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REMARKS.-On last Lord's Day we learned that the words of Isaiah found their application in Jesus Christ. He proclaimed Himself, in the Synagogue at Nazareth, as the Founder of the Gospel Kingdom. To-day we see how He proved the validity of His claim, by works and miracles. The ravages of sin in the world are not to be numbered. All the bodily amictions are traced back to sin. To-day we are confronted with the lashes of that scourge-Leprosy and Palsy-which Christ delivered the unfortunate persons from.

I. Leprosy is all along taken as an emblem of sin, in the Gospel. It pervaded the whole system; it ended in death; unless cured of God. How fit symbol, you see.

NOTES.-VERSE 12. A certain city was, likely, Chorazin or Bethsaida, in Galilee. A man full of leprosy is a terrible spectacle. It bleached the skin and hair; ate through the tissues, joints, bones even to the marrow, and consumed the body piece-meal. No one thus smitten could enter society. He had to go bareheaded, in a torn garment, and cry out "Unclean, unclean," whenever any one approached him, in order to warn every one. The news of the wondrous cures of Jesus had reached this poor man. He dared even to rush up to Jesus, as we learn from Matt. and Mark, chaps. 8 and 1. He uttered what may have been the first open confession of a simple and lowly faith. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean! Mark you, here is (1) a consciousness of uncleanness; (2) an acknowledgment of it; and (3) faith in a healer.

VERSE 13. Moved with compassion, the Lord put forth His hand and touched him, to show that He would not catch the malady, and, without any delay, answered the prayer. "I will thee to be clean." Now He executes His will. "Be thou clean." St. Luke adds, that "the leprosy departed from him immediate


VERSE 14. And He charged him to tell no man, in order not to excite still higher the popular excitement, and through it, the anger of His enemies. Excitement was not favorable to the work of Jesus. He wanted calm spirits around Himself. Besides, He did not wish to have it seem as though He came

chiefly to heal the bodies of men. He is the Physician of souls. Hence, in order not to appear as if He did not regard the ancient laws, He commands the man to show himself to the priest at Jerusalem, offer a sacrifice, and secure a certificate of recovery, that all may hold him as clean. See Leviticus, chaps xiii. xiv.

VERSE 15. But so much the more there was the excitement. He could no longer enter a town or city, so great was the commotion. But even though He betook Himself into the country, great multitudes continually sought Him out, to hear His words, or to be healed.

VERSE 16. He withdrew into solitude, after such exhausting scenes, to commune with His Father in prayer. Of the after history of this leper, we are not informed. He could not obey the Lord's injunction of silence, it appears. It had been better for him to have done so, in order that he might have penetrated deeper within his interior, and there learned of a still more fearful maladysin. Probably he never realized that greater cure at the hands of Jesus.

VERSE 17. On a certain day, after the cure of the leper, He seems to have returned to Capernaum. Matt. ii. 1.

Not only the common people, but many of the chief party of the Jews, the Pharisees and doctors, or leaders, sought after Him; partly from curiosity, and partly from envy, as well as from purer motives, in the case of some. Here these gathered from every town in Galilee and Judea-from as far as Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was at hand to heal the afflicted. Thus His wonderful words were ever confirmed by miraculous acts.

II. Palsy is often regarded as a fit emblem of man's helplessness in consequence of sin. The disease disabled the victim. He could not work-walk— speak. Such a case now meets us. See Matt. ix. 1; Mark i. 1.

VERSE 18. Four men brought on a bed a man. Lying on a hammock was one entirely paralyzed. But the vast crowd obscured the door-way.

VERSE 19. But coming from afar, they would not return so readily. The outside stairs to the roof were ascended. They uncovered part of the tiled flat

floor-like top, and the sick man bent on Perseverance under Discouragements. being brought to Jesus, left himself be raised, and let down before Jesus.

VERSE 20. He saw their faith, or strong confidence, that manifested itself in such a persistent way, and was moved at once to grant their wish. There lay the man, helpless, and unable to speak.

