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The Old Spiritual Man-His Degeneration. How to recon-
cile apparent antagonisms-No special need for
longer days than twenty-four hours each-Long peri-
ods may be substituted if preferred, but the facts do
not require these periods-The book of Genesis con-
structed out of material brought over the flood-Prof.
Petrie at Abydos, Egypt-How the Pentateuch could
have been written-Joseph's tomb furnished the
records-Records kept of families-How could the
writer of Genesis know what he did certainly know?—
If he was not inspired, Genesis is the miracle of
miracles-The Explanatory Theory Applied-The two
accounts of creation considered-Adam lived some
time before Eve was created-Paul harmonized with
Genesis-The breathing was upon the face, and this
imparted the image of God-The spiritual nature of

man was from above-The body and soul first made
and then endowed with the spirit—Nephesh Chayah
(living soul) in its higher meaning-A life-giving
being-The gift of language-From above-Man a
talking being-Language his most distinguishing
characteristic Organs of speech provided, but the
Creator taught man to speak-The unity of language-
Alphabet probably originated about the same time
as language-The Law of Life-The lower kingdoms
can not rise to the higher without help from above-
Death can not produce life, but death is necessary to
life-God can not save the heathen without the aid of

spiritual men-A strong argument for Foreign Mis-

sions—History proves what science affirms—Every new

dispensation is inaugurated from above-The Divine

method of making man-Development through strug-

gle-Adam weak before his fall-Yielded to the first

temptation-Personal experience necessary to real

manhood-Training of children difficult because each

one wants to test for himself every prohibition—Adam

had to be tempted, but he need not have fallen-God's

aim was to make a man, not a machine-Liberty

gained through the trial-Costs much, but is price-

less-Man from the Christian point of view-Mean-

ing of Anothen-Interesting problems-The Adamic

race is the one considered in the Bible-No inspired

chronology-Arguments for and against the great

antiquity of man-A practical Geologist's opinion-

Eight thousand years all that is necessary-Mind in-

fluences matter-Life becoming longer since the com-

ing of Christ-Final triumph will be through Him... 95

The New Spiritual Man-His birth and growth. The Old
and the New Man in the Scriptures-One dead, the
other alive-The birth out of the Spirit-Meaning of
John iii. 8-Considered critically, exegetically and
practically--Pneuma, not wind, but Spirit-It is the
product of the Spiritual birth, not the manner of that
birth that is meant-It is the person born, not the
method of working that is in contrast-This view har-
monizes with all the facts of the case-The carnal man

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