Imágenes de páginas


Package of the animal mass, i. 135.

Pancreas secured in its place, i. 138.

Panorpa tribe of insects, male of, provided with a forceps, why, i. 231.
Papists excluded from the offices of the church of England for political,

not religious, incapacity, iv. 439.

Parables of Christ, striking and perfect, ii. 239.

Parents, duty of, iii. 237. Not very high in rank of virtues, though neg-
lect of severely censured, 238. Is limited, how, 239. In mainte-
nance, ibid. In education, 240. How regulated among the Atheni-
ans, 241. In providing for happiness of child as to external condition,
242. Requires child to be brought up according to his condition,
244. Requires distinction to be made between children, ibid. Ex-
tends to bastards, 246. Allows to disinherit unworthy children, ibid.
But not to spend or devise, without regard to claims of children, 247.
Requires attention to child's virtue and religion, 248 Not only in
precept, but by example, 249. And different education according to
difference of children's tempers, 250. The rights of, 251. Founded in
their duties, ibid. To elect professions for children, 252. Commands,
which to be obeyed, father or mother, ibid. Rights of, belong to
guardians, tutors, &c. ibid. Have no right of life and death, or to
employ useless severity, or command crimes, ibid. Nor to sell their
children, ibid. Nor to sacrifice the child's happiness for ambition,
or other inferiour cause, ibid. May not command children to mar-
riages to which they are averse, 256. Nor interfere with the son's
performance of a trust, as a magistrate, &c. 257.

Parity of the clergy inexpedient, iv. 42.

Parrot's overlapping bill compensated, i. 194.

Particular consequence of breach of rule being useful, no excuse, iii. 70,
72, 75.

Parts did not teach use, i. 53.

Patella or knee-pan, i. 79.

Patronage in presenting clergy to livings, how restrained, iii. 451.
Paul, St. conversion of, ii. 46. Labours of, 49, 51. Letters of, 53. Pu-
rity of his conduct in the business of pecuniary contributions, v. 69.
Proved by his disclaiming divine authority for them, ibid. By assert-
ing the general right of maintenance for Christian ministers, but de-
clining the application to himself, ibid. By proposing to have coad-
jutors, 70.

Pax wax in the necks of large quadrupeds, i. 170.

Pea-blossom turns its back to the wind, why, i. 240..

Perfect rights, what, iii. 82.

Persecution of the early Christians, what it was, ii. 56. Not submitted to
from love of the marvellous, 186.

Philemon, Epistle to, proved authentick by the junction of circumstances
showing him to have been a Colossian, v. 217. By Onesimus being
sent to Colosse, 218. By his being converted during the author's im-
prisonment, ibid. By directions to procure a lodging for the author,
coinciding with his hopes of deliverance expressed in an epistle to
Timothy, ibid. By the common use of several persons' names in it
and the Epistle to the Colossians, 219. By peculiarity of expression,
implying that the author knew his correspondents' state chiefly by
common report, 220. By the peculiar fervour, tenderness, and deli-
cacy of expression, consistent with the author's general character
and conduct, 221.
Philippians, Epistle to the, proved authentick by the reference to the
transactions of Epaphroditus, easily to be understood by that church,
but requiring much investigation by others, v. 154. By mention of
the recovery of Epaphroditus from sickness, without the author's
employment of a miracle, which might have been expected from an
impostor, 158. By reference to the contributions of that church, con-
firmed very incidentally by the history, 159. By reference to the
long ministry of Timothy with that church, supported by the deduc-
tions from the history, 161. By collation of circumstances showing
that it was written near the conclusion of the author's imprisonment,
and after a long residence at Rome, 163. By comparison of senti-
ments with those to the Corinthians, naturally introduced, 164. By
comparison of passages in which the author's sufferings are mentioned
in the history with those which he himself employs about them, 166.
Pious frauds, iii. 143.

Plants and animals, succession of, proof of divine intelligence, i. 41.
Fructification of, proceeds from organization, 42. Exhibit mechan-
ism, though less strongly than animals, 238.

