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garden is inclined to hurry over his master's work, or to get away from it before the time, that he may go to work in his own garden. This is very dishonest. If a man is paid for a day's work, he should do a day's work; otherwise he is cheating his master of his time; which is just the same as if he cheated him of his money. Thus we see, that a garden may be the means of a great deal of harm, and lead a man to break both his duty to God and to his neighbour. It is not, however, fair to argue against the use of a thing, because some people abuse it. For there is indeed nothing in the world to which some objections may not be found, and some evil be made to arise. A bad man may make evil to come out of that which is, in itself, good:whilst a conscientious man will try to get all the good that he can out of every thing, and to avoid all that is evil. noitelogov to nebo teowol at Viroit

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IN 1429, Nicholas Belward, of South Elham, in Suffolk, was accused of having in his possession a New Testament, which he had bought in London, for four marks and forty pence. An astonishing price to be paid in those days by a labouring manfor such Belward appears to have been.-Townley's Illustrations of Biblical Literature.

How happy are we, in being able to read the Word of God unrestrained by the fear of man; and how inexcusable will be our conduct, if we neglect to provide ourselves with so valuable a treasure, when we may, in these days, have it at so small a


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I HAVE lately met with a valuable little work which displays in such pleasing colours the benevolence of the Creator, as manifested in the various productions of the vegetable world, that I cannot refrain from sending you the following extract for your Monthly Visitor,

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There does not appear to be any selfish principle in nature; nothing seems to subsist for itself alone. Every little plant and flower, ascending from the lowest order of vegetation to the highest, has some allotted duty to perform, either as con ́nected with insects, animals, or men. Some are designed for food; others furnish medicine for the various disorders incident to the countries in which they grow; whilst many seem, like way-marks the countries in which placed in the wilderness, to proclaim the greatness and benevolence of God.


"The Kamtschatka lily, called the sarenne, forms a principal part of the food of the people of Kamtschatka. Its roots are gathered by the woinen, in August, dried in the sun, and laid up for use; they are the best bread of the country; and, after being baked, and reduced to powder, serve instead of flour in various dishes. They are sometimes washed, and eaten as potatoes, are extremely nourishing, and liave a pleasant bitter taste. Provideutially it is a common plant, and the grounds are covered with its flowers during the summer season. It is worthy of remark, that whilst fish are scarce, the sarenne is plentiful; and that when this valuable root begins to fail, the rivers offer their

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finny tribes in great profusion. The females of Kamtschatka, who are occupied in gathering and preparing the sarenne for domestic purposes, are frequently indebted for considerable quantities to the labours of a mouse. This little animal principally lives upon the roots of the sarenne, which it not only collects at the proper season, and lays up in magazines for winter store, but also occasionally brings out and spreads upon the ground in sunny weather, as if anxious to preserve" e them from the danger of decay. The natives search for these hoards; and, after storming the little citadels, prudently leave part of the magazines for the inhabitants, unwilling that such useful animals should be exposed to the risk of perishing during the severity of the winter months." From the Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom displayed. By the Author of select Female Biography.

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WE are really very glad that these people leave some of the provision for these industrious mice, whether it be done prudently, for the sake of pre serving their useful collectors, or that they are really unwilling that the poor animals should perish. This brings to our mind the great improvement which' has been made, in our day, in the management of Bees. Now, we take the honey (excepting what is sufficient for the use of the hive) and leave the Bees; instead of burning the poor creatures to death with sulphur, according to the former practice; which was as unwise, as it was cruel and ungrate ful. ED.

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To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor. SIR,

IF you should be of opinion that the following simple narrative will be useful in your Visitor, you are

welcome to insert it, and may be assured of the truth of every circumstance.

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It is seven years since Dorcas R, the daughter of a labourer in my parish, first shewed symptoms of a decline; which gradually increased, and which, for the last two years, (nearly the period that I have personally known her), have been attended with acute sufferings, she bore a good character before I knew her, but I am anxious, from my own testimony, to hold forth her example as worthy of imitation, particularly to the young and thoughtless. She died at the age of 26, and was buried yesterday. Her sincere repentance, her firm faith in her Redeemer; her strict attention to all her religious duties, her readiness to leave this world and yet without the least impatience under her great sufferings I have hardly ever seen exceeded. She had not taken the Sacrament before I saw her, but eagerly entered upon the subject, and regularly received it, when I had explained its nature to her. She was, for nine months, confined to her bed, and latterly reduced to a complete skeleton; her skin was broken in several places; her senses, at times, quite left her; and yet, in my last visit, though she could with difficulty recollect me, and her voice was quite gone, she followed me, with her lips, through the prayer which I was offering, She expiredwith a hope full of immortality.

If any of your readers (younger one's especially) will bear in mind the example of poor Dorcas, and her happy end, they may be induced to "go and do likewise," and may they also find the same comfort and consolation in their expiring moments that she did!

Your admirer and constant Reader,

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IN the Scriptures we find four things; precepts for life, doctrines for knowledge, examples for illustration, and promises for comfort.

"Herbert. We are receiving, every moment of our lives, blessings from the hand of God, and yet blessings for which we must account. ('ateridge.

As Christians, we are placed in a state full of mercies, but full of duties attached to those mercies; we are daily receiving the former; we must labour to perform the latter. The same.


The folly of men is in nothing more unaccountable, than in their living here, as if they were always to live here. Bp. Watson. There is one light, in which this world may be justly esteemed highly important,-it is the School in which we are to be educated for heaven ;-and we become guilty of great folly, when we view it in any other light. The same. The wrathful and turbulent man, who is always ready to impute wrong, turneth even good into evil the peaceful man turneth all things into good... Thomas à Kempis. Let thy zeal be exercised in thy own reformation, before it attempts the reformation of thy neighbour. The same. Endeavour to check the first motions of anger in your bosom. If we give utterance to angry words, the storm of passion will go on increasing, till it knows no bounds. Berens.

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It will be wise, as far as we can, to avoid being much in the company of men, who are in the habit of giving way to violent anger, and who will be likely to lead us into the same fault. The wise man says, "Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man thou shall not go; lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul."

The same. A CHRISTIAN POOR MAN is contented with his

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