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following suggestions:-1. That lists be prepared on which shall appear the names of members and junior members, grouped into three districts, according to their places of abode. That to each of these three districts one Deacon and two Matrons be appointed, who shall have special charge of the visitors who may be needed among the members and junior members in the district to which they are allotted. That the Deacons shall superintend the subdivision of the lists, and generally direct the visiting. 2. That in addition to one Deacon and two Matrons, three Visitors be appointed to each district, one or more of whom should be selected from the younger members of the Church and from the Sunday Schools. 3. That the Visitors and Matrons report regularly to the Deacons, and that, in all cases of sickness, and whenever it may be thought necessary, the Minister should be informed at once. 4. That days be fixed for Quarterly Meetings during the year, at which the Minister, Deacons, Matrons, and Visitors shall attend; when Reports shall be presented, and arrangements for future visiting completed.


The Committee of the Sunday School report a slight decline in the number in attendance, owing to the prospect of removal to the new schoolrooms. On the general question of Sunday School education, in its relation to the extension of secular teaching, the Committee say "The universal spread of knowledge is producing a very rapid change in the character of the teaching in Sunday Schools; and our Teachers are applying themselves with all diligence to meet the changing condition of their scholars. They are looking forward with hopeful pleasure to the removal of the School to the new rooms at Handsworth, and they trust, that with the new class-rooms, they will be enabled to do nobler work for the young. Every year will now make it easier to impart an instruction more directly religious in its nature, and in the coming months the change of place will give opportunity for other changes, tending to make the Schools more truly nurseries for the life immortal than they have yet been." The Society seems fortunate in the assistance received in the completion of their new church from friends outside their own community. In our last, we mentioned the contribution of the gas-fittings of the

Church, by one who was not a member of the congregation. The April number of the Manual gives the following notice of a similar contribution, from another friend similarly circumstanced :-"In the March Manual we gave the news that handsome and complete gas-fittings for the Church had been offered by a friend. Following that notice was a paragraph inviting any one so disposed to emulate this good example by providing the gas-fittings for the Schools. We are now happy to say that the suggestion has been accepted and the offer made. A gentleman, not connected with this religious society, though a personal friend of many of its members, and who had already promised a donation, when he saw the Report and perused the list of subscriptions under revision, felt impelled to increase his gift, and choosing this special way of doing so, at once offered to supply the pendants and fixtures for the Schools, We are not yet at liberty to publish his name, but, all the same, we are sure his kind offer will be received with delight and gratitude by every one. Nor will the liberal donor of the coronas, standards, and fittings for the Church be less pleased than ourselves on finding that his example has thus led to so generous an imitation. We have also received an intimation that the finial for the spire will probably be given by one of our most active friends, whose devotion to the work and liberality have already been well attested. Such is the heavenly effect of all good deeds, that one always tends to suggest and stimulate another, and thus each successive donor increases the joy of all the others. May we have the happiness of recording yet many other such noble gifts. If from members of the congregation, well: but if from friends not thus connected-so much the better, because then proving the union of hearts by ties of mutual esteem and Christian love, rising far above and scarcely lessened by divergencies of creed."

BOLTON.-On Tuesday evening, April 4th, the quarterly tea-meeting of this Society was held in the schoolroom; and was of an unusually interesting character in consequence of the presentation of a unanimously signed requisition to the leader, Mr. G. H. Smith, to allow himself to become a candidate

The appointment of a subject for next quarterly meeting, namely “The nature of the unpardonable sin," concluded one the best spent evenings this Society has enjoyed for a long time.


