Imágenes de páginas

The Spiritual Man's Great Teacher. The wonderful say-
ings of Jesus-We must listen to the Teacher to know
what to do-A new passion for Jesus-Uniqueness of
his ministry-His teaching goes into the teeth of hu-
man passion and prejudices-Marked by originality-
Christ never legislated; he simply said things-He
never discussed any thing, and yet he spake as never
man spake-He never wrote any thing; the words
which he spake were spirit and life-He never sought

The Spiritual Man's Rest in the Rest-Giver. The world's
unrest-How men have sought to find rest-Some run
away from their troubles-The philosophy of
Nietzsche-Some try to drown their sorrows in dissi-
pation-Some resort to suicide-The Remedy for the
world's unrest too simple to command belief-We
like mystery-General Booth's scheme will not do-
We must stop the factories where paupers are made,
rather than rescue the paupers-How can rest be
found?-First condition Certainty; nothing so cer-
tain as Certainty-The infallible Christ vs. the infal-
lible Pope-Religious society passing through a
cyclone-Progress can not stop-Certainty must have
personality-Doctrines will not bring rest-Christ the
center of Spiritual power-The strength and weakness
of Romanism and Protestantism-Personality must be
implicitly trusted-Christ as our Prophet, Priest and

The Spiritual Man's Symbol of Power. Weakness and
strength-The evolution of the Crucifix-Emphasis
should be placed on the logos and not on the stauros—
The Cross has been degraded and misused-The Cross
has been in human history since the fall-Repulsive-
ness of the Cross of Christ-Repulsive to both Jew and
Greek-Why?—It is the Power of God and the Wis-
dom of God-Why?-Comes to help; it addresses the
sunny side of our nature; it takes away the sting of
death-The Cross and the Law-Meets the Curse of

The Spiritual Man's Assurance of Victory. Unity in Di-
versity-Every thing connected with
every other
thing-The meaning of Rom. viii. 28, 29–-Has been
used for theological purposes-Passage eminently
practical and helpful in the Christian life-The
meaning of "foreknow," not God's omniscience, but
His approval in former dispensations-Refers to
ancient heroes such as are recorded in Heb. ii. chap-

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