6 The Holy Ghoft he fends IO Our ftubborn fouls to move; The life of grace takes place, To rife and feek his face. The world and Satan rage, But he their pow'r controls; His wifdom, love, and truth, engage. Tho' prefs'd, we will not yield, LXXXVIII. Man by nature, grace and glory. LORD, what is man! extremes how wide, I In this myfterious nature join! The flesh, to worms and duft ally'd, 2 Divine at first, a holy flame Kindled by the Almighty's breath; R-3 3 But JESUS, Oh! amazing grace! 4 Now what is man, when grace reveals SIMLIAR HYMN S. VIII. SHORT HYMNS. LXXXIX. BEFORE SERMON. C Onfirm the hope thy word allows, And teach his tongue to speak; Food to the hungry foul impart; And cordials to the weak. 2 Furnish us all with light and pow'rs To walk in wisdom's ways; I So fhall the benefit be ours, THY promife, LORD, and thy command Have brought us here to-day; And now, we humbly waiting ftand 2 Meet us, we pray, with words of peace, 2 HYMN XCII. TUNGRY, and faint, and poor, Affembled at thy mercies door, Thy bounty to obtain. Thy word invites us nigh R. 4 (f) Pfalm lxxxv. 8. 3 The 3 The food our fpirits want Thy hand alone can give; Oh, hear the pray'r of faith, and grant XCII. Pfalm cvi. 4, 5• Emember us, we pray thee, LORD, With those who love thy gracious name; And to our fouls that good afford, Thy promife has prepar'd for them. 2. To us thy great falvation show, Give us a taste of love divine; That we thy people's joy may know, And in their holy triumph join. HYMN NOT XCIV. OT to Sinai's dreadful blaze (g), 3 LORD, there are no ftreams but thine, I OF H Y M N XCV. FTEN thy public means of grace, Thy thirty people's wat'ring place, The archers have befet (i); The (g) Hebnews.xii. 18, 22. (6) Isaiah xii, 3, (i) Judges v. II. Attack'd them in thy houfe of pray`r, 2 But we from fuch affaults are freed, In their improvement make us wife, 3 Unless thy prefence thou afford, What would it profit to maintain AFTER SERMON. XCVI. Deut. xxxiii. 26-29. WITH JITH Ifrael's GOD who can compare? O people faved by the LORD, He is thy fhield and great reward! 2 Upheld by everlasting arms, Thou art fecur'd from foes and harms; XCVII. Habbakuk iii. 17, 18. JE Yes, |