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necharib, king of Assyria, come up against all the defenced cities of Judah, and took them; and Hezekiah, king of Judah, sent to the king of Assyria, to Lachish, saying, I have offended; return from me that which thou puttest on me, I will bear. And the king of Assyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of Judah three hundred talents of silver, and thirty talents of gold." But after receiving all this treasure, he (Senecharib) was not content, but sent his army and beseiged Jerusalem, while he was at Lachish.This was the trouble, darkness, and dimness.

Now for the Great Light. History. II Kings. xix. 35.—“ And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand; and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. So Senecharib, king of Assyria, departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh.' This was truly a great light to those who dwelt in Israel and Judah; for their enemy was destroyed, and they freed; and even for those of Israel who were taken captive into Nineveh, the land of the shadow of death, did the light shine. This is what Isaiah was speaking of, and this was his prophecy, and so was it fulfilled in his own time: and therefore it has not the least distant allusion to Jesus of Nazareth.

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Where was Zabulon and Naphthali in his time? There was no such a tribe or people known to exist: they had ceased to be known as tribes when Ephraim ceased to be a people; seven hundred years before Jesus of Nazareth is said to have lived in Capernaum. This prophecy never can apply to him, or to Capernaum. The position taken by St. Matthew is indefensible, neither does any ......ian of information undertake to defend it. They call it accommodation, while we think it an abominable perversion.

From Bell's Weekly Messenger, Dec. 27.

SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE HEBREW CHARITY SCHOOL, INSTITUTED 1821, For educating, clothing, and apprenticing the sons of indigent and deceased persons.

The first dinner, for the benefit of the above truly excellent charity, took place at the city of London tavern, Bishopsgate

street, on Wednesday the 17th December. The chairman, Moses Mocatta, Esq. in a very able and impressive speech, described the utility and many advantages of this institution; stating that 76 boys were clothed and educated, and on quitting the school were apprenticed out to different trades. An Hebrew Hymn was chanted by the boys; after which one of the youngest, only 9 years of age, recited an English ode composed for the occasion.

The table was furnished under the direction of the stewards, in the most hospitable manner. Several distinguished noblemen honoured them with their company.

The company separated at a late hour, expressing themselves, highly delighted with their entertainment.

Independent of a great many new annual subscriptions, the sum collected amounted to 11527. equal to $5114,88 cents.


M. A. Having read No. 1 of the first volume of The Jew, had many questions to ask, and which he, no doubt, thinks unanswerable. Should he read what has been published, he would not put such questions as are stated in his communication. I must apply to him a favourite saying of the Rev. Samuel H. Cox."If men do not know, and will not learn, they can never feel as they ought on any theme, much less on this."

Israel's Advocate, vol. 1. p. 97.


Correspondents, who put questions to the Editor, must wait patiently, until the subject naturally produces its answer. dare not leave our generally approved plan, and be led desultorily by the whim of any.

"Thoughts on Predestination," is under consideration. "Isaiah's Message to the American Nation," is proposed to be considered in our next.

In consequence of the removal of the Printing Office of Messrs. Johnstone & Van Norden, the issuing of this number has been retarded.

Published by LEWIS EMANUEL, 265 Broadway. Price One Dollar Fifty Cents per ann. payable semi-annually, in ad






שמע לי - החרש ואנכי אדבר :

כי חפצתי צדקך : אם יש מלין השיבני דבר אם אין - אתה שמע לי - החרש ואאלפך חכמה :

"Hearken unto me: be silent, and I will speak. If thou hast any words to answer me; then speak, for I desire thy justification. If not, hearken thou unto me: keep silence, and I will teach thee wisdom."


Job xxxiii. 31, 32, 33.

2d month, EEYR, MAY, 5584.

NO. 3.

AFTER a twelve-month of sore travail, on the part of Israel's Advocate, during all which time our ears were continually stunned with its mortal throes and horrid cries, we have the pleasure to felicitate our readers on its accouchment, and safe delivery. Yes, the mountain labour has brought forth-a note of interrogation in the form of a communication signed CAMDEN, addressed to the Jews. This is as it should be. This is the only legitimate method ......ians can take to convince, and consequently to convert Jews. We hail it as a promising sign of the commencement of a more liberal method of procedure on the part of our opponents; and as we shall review, and answer it, we consider it proper, first to lay the address before our readers, following the copy verbatim.



