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must be true. For, the righteous man favours and forwards inftruction, forms to order, to felf-goverment, to worthy qualities and honourable pursuits: the righteous man, by his advice, his affiftance, his example, his prayers, promotes in others his own excellence of character, that excellence which refembles GOD, endears to man, and prepares and longs for the perfection and harmony, and joy, of the where all is holy and all is

celestial regions,

happy for ever. Righteoufness, or genuine religion, is the fweetener of human life. Religion imparts and fecures enjoyments, unfpeakably more precious than all worldly gratifications. "She is more precious than rubies, and all the things thou canft defire is not to be compared unto her." He is the true friend of man, he is the true patriot, he is best fitted for acting his part aright in fociety, he is its ftrength and ornament, who is a Chriftian, full of zeal for the glory of God; and exerts himself in promoting the interefts of genuine religion in the world.

If it is afked, Upon what occafions and in what manner does active zeal to forward the interefts


interefts of religion manifeft itself? It is readily answered, It is daily and habitual. Whoever loves GOD and man, whoever imitates the example, honours the miffion, bows to the authority, belongs to the family of the LORD JESUS, adopts this petition; his earneft defire and fervent prayer is; "Thy king"dom come.'

HE whofe prevailing defire and daily fupplication is, that men may come to the knowledge of the truth, that the word of GOD may have free course and be glorified, that the nations of the earth may become the kingdoms of our GoD and his CHRIST, cannot but be diftinguished by plans and exertions for the fuccefs and fpreading of the Gofpel. The habitual defire, and the character it forms, will be discovered differently, as times and circumftances offer and vary. There are feafons in which the spirit of pious philanthropy is more confpicuous:

there are circumstances that render its value and luftre more diftinguished and extensively known and circulated.

THE existence of feditious principles, their prevalence

prevalence and horrible effects, roufes the friend of his country: the very fufpicion of their infection and influence, prompts him to every exertion for their fuppreffion and extinction. In the fame manner, ignorance, fuperftition, immorality, the prevalence of loofe and irreligious principles, affect the heart, and employ the zeal and influence and exertions of the friend of religion, who is ever the warmest and most active friend of humanity. Our own times, and, alas! our own country, have exhibited more than fymptoms of the existence and prevalence of ignorance, immorality, and superstition: they have afforded more than apologies for the alarms and exertions of the friends of religion their zeal and exertions for repreffing irreligion, and for promoting the knowledge and love, and practice of the Gospel, are truly honourable. With more warmth of heart, with more affectionate commendation, we think and talk of their zeal and exertions, when we fee, on the one hand, the fupineness of fome; the encouraging or countenancing vice and irreligion in others, who are equally called on to check their progrefs, and with equal advantages of wealth and influ

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ence; and when, on the other hand, we perceive the well directed and fteady efforts of the righteous fuccessfully diffusing far and wide, knowledge and found principles; and fo enfuring and promoting good morals, with all their bleffed effects, in the family, in the neighbourhood, in private and in public; in this world, and in that which is to come.

DIFFERENCE of station and circumstances does not alter the nature, or affect the claims to praise, of the charity and righteousness that ftudies the good of men, and that they may be faved. Wherever they are discovered, in the humble cottage, in the retired retreat, they are the excellent of the earth. But ftation and circumftances more ftrikingly exhibit their worthy fame. Extenfive and lafting fame is attached to the objects of more general obfervation, to long continued. and fuccessful exertion, to fuperior influence, to the union and luftre of the many virtues and graces, which zeal for the interefts of true religion is fo excellently fitted to call forth and display, in all their benign influence. Such righteous men are held in everlasting remembrance.


III. THE righteous are amiable, and secure the esteem and cordial remembrance of mankind, as the friends of the poor. "The poor

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you have always with you," fays our LORD: "The rich and the poor meet together:" In all ages and in all countries has been this difference of condition. Many and various are the causes and explanations, of the wealth of fome, and the poverty of others. Poverty is often the effect and punishment of vice, but it may be the lot of the innocent and the worthy. Who is out of the reach of adverfity? Calamity overwhelms the most profperous. Many are the sufferings, many are the fears of poverty: it is pitied by the righteous: fome are enabled to relieve it alfo : fome have the power as well as the inclination to foften the afperities of life, to comfort distress, to smooth the bed of woe; fome have been active and fuccefsful in forming and forwarding plans of fuccouring the deftitute fick, of promoting religious knowledge among the poor; and have pronounced fuch good works the best use and highest enjoyment of their fortunes. Their good works cannot be concealed: their memory is precious, especially in their vicinity, and among


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