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tures. Reports on the Exhibition of
1839,) by J. B. A. M. Jobard, 162-
industry of the Greeks, 163-modern
inventions unknown to them, 164-
knowledge of the ancients in chemistry,
anatomy, algebra, &c., 165-of elec-
tricity, 166-impossibility of checking
modern civilization, 167-commercial
improvement under Colbert, 168-ex-
positions under the Consulate and the
Bourbons, 169-evils produced by
large capitalists, ib.-policy of extend-
ing the period of patents for inventions,
170-observations of Jobard upon the
effects and power of invention, ib.-
dates of the laws of patents among dif-
ferent nations, 171-review of the
steam-engines of the Exposition, 172—
flame engines, 173-character and in-
ventions of Baron Seguier, 174-spin-
ning machines, amount of flax spun in
England and France, 175-inability of
the French to keep our engines in re-
pair, 176-manufacture of paper, cop-
per and steel in France, ib.-method
of tempering steel, 177—the tempering
by air of Damascus blades, 179-Pro-
fessor Crevelli's imitation of oriental
sabres, ib.-Andrew Ferrara's blades,
180-French and Belgian mines of
lead, ib.-zinc and boring apparatus,
181-anticipated effects from deep ex-
cavations of the earth, 183.
Inedited Memoirs of Admiral Chichagoff,
a Russian Minister of State, 58-
unsuccessful in defending the passage
of the Beresina against Napoleon,
39 character of Catherine
Great, 40- - present internal condi-
tion of Russia, 42-government of
women preferable to that of men in ar-
bitrary monarchies, 43-nature of
Catherine's laws and regulations, 44—
poverty of the Russian language, 45—
policy of Catherine with respect to
Turkey, 46-and. Poland, 48
sonal qualities of the Poles and political
disposition of that nation, 49-deposi-
tion of Peter III., 50-education of
Paul, the Empress's son, 52-personal
appearance of Catherine, ib.-state of
her court, 53-defect in Russian mili-
tary system, 54-tendency of Russian
conquests, 55-benefit to Russia of
Catherine's reign, 56.




Italian Drama, present state of, 3-co-
medies of Goldoni, 5-different schools
of Italian comedy, 6-character and
effect of Alfieri's tragedies, 7-writings
of Manzoni, 10-chorus in the third

act of his "Adelchi," 14-literary
feeling and style in Italy, 19—" Fran-
cesca da Rimini," by S. Pellico, 20—
extract from, 22-his "Eufemio," and
other tragedies, 24-dramatic works of
Niccolini, 27-extracts from "Gio-
vanni da Procida,"129-defects of "La
Rosmonda," and extracts from, 32-
literary productions of Marenco and
Briano, 34-new style of Italian dra-
matic works, 35-decline of the drama
in Germany and England, 37.
Italy, General View of its History and
Literature in reference to its present
State, by J. Mariotti, 450-his beauti-
ful description of Venice, 451-of
Florence and Rome, 452-rise of the
power of the Church and monachism,
453- sketch of the poets who pre-
ceded Dante, ib.—character of Machia-
velli, 454.

Italy, disadvantage to her arising from
non-emigration, 300-state of the Ita-
lian peasant, 301-universities in Italy,
307-attempt of the Grand Duke of
Tuscany to transfer the university of
Sienna to Pisa, 308-character of
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, 310
-students of Sardinia, 311-influence
of the Jesuits, 313-pious exercises in
Italian seminaries, 314-neglected ob-
servance of the seventh day, 315-
purity and innocence of the inhabitants
of many villages in the Lombard plain,
317-Roman Catholic priests ineffici-
ent instruments of moral instruction,
319-schools established in the Austro-
Italian provinces, 320-instruction dis-
countenanced by the Archbishop of
Turin, 322-and by the Pope, 324.


Janin (Jules), tales of, 136-his novel of
"Un Cœur pour deux Amours," 137.
Jews, total failure of all attempts to con-
vert them, 241-importance of the ad-
hesion of all subjects in a state to one
Church, 243-Jews in France and
Germany, 244-state of the Jews in
Germany, by Wolfgang Menzel, 245—
character of the Polish Jews, 246-in-
terior of their inns, ib.-their ordinary
studies and intellectual recreation, 247
-privileges granted to them in Poland
at an early period, ib.-Gratiani's de-
scription of their state in the southern
provinces of Poland, 248-massacre of
14,000 of them by the Cossacks, 249—
their learned establishments, ib.—their

condition in Russia, and repugnance to
military service, 250-Jewish seminary
at Warsaw, 252-the Jews of Cracow,
ib.-origin and nature of the Talmud,
the Mishna, and the Gemaras, 253—
their occupations, and treatment of their
women, 254-principal sects among
them, 255-sect of the Hassids founded
by Rabbi Israel Bashlem, ib.-maxims
of this pseudo-prophet, ib.-state of
the modern Hassids, 256-sect of the
Caraites, 257-of the Frankists found-
ed lately by Jacob Frank, ib.-their
real tenets uncertain, 258-remnant of
the Ten Tribes supposed to be dwell-
ing on the shores of the Caspian sea,
259-their rites and practices, and ac-
count of the scriptures they possess,

