the fear of the Lord, what it has done for him? And ask that poor prodigal, who, after spending the morning of his life in sin and anguish, has at length, by the grace of God, formed and executed the re

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