But Jesus saw in his disease the consequence of a vicious life. Hence His words—Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. VERSE 21. This strange saying, which no one had dared to use before,

caught the sharp ears of the Scribes and Pharisees, who were ever watching. They at once accuse Him of blasphemies, or of assuming to degrade the attributes of God. Who can forgive sins, but God alone? They were right. But alas! they could not see God in Jesus.

VERSE 22. Jesus knew their hearts. He at once challenges them to say, whether they doubt His assumed power What reason ye in your hearts? What doubts do you entertain concerning my prerogative?

VERSE 23. Which is easier? To say to this paralytic-Thy sins are forgiven or to say, Rise, take up thy bed and go? The mere sayings were alike easy to utter. But in what these sayings implied there was a great difference. It was harder to forgive sins, than to heal a sick man. He that could do the former, can surely do the latter. And this He shows them now.

VERSE 24. Isay unto thee-Arise, &c. VERSE 25. The effect was electric on the sick man.

VERSE 26. Amazement and fear, mingled with awe seized upon all. Some praised God; others admired the won derful teacher; and others hated Him

the more.

Leprosy has often been taken as a fine symbol of our Original sin. If this be so, then are we all by nature in the condition of this unfortunate man. We must then follow him to Jesus, who alone can heal us.

Palsy has been regarded as an emblem of Actual sin, or tendency in us to evil in thought, word, and deed. Then we are mirrored forth by the palsied man. As well may we be borne on the arms of faith to Jesus.

WHEN Carlyle had completed his first volume of "The French Revolu

tion," he loaned it to a literary frieud to peruse. The manuscript was left in the parlor, and when the owner called for it, to send to his clamorous printer, what was his consternation on finding that the maid in her ignorance, had used it to light the fires!

determination enough to sit down at Almost in despair the author yet had and expressions from memory, for he once and begin to collect the facts, ideas had no draft left. The first composition had been a great pleasare, the second and finished the volume. It is said was intense pain. But he persevered that a similar misfortune befell Mr. Headly, when composing his "Washington and his Generals." During his absence a servant decided to clean his windows, and seeing "his table covered with scribbled papers, "" she concluded to use them to rub the glasses. In this manner most of the first volume was destroyed.

All are familiar with the example of self-command and patient perseverance shown by Sir Isaac Newton, when his little dog overturned the lamp, and destroyed the results of long and patient study. Instead of a hasty burst of passion, he only said with calmness, "Ah, Diamond, Diamond, thou little knowest how great a mischief thou hast done thy master," and then sat down to recall and re-write the work. What a loss it had been to the world of science, if he doned the undertaking. had yielded to discouragement and aban

This same spirit to surmount difficulties and persevere in the face of great discouragements, is the true element of

success in all labor. If we would do good for Christ, we shall meet with enough to discourage and oppose us. Just how we meet it will decide the depths of our earnestness in the work, and our love for Him." Surely we should not be less persevering than they who labor only for the things of this life.-Sundy-School Times.

IF you cannot do without Christ, He will never be put off with any thing short of Himself.