Jesuits, their influence and progress in
Sardinia, 313-lives and perils of their
missionaries in French America, 357.
Jury, Schwur oder Geschworengericht als
rechtsanstalt und politisches Institut.
Die grossen Gebrechen unserer Deut-
schen Strafrechtspflege, und das
Schwurgericht als das eingige Mittel
ihnen gründlich abzuhelfen. (The Jury
considered as a legal and political In-
stitution. The great defects of our
German Criminal Law, and the Jury
the only sure means of remedying
them), 209-disadvantage of the pre-
sent German system, 210.


Kaunits (Prince), anecdote of the at-
tempt of a Jew to bribe him, 250.
Kneller, anecdote of that artist, 81.


Le Storie di Jacopo Petti, 450.
Letture Populari, foglio settimanale, pub-
licato a Torino, 297.

Littérature extravagante, 130-Madame
Sophie Gay's Novel "Un Mariage de
l'Empire," 131-writings of George
Sand (Madame Dudevant), 132.
profligate tendency of this school, 133
-works of Victor Hugo, 134-dramas
of A. Dumas, 135-Paul Lacroix, or
Bibliophile Jacob, ib.-naval novels of
Eugene Sue, 136-tales of Jules Janin,
ib.-his novel of "Un Cœur pour deux
Amours," 137-profligate literary pro-

ductions of Balzac, 140-effect of the
various works of this literature, 141.
Lorenzino de Medici, Dramma di Giuseppe
Revere, 1.

Luisa Strozzi, Dramma storico in cinque
Atti, di Giacinto Battaglia, 1.
Luther, meritorious effects of his exer-
tions, 189-description of his contro-
versy with Tetzel upon indulgences,
190 of his burning the papal bull at
Wittenberg, 191-of his proceeding to
the diet at Worms, ib.


Machiavelli, his character drawn by Ma-
riotti, 454.

Manzoni, character of his tragedies and
novels, 10.

'Marenco (Carlo), tragedies by, 34.
Mehemet Ali, anecdote of, and a female
magician, 370-his character and ob-
jects, 379-comparison between him
and Peter the Great, 380-security for
life and property in Egypt introduced
by him, 391.

Mélanges sur les Langues, Dialectes et
Patois, par Bottin, 142.

Memoires de l'Academie Celtique, 142.
Menzel (Wolfgang), passage of, upon the
Jews in Germany, 245.

Merck (Johann Heinrich), ein Denkmal
herausgegeben von Dr. Adolf Stahr.
(Memoir of J. D. Merck, by Dr. A.
Štahr), 200-his talents and character,

Mexico, siege and capture of by Cortez,


Mirabeau, description of by Rahel, 62.
Mishna (The), compilation of by Rabbi
Judah the Saint, 253.

Moritz, Herzog und Churfürst zu Sachsen.
Eine Darstellung aus dem Zeitalter der
Reformation, von Dr. F. A. von
Langenn, (Maurice Duke and Elector
of Saxony, by Dr. von Langenn). Ers-
ter Theil, mit Moritz' Bildness, 445-
investigation of his character and con-
duct on various occasions, 446.
Moultan, Edrisi's description of the cele-
brated idol of, 278.

Music at Home and Abroad, 211, 455.


Neapel und die Neapolitaner, oder Briefe
aus Neapel in die Heimath, von Dr.

Karl August Mayer. (Naples and the
Neapolitans, in a series of Letters, by
Dr. C. A. Mayer). Erster Band-
state of the country for travelling, and
climate, 449-lethargic state of the
people, 450.

Newton, extract from a letter to Bentley
upon the creation, 399.
Niccolini, dramatic works of, 27-extracts
from "Giovanni da Procida," 29-
from "La Rosmonda," 32.


Euvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau, avec
des Notes Historiques, 118.
Euvres de V. Hugo, 118.
Œuvres de George Sand, 118.