Pleasure in animal sensations proves goodness of God, i. 328. In eating,
which we should have been driven to as well by the pain of hunger,
329. In hearing, smelling, and seeing, which faculties might have
been as useful without harmony, fragrance, and beauty, 330. In
cultivated taste and understanding, more than was necessary, 333.
Politicks, object of, to produce greatest happiness in a given extent, iii.
469. Treats of nations, but refers to the individuals that compose
them, ibid. And supposes happiness of a country, in general, to de-
pend on number of its inhabitants, ibid.

Polygamy not requisite, from the equality in the number of males and fe-
males, iii. 221. Not allowed to the first man, ibid. Produces many evils,
ibid. And no advantages, 222. Practised by the Jews, 223. Forbidden
by the Greeks and Romans, ibid. Uncertain whether allowed by law of
Moses, ibid. Forbidden by Christian scriptures, ibid. Allowed in some
countries, 224. Punished in others, how, ibid. Commanded in some
countries, ibid. Singular kind of, among the old inhabitants of Brit-

[merged small][ocr errors]

Poor man, he whose expenses exceed his resources, iv. 414.

Poppy bends or erects its head, why, i. 240.

Popular representation in the English Constitution, how incongruous, iii.
391. Yet happy, 392. Flexible by the Crown, 394. But not too
much so, 396. Great power of, 399.

Population, in general, a scale of the happiness of a community, iii. 469.
Provided for by fecundity of our species in a greater ratio than sus-
tenance, 471. Will increase where sexual intercourse is regulated
by marriage, 472. And in proportion to the ease and certainty of pro-
curing subsistence, 473. Both which are regulated by three causes,
as mode of living, 474. Under which luxury, though in one way it
assists, yet generally represses population, 475. Quantity of provis.
ions, raised or imported, 478. Which very much depends on the
kind, ibid. And on the ability and encouragement of the occupier of.
the soil, 479. Distribution of provision, 481. Made to power and
labour, 482. Is affected directly by employment, 483. And indirect-
ly, ibid. As by trade, ibid. Affected by emigration, 490. By colon-
ization, 491. By circulation of money, 493. By taxation, 495. By
exportation of corn, 500. By abridgment of labour, 501. By regula
tions of law, 503. Which may most effectually be applied to agri-
culture, 504.

Prayer, our Lord's, perfect, ii. 239. Duty and efficacy of, iii. 277. Must
not be offered to God with the same intentions as request to other
superiours, 279. Objection to, supposes God inexorable, because
perfectly wise, 281. And also that there is but one way of acting for
the best, left to the divine will, ibid. Efficacy of, not confirmed by
experience, no objection to the duty, 282. For particular blessings,
right, 283. Duty and efficacy represented in scripture, how, 284.
By texts enjoining the duty in general, 285. By example of prayers
for particular favours, 286. For national blessings, ibid. By exam.
ples of intercession, ibid. By injunctions to repeat unsuccessful pray-
ers, 287. Private, recommended for what advantages, ibid. Private,
advantage of, in pouring out the private affliction of each individual,

ibid. In being more earnest than publick, or joint devotion, 288.
Having a greater tendency to keep alive religious impressions, ibid.
Being recommended by our Saviour's example, ibid. Family, pecul-
jar use of, 289. In publick worship necessary, ibid. Useful in unit-
ing mankind, 291. In promoting humility, 292. Forms of, in publick
worship, 294. Advantages of, in preventing extravagant addresses
to God, ibid. In preventing confusion, ibid. Inconveniences of, 295.
The Lord's, a good precedent, ibid. Publick liturgies should be com-
pendious, 296. And express just conceptions of God's attributes,
298. And recite such wants as the people feel, and no other, ibid.
And contain as few controverted propositions as may be, 299. In
imitation of Christ, iv. 177. In private, 179. After important exer-
cise of our faculties, 180. Preparatory to an important work, ibid.
To death, 181.

