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folemn, and worthy, celebration: What we neceffarily conclude, refpecting the utility of the ordinances, perfectly accords with their profeffed defign, and with the happy experience of Chriftian worshippers.

AN univerfal religion must be published to all the ignorant must be inftructed: finners must be converted: the weak must be ftrengthened: the fearful must be encouraged: the languid must be reproved, and awakened the pious must be comforted, and built up in their holy faith. "Go ye," faid our LORD," and teach all nations:-Preach "the word," fays the apoftle to Timothy, "be instant in season, out of season; re


prove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-fuffer"ing and doctrine." The objects of the ministry are declared to be, "for the per"fecting of the faints, for the work of the "miniftry, for the edifying of the body of

CHRIST, till we all come in the unity of "the faith and of the knowledge of the Son "of GOD, unto a perfect man; unto the "measure of the ftature of the fulness of "CHRIST, that we henceforth be no more "children, toffed to and fro, and carried


"about with every wind of doctrine, by the


fleight of men; and cunning craftiness, 64 whereby they lie in wait to deceive." These are most important objects: whoever duly prizes them, cannot fail highly to value, and conscientiously to obferve, the means appointed by our LORD, for their being attained and secured.

WE have turned your attention to the common, or general, tendency and objects of the means of grace: fhould we confider them separately, we should perceive how excellently they are fitted for impreffing and affecting our minds with the great truths of our religion, for confirming us in our faith and duty; and, thus, for determining us to fave ourselves from irreligious company, perfuafion, or example.

WORSHIP, prayer and praise, reading and hearing the word of God, produce thefe effects: but is not the affembling of ourselves together on the day facred to the memory of the refurrection of JESUS from the dead; is not the celebration of baptifm, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft; is not


the celebration of the memorial of the fufferings and death of the LORD; most favourable to attention, to seriousness, to impreffing and affecting our minds, for our edification and comfort, and fo for determining us to "beware left, being led away by the 66 error of the wicked, we fall from our own "ftedfaftnefs?"

WE have to add, with much fatisfaction, that experience proves the advantages arising from a diligent and confcientious attendance on the ordinances of religion; for the increafe and exercife of our faith and hope, and joy; and so for stedfast adherence to the Gospel.

THERE have been many, in every age, who, with the warmest gratitude to GoD, have acknowledged how good it was for them to join in the worship of GOD, and in celebrating his ordinances: by public instruction and public worship, they have been relieved and confirmed, and comforted: happy trains of meditation and reflection have been fuggefted and encouraged: truth has been placed in new points of light; has been re


garded with new and happy effects: pleasure and joy have been imparted, and heightened, and perfected; and new force and refolution have been felt: they have determined, as they were exhorted, " with purpose of heart "to cleave unto the LORD; and to fave them"felves" from the errors, and perversity, and wickedness, of the irreligious.

ALAS! my friends, it has often been awfully proved on the other hand that, by forfaking and neglecting the exercises of piety, and the institutions of religion, men have become lefs lively Chriftians, have flidden into lukewarmness, have conformed to the world, have been led away with the error of the wicked, and fallen from their stedfastness.

WHEN We muse on every thing, in the means of grace, favourable to the stedfastnefs of our faith, we are always to recollect that their chief efficacy, for this purpose, is to be afcribed to the prefence and bleffing of our LORD, who hath faid, "I am in the "midst of you: in all places where I record my name," is the promise of GOD to the church, "I will come to thee and I will blefs "thee."

"thee." He opens our eyes, to use the metaphors of Scripture, to behold the great things contained in the revelations of GOD, he takes of the things of CHRIST and fhews them unto us: he opens our ears to difcipline, to hear and regard the voice of GOD: he opens our hearts to receive the truth, in the love of it: he draws out our defires to divine objects: he sheds abroad the love of GOD in our hearts: he awakens and exercifes and heightens holy affections: he imparts his unfpeakable confolations and delights: he makes us "joyful in his house of

prayer;" and to return from his ordinances, refolved in the good ways of GOD, and proof against the fnares and temptations of worldly and wicked men.

I HAVE mentioned these particulars with much brevity, to encourage and determine you frequently, regularly and confcientiously to attend upon the means of instruction and edification: and in remarking that their efficacy is to be afcribed to the presence and bleffing of GoD, you perceive that you ought to look up to GOD, and to implore his prefence and bleffing to be with you. Go up


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