Loved Friends—In the second and third persecutions of the Christians, under the emperor Domitian, and under the emperor Trajan, when false Messiahs created civil contentions, all the lineal descendants of the stock of David were murdered, says history. Have you any of the lineage of David still left? Have you correct

genealogies of your tribes and families among you? I have understood you have not. And if you have not, how can you expect Messiah is yet to come from the stock of David; and is outwardly to restore you to your outward land; and is outwardly to establish your tribes, many of which appear to be lost, to wit, the ten and a half tribes of Israel? Be not too external. Jehovah is a spirit; heaven is his throne, and earth is his footstool. You expect that when Messiah comes he wil? rebuke the nations, lead you back into the land of Judea and Palestine; establish a new covenant, and explain the signification of your ceremonies, &c. What think ye of the new covenant, Jer. xxxi. 31, and of the new city Jerusalem, described by Ezekiel; and of the kingdom, spoken of by Daniel under the representation of a little stone, that shall be an universal empire, after it shall have smitten the toes of the image seen by Nebuchadnezzar? Do be so kind as to explain your ideas of the nature and difference between the old covenant and the new; between the old Jerusalem and the new one; and between the people and kingdom of God under the old covenant and the new.

Am I correct in viewing the old covenant, Jerusalem, and kingdom of God among you, as being external, visible, and typical? While these existed, the laws of them were written externally on stone, parchment, and paper. They were very local also. But I have observed that the new covenant is very different from your old one. For Jeremiah says, God, the Jehovah, will write it internally on the hearts of the house of Israel and Judah, and be their God and law-giver. The old law, therefore, was external: this new law is internal even in the heart and disposition. The old regulated external morals: the new is to regulate internal affections and desires. Under the old covenant you are to get knowledge from the lips of the priests and mercenary teachers; but under the new, the Lord will be the one shepherd, and teach his flock himself, without money or price; and all shall know him; and the Messiah is not only to be your glory, but the light of all nations; so that no man need to teach his neighbour any more; for all shall be taught of the Lord, who will pour out his holy spirit on all flesh, as Joel prophesied. Come, then, and walk and worship in this light of God's holy spirit within you.

The visible Jews of the old covenant worshipped at the old Jerusalem; but the gentile nations are to go up to the new Jerusalem, or mountain of the Lord of hosts, to worship, in the days of the new covenant.

Under the old covenant, visible Mount Zion is called the mountain of the Lord; but under the new covenant, the mountain of the Lord, on which the new Jerusalem stands, where nothing shall hurt or destroy, is invisible, and must be very different. For it is a mountain established on the tops of the mountains, &c. says Micah, ch. iv. and Isaiah ii. The prophet Daniel also speaks of this mountain of the new covenant, as a kingdom and empire; or as a little stone and mountain; and that the kingdom of the little stone should be set up in seventy weeks, i. e. four hundred and ninety days or years; but that the sanctuary of it will not be cleansed till two thousand three hundred days, or years, which approaches the present time; when the kingdom of the little stone shall become the empire of the mountain, covering the whole earth. In this holy mountain of the Lord's house, or church, all nations round the globe can and will come to worship; and they will beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks, and worship Jehovah, the Prince of Peace. This glorious kingdom of the mountain has not yet come, because all nations still fight; and by this means oppose your restoration, and the coming

of God's empire, in which the waters, i. e. truths of his new Jerusalem, heals and gives life, according to Ezek. xlvii. What a holy Jerusalem this is! the waters are holy-bells, pots, every thing shall be holy; for there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord, i. e. there shall be no unclean thing in the new Jerusalem church of the new covenant and new Israel. Zech. xiv.

From your friend,




In the above you state nine different questions, make two requests, and present us for examination no less than thirty items of information, no doubt expecting answers to all the questions, the granting of both requests, and the examination and consideration of each and every of the items of information stated. If this is fair, it is very hard: not that either, of itself, is so; but since the consideration of one subject is fully sufficient at one time, it is unfair to require of a friend to undertake forty-one at once; we will, however take them as they present themselves, and try what can be done with them.

Question 1. "Have you any of the lineage of David yet left ?" Answer. The descendants of David are yet existing, and are numerous, maugre the malice of the ancient ......ians and Mahomedans. If this were not the case, then God has not spoken by Jeremiah. Jer. xxxiii. v. 20, 21, 22.


Q. 2. "Have you correct genealogies of your tribes and families among you ?"

A. Authentic registers are kept of every male Jew throughout the world, and ever have been kept.

Q. 3. "How can you expect the Messiah to come from the stock of David ?"

A. God, who will commission him, needs no document to assure himself of not giving it to a wrong person.

Q. 4. How is the Messiah "outwardly to restore you (us) to your (our) outward land ?"

A. Thus: On the first restoration of the Jews to Judea, their independence will not be acknowledged by any, except one dis

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