Imágenes de páginas

It is not contained in any of the specified powers granted to Congress; nor can I consider it in cidental to, or a necessary mean, viewed on the most liberal scale, for carrying into effect any of the powers which are specifically granted. In communicating this result, I cannot resist the obligation which I feel to suggest to Congress the propriety of recommending to the States the adoption of an amendment to the constitution, which shall give to Congress the right in question. In cases of doubtful construction, especially of such vital interest, it comports with the nature and origin of our institutions, and will contribute much to preserve them, to apply to our constituents for an explicit grant of the power. We may confidently rely, that if it appears to their satisfaction that the power is necessary, it will always be granted. In this case I am happy to observe that experience has afforded the most ample proof of its utility, and that the benign spirit of conciliation and harmony which now manifests itself throughout our Union, promises to such a recommendation the most prompt and favourable result. I think proper to suggest also, in case this measure is adopted, that it be recommended to the States to include in the amendment sought, a right in Congress to institute, likewise, seminaries of learning, for the all-important purpose of diffusing knowledge among our fellowcitizens throughout the United States.

"Our manufactories will require the continued attention of Congress. The capital employed

in them is considerable, and the knowledge acquired in the machinery and fabric of all the most useful manufactures is of great value. Their preservation, which depends on due encouragement, is connected with the high interests of the nation.


Although the progress of the public buildings has been as favourable as circumstances have permitted, it is to be regretted that the Capitol is not yet in a state to receive you. There is good cause to presume that the two wings, the only parts as yet commenced, will be prepared for that purpose at the next session. The time seems now to have arrived when this subject may be deemed worthy the attention of Congress, on a scale adequate to national purposes. The completion of the middle building will be necessary to the convenient accommodation of Congress, of the Committees, and various offices belonging to it. It is evident that the other public buildings are altogether insufficient for the accommodation of the several executive departments, some of which are much crowded, and even subjected to the necessity of obtaining it in private buildings, at some distance from the head of the department, and with inconvenience to the management of the public business. Most nations have taken an interest and a pride in the improvement and ornament of their metropolis, and none were more conspicuous in that respect than the ancient republics. The policy which dictated the establishment of a permanent residence for the national government, and the spirit in which it was com

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menced and has been prosecuted, show that such improvement was thought worthy the attention of this nation. Its central position, between the northern and southern extremities of our union, and its approach to the west, at the head of a great navigable river which interlocks with the western waters, prove the wisdom of the councils which established it. Nothing appears to be more reasonable and proper than that convenient accommodations should be provided, on a well-digested plan, for the heads of the several departments, and for the AttorneyGeneral; and it is believed that the public ground in the city, applied to those objects, will be found amply sufficient. I submit this subject to the consideration of Congress, that such further provision may be made in it as to them may seem proper.

"In contemplating the happy situation of the United States, our attention is drawn, with peculiar interest, to the surviving officers and soldiers of our revolutionary army, who so eminently contributed, by their services, to lay its foundation. Most of those very meritorious citizens have paid the debt of nature, and gone to repose. It is believed that among the survivors there are some not provided for by existing laws, who are reduced to indigence, and even to real distress. These men have a claim on the gratitude of their country, and it will do honour to their country to provide for them. The lapse of a few years more, and the opportunity will be for ever lost indeed, so long already has been the interval, that the number to be benefited by any

provision which may be made will not be great.

"It appearing in a satisfactory manner that the revenue arising from imports and tonnage, and from the sale of the public lands, will be fully adequate to the support of the civil government, of the present military and naval establishments, including the annual augmentation of the latter, to the extent provided for, to the payment of the interests on the public debt, and to the extinguishment of it at the times authorised, without the aid of internal taxes; I consider it my duty to recommend to Congress their repeal. To impose taxes, when the public exigencies require them, is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people. The faithful fulfilment of it is among the highest proofs of their virtue, and capacity for self-government. To dispense with taxes, when it may be done with perfect safety, is equally the duty of their representatives. In this instance we have the satisfaction to know that they were imposed when the demand was imperious, and have been sustained with exemplary fidelity. I have to add, that, however gratifying it may be to me, regarding the prosperous and happy condition of our country, to recommend the repeal of these taxes at this time, I shall nevertheless be attentive to

events, and, should any future emergency occur, be not less prompt to suggest such measures and burdens as may then be requisite and proper.


"Washington, Dec. 2, 1817."


not be the only defaulters, nor will the demoralizing effect be confined to them. It will evince a relaxation and want of tone in the administration, which will be felt by the whole community. I shall do all that I can to secure economy and fidelity in this important branch of the administration; and I doubt not that the Legislature will perform its duty with equal zeal. A thorough examination should be regularly made, and I will promote it.

in accord with the principles of our Republican Government, and in a manner to give them the most complete effect, and to advance in all other respects the best interest of our Union, will be the object of my constant and zealous exertions. Never did a Government commence under auspices so favourable, nor ever was success so complete. If we look to the history of other nations, ancient or modern, we find no example of a growth so rapid, so gigantic; of a people so prosperous and happy.