for ordination at the next General Con- the world of spirits," based upon ference. Mr. W. H. Horrocks in pre- various statement smade by Swedenborg, senting, on behalf of the congregation, was introduced by Mr. Smith, who in the requisition to Mr. Smith expressed the course of an exceedingly interesting the very sincere pleasure he felt in and instructive examination of the being requested by the Committee to questions connected therewith, adduced perform so agreeable a duty, his satis- many very conclusive passages from the faction being greatly enhanced by the writings of Swedenborg proving their consideration that the requisition was attainment, after the last judgment, of a unanimous one, there not being a single the angelic state. dissentient. He dwelt in warm terms upon the manner in which Mr. Smith had endeared himself to every member of the congregation, and expressed the earnest hope and belief that the sincere and impressive efforts which he put forth so diligently and continuously for the spiritual welfare of all associated with the Church would be as earnestly responded to, and also rewarded in an equally fitting and substantial manner. Mr. Smith in accepting the "Requisition" said, that while he felt no particular ambition for the title of "Reverend," he could not but feel highly gratified in receiving such an indication that his labours during the two years he had been in the ministry had met with such cordial and unanimous approval. To he of real use in his ministrations was his highest ambition, and whatever of success attended his efforts he felt he must attribute to the Lord. To Him must be all the praise. There is good reason to hope that under the auspices of an earnest and efficient minister, supported by the equally earnest co-operation of the congregation, the Society may grow into one of the most vigorous and healthy societies in the New Church. There is here a good basis to start from and a wide field to work in, the town and suburbs containing a population of upwards of one hundred thousand. Hitherto this Society, like most others in the Church, has worked its way quietly, and lived down a multitude of prejudices. And there are abundant evidences that there exists amongst this population a growing spirit of inquiry, which if adequately met by a judicious presentation of the truth cannot fail to issue in the growth of the New Church amongst us.

After the presentation of the requisition, the subject appointed for consideration at the previous quarterly meeting, namely, "The vastation of David and Paul, and their prolonged stay in

HULL. The first anniversary services connected with the opening of the Church in Spring Bank, were held on Sunday, April 9th, and on Tuesday evening, April 11th. On the Sabbath, two sermons were preached by Mr. Gunton; in the morning, on the spiritual lessons contained in the Divine Record respecting Cain's slaying of his brother Abel, and in the evening, on Samson's great strength, and why it lay in his hair. The attendance was good. the evening the Church was filled with an intelligent congregation, which listened with marked attention to the preacher, while he expounded the truth and enforced the lessons contained in the portions of the Word of God he had selected as the subjects of his discourses. Many expressed their delight with the views of truth presented; particularly in the evening, with the exposition of the inspired narrative respecting Samson. Mr. Gunton has visited Hull so frequently that he has become known, and usually secures a large congregation. The Society is greatly indebted to him for his valuable assistance in the erection of their new Church, which has given them a position in the town they did not previously possess. They have also been much aided by friends who have assisted them by supplying their pulpit while they have been without a leader. The Society feel especially grateful for the services of Mr. Pulsford of Sheffield, and Mr. Seddon of Oldham, who rendered them important assistance during the inclement season of the winter. On the evening of Tuesday the 11th, the annual tea-meeting was held, the tea being provided by the ladies of the congregation. There was a good attendance, and after tea a public meeting

was held.
Addresses suited to the
circumstances of the Society were given
by Mr. Gunton, Mr. Laylands, Mr.
Needler, and Mr. Best. Mr. Laylands
has been for a short time leader of the
Society at Horncastle, and has now been
engaged by the friends at Hull as the
leader of their Society. He commenced
his ministry on the 16th of April, and the
members hope that he will be successful
in building up the Church and promoting
its growth in truth and righteousness.
There is an extensive field of labour in
Hull, and elements which will, we trust,
render it successful.


On March 23d, at St. Paul's Church, Portland Square, Bristol, by the Rev. George Alford, Francis Morrish Eyles, formerly of Bath, to Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. William Palmer.


in the 73rd year of his age, Mr. John Departed this life on 23rd March last, Brown of Hull. After a protracted and trying illness, this worthy member of

the Church was released from his mor

tal coil. We cannot doubt, from our knowledge of his uniform uprightness, LONDON.-Argyle Square.-One of and true discipleship of the Lord, that the established services of this society he has received a welcome in his is a periodical children's service. At heavenly Father's home. For some this service on the 23rd of April a new years he kept alive the nucleus of the order of worship suited to the occasion present Society, by means of quarterly was introduced. In this service the meetings held in his house. Not unmindgeneral order of the liturgy is ob- ful of the importance to the Church served, the prayers being new and of pecuniary aid, a few years since he aradapted to the occasion. The service is ranged a gift to the Conference of £1000. also appointed at 3 p.m., when no other He was born in the New Church, inasservice is being held. This is not a much as his father received its doctrines general practice in the arrangement of through Mr. Green, the first preacher of children's services. It is usual, if not the doctrines in Hull. Mr. Brown leaves common, to make them one of the usual only one sister, whose affection for the Church services, most frequently the Church is not less than his own. R. G. morning service. There is much to be said for these services, whether confined to the children and those immediately interested in them, or extended to the whole congregation. The injunction "Feed my Lambs, " is a command of the highest value for the building up of the Church and the extension of the Lord's kingdom in the world. It is beginning to be more generally realized by all religious communities that the foundation of the religious life, if this life is to be vigorous and healthy, must be laid in childhood and early life. Efforts are, therefore, wisely made by the Church to supplement and extend the efforts of parents, and children's services are a wise and useful extension of the labours of the Sunday School, to which every friend of the young and lover of the Church will give a hearty support.