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Godliness and genius combined in one there. Further, it is not Sara Bernperson form the grand characters of hardt the sinner that we repel from our history. But genius allied to vice homes, it is the shameless, unrepentant paints the monster with a glamour only sinner, the sinner flaunting her sin." to deceive and destroy the weak. When Jenny Lind was in her prime people In this country young people of limiknew that her charming gift of song ted means have as good prospects to was the melodious out-gushing of her rise in the world as richer folk. A large stainless heart and life. All the world proportion of the best and most succes-listened to the charmer with wildest ful men in business and in the learned rapture, and good people felt that she professions started life as poor boys. was not only without a peer in her pro- By dint of industry, honesty and frugal, fession, but was blameless in her life. virtuous habits they succeeded to outSome months ago a certain actress, run many sons of rich parents. Usually famous for her dramatic talent as well those succed best who, instead of leanas for her impure life, came to our upon others for help, determine to Despite the latter she has become the fight their own way. Sure we are that idol of the American stage. Her wor- not a few young men have been serioushippers do not all mean to do wrong. ly injured by what they deemed their None of them would wish their daugh- good fortune. Some kind friends supters and sisters to imitate the example ported them in getting an education. of Sara Bernhardt. Yet by rushing Thus instead of the blessed discipline after her performances in an indiscri- which an earnest battling with adversity minating frenzy of delight, they say secures, they slothfully leaned on others, that she is a suitable person to entertain and failed to develop the manly enerand teach the young. An exchange gies which belong to our best self-made says: "People that go to theatres are mea. Young men and ladies often denot squeamish as to the character of rive invaluable benefits from being left play-actors; but the attempt to give to earn and work their own way in acthis woman, who lives in shameless de- quiring an education. It is well to help fiance of social morality, this unwived the deserving, but what is called help mother of three children, social recog- does in many cases prove a hindrance to nition in this country, ought to be the development of good strong characfrowned down upon by all who look upon ters. The senior editor of the New marriage as sacred." And another oue York Observer says: "Are you a young says on this subject: "Theatre-goers, man wanting an education? The way we suppose, must take their art as they of the world now is for you to look can get it. They must not be squeam- about and see who will help you to get ish as to the morals of their artists. it. That is not the right way. Look about It is dramatic art that they want, and see what you can do to help yourwhether it comes from heaven, earth or self. Grind your own axe. Support hell. But homes are for purity and yourself by honorable industry, and truth. Mothers and wives are their earn your bread while you improve the guardians, and those who persist in odds and ends of time in study. When

you get something ahead, use it to support yourself while you learn. Ten thousand men are now serving their generation with usefulness and honor who never asked any body to grind an axe for them."

be a

degree criminal; but it is highly disagreeable and ridiculous in company, and ought most carefully to be avoided by whoever desires to please."

Beware of temptation. The Tempter, as in the days of our Saviour, still baits his hook with evil concealed beneath a seemingly harmless covering. A clear, realizing sense of God's omniscience, and our accountability to Hia, is a great help in putting us on our guard. A certain ancient philosopher told one of his disciples that in his endeavors to learn and live grandly, he should imagine that the eyes of Cato, the philosopher, were looking at him.

monly stuck through a button-hole, and tickles his chin. When he drinks, he infallibly coughs in his glass, and besprinkles the company. Besides all this, he has strange tricks and gestures; such as snuffing up his nose, making faces, putting his fingers in his nose, or Lord Chesterfield has come to blowing it and looking afterwards in high authority on good manners. We his handkerchief, so as to make the comdo not believe that any language can pany sick. His hands are troublesome furnish two volumes like those which to him when he has not something in contain his letters to his son and grand- them, and he does not know where to son on this subject. He says little about put them; but they are in perpetual purity of heart and Christian principle. motion between his bosom and his With him the great thing is politeness breeches; he does not wear his clothes, and easy graceful manners. The Ches- and in short does nothing, like other terfieldian unpardonable sins are awk-people. All this, I own, is not in any ward, unpolished habits. So far as it goes, there is much truth in his system. It failed with his son as it must fail in all cases, because it lacks the principle of divine grace. Was there ever a young man who had so much care bestowed upon him by such a teacher? Warning him against becoming a blundering, awkward booby, such as England must have had 200 years ago, he thus describes what he means: "When an awkward fellow comes into a room, it is highly probable that his sword gets between his legs, and throws him down, or makes him stumble at least; when he has recovered this accident he goes and places himself in the very place in the whole room where he should not; there he soon lets his hat fall down; and, taking it up again throws down his cane; in recovering his cane, his hat falls a second time; so that he is a quarter of an hour before he is in order again. If he drinks tea or coffee, he certainly scalds his mouth, and lets either the cup or saucer fall, and spills the tea or coffee on his breeches. At dinner his awkwardness distinguishes itseif particularly, as he has more to do: there he holds his knife, fork, and spoon differently from other people; eats with his kuife to the great danger of cutting his mouth, picks his teeth with his fork, and puts his spoon, which has been in his throat twenty times, into the dishes again. If he is to carve, he can never hit the joint; but, in his vain efforts to cut through the bone, scatters the sauce in every body's face. He generally daubs himself with soup and grease, though his napkin is com

When Thomas Jefferson was tempted in his boyhood he used to say to himself: "What would Dr. Small, Mr. Wythe or Peyton Randolph do in such a situation?" Thus keeping before his mind three men of fine moral character, as models, he was deterred from_yielding to many a temptation. Young people, having pious, Christian parents, would do well, in times of temptation, to ask themselves: "What would my parents do or wish to be done if they were present?" Above all should we never forget that God sees us.