Precepts, positive, commonly produce an imperfect obligation, iii. 85.
Negative, a perfect one, ibid.

Preying of one animal upon another no sufficient objection against good.
ness of God, i. 319. Not an evil, for animals cannot be immortal, 322.
Produces activity in the animals, 323. Countervailed by abundant
procreation, ibid.

Proboscis of insects, a mechanical contrivance, i. 225.

Promises, obligation of, iii. 103. Not founded in innate notions, ibid.

But in necessity, ibid. How to be interpreted, 104. Not as promiser
actually intended, ibid. Or as promisee understood, ibid. But as
promiser believed promisee understood, ibid. Tacit, arise from ex-
citing expectations, and to be performed, 105. Conditional, 106.
When not binding, 107. When impossible to be performed, ibid.
Unlawful, ibid. At the time, ibid. Afterwards, 108. Contradicting
a former promise, 111. Before acceptance, ibid. Released, ibid. Er.
roneous, in some cases, 112. From the mistake of the promisee, ibid.
Proceeding from a false supposition, ibid. Extorted by violence or
fear, binding or not, 114.

Propagation of Christianity, ii. 816.

Property, idea of, a pleasurable one, i. 333.

Properties in the gospels,
when the thing may be en-
What it is, 92. The use

ii. 262. Property, exclusive, not right,
joyed in common, iii. 88. As the sea, 90.
of it, 93. To increase the produce of the earth, ibid. And preserve
it, 94. And prevent contests, ibid. And improve convenience, ibid.
The history of, 95. Moveable and immoveable, 96. In immoveables
continued at first only with possession, 97. Foundation of, ibid. In
consent of others, ibid. Or labour of proprietor, 98. Or grant of
God, 99. Or law of the land, 100.

Prophecy, proof of the Christian religion's divine origin, ii. 209. Of Isaiah,
chap. lii. and liii. ibid. According to Bishop Lowth's version, more
direct than by the vulgate, 212. How explained by the Jews, ibid.
Of Christ, of the destruction of Jerusalem, 215. Undoubtedly made
before the event, 217. Proved by the concurrence of the judgments
of antiquity, ibid. By the age of the historians, 218. By no hint be-
ing inserted relating to the completion, ibid. By the warnings to his
followers, contained in them, 219. By the generality of the terms,
220. Argued from, more than miracles, by early Christian writers,
Punishment, object of, iii. 422. Administered by human law differently
from the divine, 425. Two general modes of, 426. Capital, in Eng-
land, often assigned by statute, why, ibid. Sometimes erroneously,
428. Remitted, when, and by whom, ibid. Severity of, necessary in
a free country, 434. Reforming, effect of, little, 436. Infamous,
sometimes ill applied, 439. Certainty of, more effectual than sever-
ity, 440. Prevented by weakness of juries, 441. When they think
circumstantial evidence inferiour always to positive, ibid. Or that
ten guilty may escape, rather than one innocent suffer, 442.

Purity of the heart, iv. 142. What it is, 145. Something more than
control of actions, ibid. Essential to religion, 284.

Quotation and allusion most unquestionable proof of antiquity, ii. 104.
Of New Testament, 105–129.

Reading, different habits of, iii. 49.


Recollection dwells too much on our virtues, too little on our sins, iv.
191. Which is not proper for Christians, because we should acknowl-
edge ourselves unprofitable, 192. Because we should work out sal-
vation with fear, not confidence, 193. Forbidden by scripture exam-
ples, 194. Considered a temptation, 198.

Redemption, perhaps more extensive, than knowledge of its author, ii. 221.
Relations of parts to each other abound in the animal economy, i. 184,
Between digestion and the process of a manufaetory, ibid. Between
the stomach of a gallinaceous fowl and a corn-mill, 186. Between
the organs by which an animal procures food, and the powers that
digest it, ibid. Between the kidneys and the bladder, 187. Between
parts of the exteriour, 188. Between different things, ibid. Par-
ticular, between one part and another of the same animal, 189. As

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