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PSALM Xxvii. 3.

Though an boft fhould encamp against me, my heart fhall not fear.


TH HIS world is a region of danger, in SERM. which perfect safety is poffeffed by no man. Though we live in times of established tranquillity, when there is no ground to apprehend that an hoft fhall, in the literal fenfe, encamp against us; yet every man, from one quarter or other, has fomewhat to dread. Riches often make to themselves wings, and flee away. The firmeft health may in a moment be fhaken. The most flourishing family may unexpectVOL. III. edly



SERM. edly be scattered. The appearances of our fecurity are frequently deceitful. When our sky feems moft fettled and ferene, in fome unobferved quarter gathers the little black cloud, in which the tempeft ferments, and prepares to discharge itself on our head. Such is the real fituation of man in this world; and he who flatters himself with an opposite view of his ftate, only lives in the paradife of fools.

In this fituation, no quality is more requifite than conftancy, or fortitude of mind; á quality which the Pfalmist appears, from the fentiment in the text, to have poffeffed in an eminent degree. Fortitude was juftly claffed by the ancient philofophers, among the cardinal virtues. It is indeed effential to the fupport of them all; and is moft neceffary to be acquired by every one who wishes to discharge with fidelity the duties of his ftation. It is the armour of the mind, which will fit him for encountering the trials, and furmounting the dangers, that are likely to occur in the course of his life. It may be thought, perhaps,

perhaps, to be a quality, in fome measure, conftitutional; dependent on firmness of nerves, and ftrength of fpirits. Though, partly, it is fo, yet experience shows that it may alfo be acquired by principle, and be fortified by reason; and it is only when thus acquired, and thus fortified, that it can be accounted to carry the character of virtue. Fortitude is oppofed, as all know, to timidity, irrefolution, a feeble and a wavering spirit. It is placed, like other virtues, in the middle between two extremes; standing at an equal distance from rashness on the one hand, and from pufillanimity on the other. In difcourfing on this fubject, I purpose, first, to fhow the importance of fortitude or conftancy; next, to ascertain the grounds on which it must reft; and, lastly, to suggest some confiderations for affifting the exercise of it.

I. THE high importance of fortitude will easily appear, if we confider it as respecting either the happiness of human life, or the proper discharge of its duties.

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Without fome degree of fortitude there can be no happiness; because, amidst the thousand uncertainties of life, there can be no enjoyment of tranquillity. The man of feeble and timorous fpirit, lives under perpetual alarms. He forefees every distant danger, and trembles. He explores the regions of poffibility, to discover the dangers that may arife. Often he creates imaginary ones; always magħifies thofe that are real. Hence, like a perfon haunted by spectres, he lofes the free enjoyment even of a safe and profperous ftate. On the first shock of adverfity, he desponds. Instead of exerting himself to lay hold on the resources that remain, he gives up all for loft; and refigns himself to abject and broken spirits.

-On the other hand, firmness of mind is the parent of tranquillity. It enables one to enjoy the present without disturbance; and to look calmly on dangers that approach, or evils that threaten in future. It fuggefts good hopes. It fupplies refources. It allows a man to retain the full poffeffion of himself, in every fituation of fortune. Lock

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and you

Look into the heart of this man, and
will find compofure, cheerfulness, and mag-
nanimity. Look into the heart of the other,
and you will fee nothing but confufion,
anxiety, and trepidation. The one is the
caftle built on a rock, which defies the attacks
of furrounding waters. The other is a hut
placed on the fhore, which every wind
fhakes, and every wave overflows.

If fortitude be thus effential to the enjoyment of life, it is equally fo, to the proper discharge of all its most important duties. He who is of a cowardly mind is, and must be, a slave to the world. He fashions his whole conduct according to its hopes and fears. He fmiles, and fawns, and betrays, from abject considerations of personal fafety. He is incapable of either conceiving, or executing, any great defign. He can neither ftand the clamour of the multitude, nor the frowns of the mighty, The wind of popular favour, or the threats of power, are fufficient to shake his moft The world always K 3 knows

determined purpofe.

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