Cato, the elder was a pattern of moderation, and he learned to practice it in this wise: Near his country-seat was a cottage which formerly had belonged to Marius Curius Dentatus, who for his patriotic services was three times honored by his country with a triumph. Walking about his neighbor's humble, ricketty home, and

looking at the smallness cf his farm, his thoughtful mind dwelt upon the peculiar virtues of this most illustrious Roman citizen, who had subdued hostile nations, driven Pyrrhus out of Italy, and now, after these triumphs, was content to live in this lowly hut and farm his small acres with his own hands. Cato thought, too, how the ambassadors of the Samnites called on Marcus Cassius here, and found him sitting in the chimneycorner peeling turnips. When offered a large present of gold, he refused to accept it, with the remark: "A man who can be satisfied with such a supper has no need of gold; and I think it more glorious to conquer the possessors of it than to possess it myself." Cato returned home, retrenched his style of living and expenses and adopted the mode of life of his neighbor.

When Thomas Jefferson was in the height of his glory as Minister to Paris, where the great men of Europe vied to do him honor, and feted him in royal fashion, he wrote home: "I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage, with my books, my family, and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post that any human power can give." He calls political honors "splendid


Jefferson is often regarded as a coldhearted man, whose intellect entirely swayed and suppressed the warmer feelings of the heart, which impression, however, is incorrect. When a sister, a few years older than himself died, he grieved long and much. In his boyhood he loved to hear and help her sing sacred hymns. In his old age he said to his grandchildren that often, when hearing a certain sacred air at church, which his sister used to sing, it called up to him sweet visions of her, though long since dead. His wife died young, soon after the birth of their sixth child. When led into her room a moment before her death unconscious with grief, he fainted for a long while, and kept his room during three weeks thereafter.

wisdom necessary to succeed well in missionary work. He founded schools and universities in India, through which he reached the minds and hearts of the young. These carried the gospel to the high places and huts of this benighted land. Grand men and women were thus trained for the service of Christ, whose names will shine brightly on the roll of Christian heroes and martyrs. Duff had great reverence for schoolmasters. To the end of his life he held Mr. A. McDougal in grateful remembrance. This was one of his early school-masters at Kirkmichael. In the height of his fame the great missionary wrote to his old teacher: "I have not forgotten the days I passed under your roof, nor the manifold advantages derived from your tuition, and, I trust, never wil. Aud when the time comes tha', in the good providence of God I shall visit Kirkmichael, I know that to me at least it will be a matter of heartfelt gratification. What would I have been this day had not an overruling Providence directed me to Kirkmichael school." Among the mass of books and pamphlets which Duff wrote he sent a copy of every one to his old friend McDougal.

At another time, when appealing to Scotland to arouse his countrymen to greater missionary activity, Dr. Daff said: "Public meetings alone will never answer our end. We must descend to the mass and permeate with vitality its humblest and most distant atoms. Without this all our missionary, educational and church extension schemes must flag and fail. You must get the young on your side. Give me the schoolbooks and the school-masters of a country, and I will let any one else make, not only its songs and its laws, but its literature, science and philosophy too! What has made Brahmanism the hoary power it is but its Shasters? What has sustained the force and passion of Islam for centuries but the Koran, read in every school and college from Gibraltar to the straits of Malacca?" "Let us, through the medium of works for the young, and especially of schoolbooks, universally adopted, only satuAlexander Duff was the most emi-rate the juvenile mind of the nation with nent missionary of modern times. In a evangelistic principles, duties and mopre-eminent degree he possessed the tives, and our country may be destined

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