On April 18th, at 394 Edgeware Road, London, the wife of Mr. James Gilbey, of a son.

At Melon Cottage, Kensington, on March 18, the wife of Mr. R. Tomley,

of a son.

Departed this life, Feb. 1876, at Southwell, Notts., Mrs. Gilson, late of Nottingham. She generally enjoyed good health till December of last year, when she had a severe attack of heart affection, from which, however, she soon recovered. A few weeks later she had a sudden return of her complaint, and in a few minutes passed away. Mrs. G. had been a receiver of the doctrines for about twenty-five years, and for the last twenty years was connected with the Nottingham Society. She loved the New Church with an ardent affection, and took great delight in conversing with those who rejoiced in the same glorious faith. Her removal from Nottingham, on account of a sister's illness, obliged her to attend the minister at Southwell, and although the clergy and their wives were anxious to make her sojourn among them cheerful and pleasant, she found herself unable to join in the old services, and could not bring herself to recognize the new sphere into which she was thrown; and often did she express her sorrow that she had no New Church friends near her. J. D. B.

[blocks in formation]

MUCH has been written and said on the subject of Work. It is an exhaustless theme, yet it is to be feared that the world, as a whole, has a very imperfect understanding of the matter. There is still an immense class who look upon work as a species of drudgery, as ignoble and slavish a thing to be avoided and shirked as much as possible. At the best it is regarded as a necessary but distasteful means to an end, as a mode of accumulating wealth or providing food and clothing for our ordinary wants. Some there are, no doubt, who recognize its nobler qualties, and who work lovingly, with but little thought of merit or reward. All honour to these men! they are treading an upward path, which will lead them into realms of eternal light. They are, however, but a small minority, though, it is to be hoped, a constantly increasing one. Most men work because they must, or because of its emoluments; and a considerable section of our community, whose position exempts them from the necessity of work, look down upon it with a feeling akin to scorn, as a sign of inferior social rank, and therefore " common and unclean." It is time that such false and erroneous views on this subject were discarded, and that men should recognize the true value and object of work.

In its highest sense and origin, work may be said to be Divine; for God Himself is the great Artificer and chief Worker in the universe, and those who work most and best, approach most closely to His image and likeness.


In the realm of nature we see constant evidence of the grand principles of work or co-operation; for a chain of interdependence and mutual support runs through all her various departments.

Look, for instance, at the vast suns of our cosmical system! How unceasing is their work-supplying the planetary worlds that surround them (our own earth amongst the number) with exhaustless stores of light and heat!

Were the sun of our system to turn idler for a single day, our world would be quenched in perpetual night.

Look, too, at the manifold operations in nature! The various kingdoms, mineral, vegetable, and animal, are each working for the other, and all for man. How stupendous, and yet how silent, are the forces by which these operations are carried on! Here is no dilettanti or half-and-half work, but everything is bent, as it were, on doing its best for that which lies immediately around and above it. Thus the mineral world supplies the vegetable, and that again supports the animal kingdom. All are co-operating together, and performing some use, either higher or lower, from the hard rock on which the lichen feeds, to the lowing cattle and willing horse which yield their invaluable services for our daily wants.

Not until we come to man, God's chiefest work, do we find the principle fail. Here, as usual, we see the intended order of nature perverted. Man works not from love, but for hire, and, if possible, he avoids it altogether.

The world has, however, yet to learn two great lessons in this matter; first, that work is the noblest privilege which belongs to humanity, and secondly, that its value intrinsically depends not chiefly upon its amount, but upon its quality and motive. We have spoken of the first, and endeavoured to illustrate our meaning by a reference to the universal order of nature. It is a law of God that everything which He has made should, directly or indirectly, be bound together by a common bond of brotherhood, or co-operation. There are, in reality, no drones in nature, until we come to the human hive; for the poor insect, which has been made a by-word in the world, is actually fulfilling its specially allotted work equally with its now busy brethren. It is man alone who enjoys the distinction of leading a life of ease and idleness, though, happily for our race, the greater number are compelled by necessity to perform some kind of work.

We come, however, to our second point-the motive, or end of work. It has been well said, that ". men are not so much distinguished by

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