Om Straff och Straff-Anstalter, 2dra Up-
plagan. (On Punishments and on Pri-
sons. Second edition), 283-extracts
from the observations on punishments,
285-abolition of death recommended
by Prince Oscar, 287—table of execu-
tions in various countries, 288-corpo-
ral punishments considered, 289
comparison of the Auburn and Phila-
delphian systems, 291-statement of
criminals in Sweden, 291-cruel re-
strictions in prisons, 295-benevolent
spirit of the work, 296.
Oxford Tract men, tendency of their mea-
sures, 188, 192-their ill-judged depre-
ciation of Luther, 189.


Palmerston (Lord), his supposed personal
dislike to France, 423.

Pellico (S.), extract from his tragedy of
"Francesca da Rimini," 22.
Penn (Wm.), his treaty with the Algon-
quin tribe, 353.

Pier delle Vigne, Tragedia del Signor
Briano, 1.

Poles, qualities and political disposition
of, 49.


Quakers, founded by Fox, their principles,



Rahel. Ein Buch des Andenkens für ihre
Fremde, 57-description of her by
Varnhagen von Ense, 58-her influence

on German writers, 60-peculiar and
masculine character of her mind, 61-
her description of Mirabeau, 62-her
hearty dislike of falsehood and humbug,
63-her ideas of suicide and marriage,
66-extracts from her writings, 67—
similarity in mind between Rahel and
Carlyle, 70-her criticism of Tieck,
Goethe, and Madame de Staël, 72-of
Schiller's 'Wallenstein,' Schleiermacher,
Jung Stilling, and De Pradt, 72-re-
markable expression of her's before
death, 74.

Reimer, Mittheilungen von und über
Goethe, aus mündlichen und schrift-
lichen Quellen. (Communications of
and concerning Goethe, from oral and
written Sources), 200—his attacks upon
Goethe, 201.

Revue de Paris, relations of England and
France in the East, 422.

Rosmonda d' Inghilterra, Tragedia di Gio.
Batt. Niccolini, 1.

Rousseau, character of his mind, 121-
his mental visions, 123-La Nouvelle
Heloise, 124-its moral tendency, 126.
Russia, her present internal political state,
42-defect in the moral organization of
her armies, 54-debasing tendency of
her conquests, 55-state of the Jews in
Russia, 250-her precarious tenure of
the Trans-Caucasian provinces, 263.
Russian language, remarkable poverty of,


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Tavole Sinottiche e Sincrone della Storia
Fiorentina, compilati da Alfredo Reu-
mont. (Synoptic and Synchronous
Tables of Florentine History), 450.
Théorie du Judaisme, par l'Abbé Louis

Chiarini, Professeur des Langues Ori-
entales à l'Université de Vaisovie, 241.
The Remnant found, or the Place of Is-
rael's Hiding discovered, being a Sum-
mary of Proofs showing that the Jews
of Ďaghistan on the Caspian are the
Remnant of the Ten Tribes. The re-
sult of personal investigation during a
Missionary Tour of eight months in
Georgia, by permission of the Russian
Government, in the years 1837 and
1838, by the Rev. Jacob Samuel, Se-
nior Missionary to the Jews for India,
Persia, and Arabia, and author of a
Hebrew Sermon on the Christian Evi-
dences, 241-fate of the Ten Tribes
upon the destruction of their kingdom,
289-rites and practices of the Jews
dwelling on the shores of the Caspian,
260-account of the scriptures which
they possess, 261-description of Da-
ghistan, 263-precarious tenure of the
Trans-Caucasian provinces by Russia,
ib.-attempt of the Russians to intimi-
date the author from penetrating into
Daghistan, 264.

Tieck, criticism of, by Rahel, 71- his
novel of "Vittoria Accorombona," 207
-character and tendency of his writ-
ings, 208.


Varnhagen von Ense, Galerie von Bildnis-
sen, 57-his interview with and de-
scription of Rabel, 58.

Vier Fragen von einem Ost Preussen (Four
Questions, by an East Prussian). Erör-
tungen über die vier Fragen) Remarks
on the four Questions), 444-prosecu-
tion of Dr. Jacobi, ib.-demand of a
constitution for Prussia, 445.
Vittoria Accorombona. Ein Roman in fünf
Büchern von Ludwig Tieck. Zwey
Bände. Zweyte Auflage, mit einem
Anhange. (Vittoria Accorombona. A
Romance in five Books, by Ludwig
Tieck. Two volumes. Second Edition,
with an Appendix), 206-analysis of
the story, 207 character of Tieck's
works, 208.

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London: C. Roworth and Sons, Printers, Bell Yard, Temple Bar.

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