"In contemplating what we have still to perform, the heart of every citizen must expand with joy, when he reflects how near our government has approached to perfection; that, in respect to it, we have no essential improvement to make: that the great object is to preserve it in the essential principles and features which characterize it; and that it is to be done by preserving the virtue and enlightening the minds of the people; and, as a security against foreign dangers, to adopt such arrangements as are indispensable to the support of our independence, our rights, and liberties. If we persevere in the career in which we have advanced so far, and in the path already traced, we cannot fail, under the favour of a gracious Providence, to attain the high destiny which seems to a

"It is particularly gratifying to me to enter on the discharge of these duties, at a time when the United States are blessed with peace. It is a state most consistent with their prosperity and happiness. It will be my sincere duty to preserve it, so far as depends on the Executive, on just principles, with all nations, claiming nothing unreasonable of any, and rendering to each what is its due. Equally gratifying is it to witness the increased harmony of opinion which pervades our union. Discord does not belong to our system. Union is recommended, as well by the free and benign principles of our Government, extend ing its blessings to every individual, as by the other eminent advantages attending it. The American people have encountered to gether great dangers, and sustained severe trials with success. They constitute one great family, with a common interest. "Experience has enlightened" In the administrations of the us on some questions of essential illustrious men who have preceded importance to the country. The me in this high station, with some progress has been slow, dictated of whom I have been connected by by a just reflection, and a faithful the closest ties from early life. regard to every interest connected examples are presented which will with it. To promote this harmony, always be found highly instructive

wait us.


and useful to their successor. From these I shall endeavour to derive all the advantages which they may afford. Of my immediate predecessor, under whom so portant a portion of this great and successful experiment has been made, I shall be pardoned for expressing my earnest wishes that be may long enjoy in his retirement the affections of a grateful cuentry, the best reward of exated talents and the most faithful and meritorious services. Relying on the aid to be derived from the other departments of the government, I enter on the trust to wah I have been called by the sfrages of my fellow-citizens, with my fervent prayers to the Aughty that he will be graciousby parased to continue to us that protection which he has already emspicuously displayed in our favour."


Washington, Dec. 2. This day at 12 o clock, the Presadent of the United States transtted to both Houses of Congress, the following Message, by Mr. Joseph Jones Monro, his se


» Fe low ("craments of the Senate, and

℗ is use of Representatives, ** At no period of our political e stene had we so much cause to fr...tate ourselves at the pros. perous and happy condition of our untry. The abundant fruits of the earth have filled it with plenty. An extensive and profitable commerve has greatly augmented our reven eine public credit has atts and an extraordinary elevation. Car preparations for defence, in case of future wars, from which,

by the experience of all nations we ought not to expect to be exempted, are advancing under a well-digested system, with all the dispatch which so important a work will admit. Our free government, founded on the interest and affections of the people, has gained, and is daily gaining, strength. Local jealousies are rapidly yielding to more generous, enlarged, and enlightened views of national policy. For advantages so numerous and highly important, it is our duty to unite in grateful acknowledgments to that Omnipotent Being from whom they are derived, and in unceasing prayer that he will endow us with virtue and strength to maintain and hand them down in their utmost purity to our latest posterity.

"I have the satisfaction to inform you, that an arrangement, which had been commenced by my predecessor, with the British Government, for the reduction of the naval force, by Great Britain and the United States, on the Lakes, has been concluded; by which it is provided, that neither party shall keep in service on Lake Champlain more than one vessel; on Lake Ontario more than one; and on Lake Erie and the Upper Lakes more than two; to be armed each with one cannon only; and that all the other armed vessels of both parties, of which an exact list is interchanged, shall be dismantled. It is also agreed, that the force retained shall be restricted in its duty to the internal purposes of each party; and that the arrangement shall remain in force until six months shall have expired, after notice given by one of the parties to the other of its

desire that it should terminate. By this arrangement, useless expense on both sides, and, what is of still greater importance, the danger of collision between armed vessels in those inland waters which was great, is prevented.,

"I have the satisfaction also to state, that the Commissioners, under the fourth article of the treaty of Ghent, to whom it was referred to decide, to which party the several islands in the bay of Passamaquoddy belonged, under the treaty of 1783, have agreed in a report, by which all the islands in the possession of each party before the late war have been decreed to it. The Commissioners acting under the other article of the treaty of Ghent, for the settlement of the boundaries, have also been engaged in the discharge of their respective duties, but have not yet completed them. The difference which arose between the two Governments under that treaty, respecting the right of the United States to take and cure fish on the coast of the British provinces north of our limits, which had been secured by the treaty of 1783, is still in negotiation. The proposition made by this Government, to extend to the colonies of Great Britain the principle of the convention of London, by which the commerce between the ports of the United States and British ports in Europe had been placed on a footing of equality, has been declined by the British Government. This subject having been thus amicably discussed between the two Governments, and it appearing that the British Government is unwilling to depart from its present regula

tions, it remains for Congress to decide whether they will make any other regulations, in consequence thereof, for the protection and improvement of our navigation.

"The negotiation with Spain, for spoliations on our commerce, and the settlement of boundaries, remains, essentially, in the state it held, by the communications that were made to Congress by my predecessor. It has been evidently the policy of the Spanish Government to keep the negotiation suspended, and in this the United States have acquiesced, from an amicable disposition towards Spain, and in the expectation that her Government would, from a sense of justice, finally accede to such an arrangement as would be equal between the parties. A disposition has been lately shewn by the Spanish Government to move in the negotiation, which has been met by this Government, and should the conciliatory and friendly policy, which has invariably guided our Councils, be reciprocated, a just and satisfactory arrangement may be expected. It is proper, however, to remark, that no proposition has yet been made, from which such a result can be presumed.

"It was anticipated, at an early stage, that the contest between Spain and her colonies would become highly interesting to the United States. It was natural that our citizens should sympathise in events which affected their neighbours. It seemed probable, also, that the prosecution of the conflict along our coast, and in contiguous countries, would occasionally interrupt our commerce, and


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