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6 The Holy Ghoft he fends

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Our ftubborn fouls to move;
To make his enemies his friends,
And conquer them by love.
The love of fin departs,

The life of grace takes place,
Soon as his voice invites our hearts

To rife and feek his face.

The world and Satan rage,

But he their pow'r controls;

His wifdom, love, and truth, engage.
Protection for our fouls..

Tho' prefs'd, we will not yield,
But fhall prevail at length,
For JESUS is our fun and fhield,
Our righteousness and strength.
Affur'd that CHRIST our king,
Will put our foes to flight;
We, on the field of battle, fing
And triumph, while we fight.

LXXXVIII. Man by nature, grace and glory. LORD, what is man! extremes how wide,


In this myfterious nature join!

The flesh, to worms and duft ally'd,
The foul, immortal and divine!

2 Divine at first, a holy flame

Kindled by the Almighty's breath;
Till, ftain'd by fin, it foon became
The feat of darkness, ftrife, and death.
3 But


3 But JESUS, Oh! amazing grace!
Affum'd our nature as his own,
Obey'd and fuffer'd in our place,
Then took it with him to his throne.

4 Now what is man, when grace reveals
The virtue of a Saviour's blood?
Again a life divine he feels,
Defpifes earth, and walks with God.
5 And what in yonder-realms above,
Is ranfom'd man ordain'd to be?
With honour, holinefs and love,
No feraph more adorn'd than he.
6 Nearest the throne, and first in song,
Man fhall his hallelujahs raife;
While wond'ring angels round him throng,
And fwell the chorus of his praise.

Book I Hymn 57, 58, 59, 79, 80.
Book II. Hymn 37, 38, 39, 41, 42.


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Onfirm the hope thy word allows,
Behold us waiting to be fed;
Blefs the provifions of thy houfe,
And fatisfy thy poor with bread:
Drawn by thine invitation, LORD,
Athirst and hungry we are come;
Now from the fulness of thy word,
Feaft us, and send us thankful home.

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And teach his tongue to speak; Food to the hungry foul impart; And cordials to the weak.

2 Furnish us all with light and pow'rs To walk in wisdom's ways;


So fhall the benefit be ours,
And thou fhalt have the praife.

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THY promife, LORD, and thy command

Have brought us here to-day;

And now, we humbly waiting ftand
To hear what thou wilt fay (f).

2 Meet us, we pray, with words of peace,
And fill our hearts with love;
That from our follies we may cease,
And henceforth faithful prove.



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TUNGRY, and faint, and poor,
Behold us, LORD, again

Affembled at thy mercies door,

Thy bounty to obtain.

Thy word invites us nigh
Or we muft ftarve indeed;
For we no money have to buy,
No righteousness to plead,

R. 4

(f) Pfalm lxxxv. 8.

3 The


The food our fpirits want

Thy hand alone can give;

Oh, hear the pray'r of faith, and grant
That we may eat, and live.

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XCII. Pfalm cvi. 4, 5•

Emember us, we pray thee, LORD, With those who love thy gracious name; And to our fouls that good afford, Thy promife has prepar'd for them. 2. To us thy great falvation show, Give us a taste of love divine; That we thy people's joy may know, And in their holy triumph join.

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OT to Sinai's dreadful blaze (g),
But to Zion's throne of grace,
By a way mark'd out with blood,
Sinners now approach to GOD.
2 Not to hear the fiery law,
But with humble joy to draw
Water, by that well fupply'd (b),
JESUS Open'd when he dy d.

3 LORD, there are no ftreams but thine,
Can affuage a thirft like mine;
'Tis a thirst thyfelf did'ft give,
Let me therefore drink and live.




FTEN thy public means of grace, Thy thirty people's wat'ring place, The archers have befet (i);


(g) Hebnews.xii. 18, 22. (6) Isaiah xii, 3, (i) Judges v. II.

Attack'd them in thy houfe of pray`r,
To prifon dragg'd, or to the bar,
When thus together met.

2 But we from fuch affaults are freed,
Can pray, and fing, and hear, and read,
And meet, and part, in peace:
May we our privileges prize,

In their improvement make us wife,
And blefs us with increase.

3 Unless thy prefence thou afford,
Unless thy blefling clothe the word,
In vain our liberty!

What would it profit to maintain
A name for life, fhould we remain
Formal and dead to thee?



XCVI. Deut. xxxiii. 26-29.


JITH Ifrael's GOD who can compare?
Or who, like Ifrael happy are?

O people faved by the LORD,

He is thy fhield and great reward!

2 Upheld by everlasting arms,

Thou art fecur'd from foes and harms;
In vain their plots, and falfe their boafts,
Our refuge is the LORD of Hofts.

XCVII. Habbakuk iii. 17, 18.
ESUS is mine! I'm now prepar'd
To meet with what I thought moft hard;



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