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"namely, election, vocation, adoption, justification, sanctification, and hope of glory; and for the admirable good"ness of GOD in casting our lot in a land of civil and reli"gious liberty, where, in nothing terrified by our adversa"ries we may serve him in holiness and righteousness, "without fear, all the days of our lives.

"To pray for the continuance of the gospel, and all or"dinances thereof, in their purity, power, and liberty to "turn the chief and most useful heads of the sermon into some few petitions; and to pray that it may abide in the "heart, and bring forth fruit.


"To pray for preparation for death and judgment, and a watching for the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST: "to entreat of God the forgiveness of the iniquities of our holy things, and the acceptation of our spiritual sacrifice, through the merit and mediation of our High Priest and "Saviour the LORD JESUS CHRIST."


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2. And because the prayer which CHRIST taught bis disciples is not only a pattern of prayer, but itself a most comprehensive prayer, it may also be used in the prayers of the church.

3. And whereas, at the administration of the sacraments, the holding public fasts and days of thanksgiving, and other special occasions, which may afford matter of special petitions and thanksgivings, it is requisite to express somewhat in our public prayers, every minister is herein to apply himself in his prayer, before or after sermon, to those occasions; but, for the manner, he is left to his liberty, as GOD shall direct and enable him, in piety and wisdom to discharge his duty.

4. The prayer ended, let a psalm, or part of a psalm, be sung, if with conveniency it may be done. After which, (unless some other ordinance of CHRIST that concerneth the congregation at that time be to follow,) let the minister dismiss the congregation with the apostolical benediction.


And, first, of Baptism.

1. Baptism, as it is not unnecessarily to be delayed, so it is not to be administered in any case by any private person, but by a minister of CHRIST, called to be the steward of the mysteries of Gon.

2. Nor is it to be administered in private places, or privately, but in a place of public worship, and in the face of

the congregation, where the people may most conveniently see and hear: nor is it to be prostituted to the purposes of worldly gain.

3. The child to be baptized, after due notice given to the minister, is to be presented by the father; in case of his death, or necessary absence, or incapacity of taking upon him the requisite vows, by the mother. Those sponsors, commonly called godfathers and godmothers, are utterly disallowed.

4. Before baptism, the minister, if he shall judge it necessary, is to use some words of instruction, touching the institution, nature, use, and ends of this sacrament: shewing,


"That it is instituted by our LORD JESUS CHRIST: that "it is a seal of the covenant of grace, of our ingrafting into CHRIST, and of our union with him; of remission of sins, regeneration, adoption, and life eternal: that the water "in baptism representeth and signifieth both the blood of "CHRIST, which taketh away all guilt of sin original and "actual, and the sanctifying virtue of the SPIRIT of CHRIST





against the dominion of sin, and the corruption of our "sinful nature: that baptizing, or sprinkling and washing "with water, signifieth the cleansing from sin by the blood "and for the merit of CHRIST, together with the mortification of sin, and rising from sin to newness of life, by vir"tue of the death and resurrection of CHRIST: that the promise is made to believers and their seed; and that "the seed and posterity of the faithful, born within the church, have, by their birth, a visible interest in the "covenant, and right to the seal of it, and to the outward "privileges of the church, under the gospel, no less than "the children of Abraham, in the time of the Old Testa"ment; the covenant of grace, for substance, being the "same; and the grace of Gop, and the consolation of be"lievers, more plentiful than before; that the Son of GoD admitted little children into his presence, embracing and blessing them, saying, For of such is the kingdom of God: that children, by baptism, are solemnly acknowledged as "members of the visible church, distinguished from the world, and them that are without, and united with be"lievers; and that all who are baptized in the name of CHRIST, do renounce, and by their baptism are bound to fight against, the devil, the world, and the flesh that "they are Christians, and federally holy before baptism,

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"and therefore are they baptised: that the inward grace "and virtue of baptism is not tied to that very moment of "time wherein it is administered; and that the fruit and "power thereof reach to the whole course of our life: "and that outward baptism is not so necessary, that through "the want thereof the infant is in danger of damnation, or "the parents guilty if they do not contemn or neglect the "ordinance of CHRIST, when and where it may be had."

In these or the like instructions, the minister is to use his own liberty and godly wisdom, as the ignorance or errors in the doctrine of baptism, and the edification of the people, shall require.


"To look back to their baptism; to repent of their sins "against their covenant with God; to stir up their faith "to improve and make right use of their baptism, and of "the covenant sealed thereby betwist God and their souls." 6. HE IS TO REQUIRE THE PARENT

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"To profess his faith in the holy scriptures of the Old "and New Testaments, as the word of the living God, the perfect and only rule of faith and practice, to which no"thing is to be added, and from which nothing is to be ta"ken, at any time, or upon any pretext, whether of new "revelations of the SPIRIT, or traditions of men; together "with his approbation of the Westminster Confession of "Faith and Catechisms; the form of Presbyterial government, and the directory for public worship, as received by this church-to promise, if it shall please God to spare him with his child, to bring him* up in the nurture and "admonition of the LORD; to instruct him," according to "his ability, in the knowledge of his miserable condition "by nature, and of the way of salvation by JESUS CHRIST; "to press upon him his obligation, in virtue of his baptis"mal vows, to shew forth the LORD's death at his table; "to set a godly example before his child; by praying with "him and for him; by worshipping the LORD regularly, "morning and evening, agreeably to the directory for fam"ily worship; and by studying, in all things, so to walk 66 even as CHRIST also walked."

7. This being done, prayer is also to be joined with the word of institution, for sanctifying the water to this spirit

* Or HER, as the case may be.

val use; and the minister is to pray to this or the like effect:


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That the LORD, who hath not left us as strangers with"out the covenant of promise, but called us to the privile"ges of his ordinances, would graciously vouchsafe to sanctify and bless his own ordinance of baptism at this "time that he would join the inward baptism of his Spirit "with the outward baptism of water; make this baptism to "the infant a seal of adoption, remission of sin, regeneration, "and eternal life, and all other promises of the covenant of grace that the child may be planted into the likeness of "the death and resurrection of CHRIST; and that the body "of sin being destroyed in him, he may serve God in new"ness of life all his days.",

8. Then the minister is to demand the name of the child; which being told him, he is to say (calling the child by his name,)

I baptize thee in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST.

As he pronounceth these words, he is to baptize the child with water which, for the manner of doing it, is not only lawful but sufficient, and most expedient to be, by pouring or sprinkling of the water on the face of the child, without adding any other ceremony.

9. This done, he is to give thanks and pray, to this or the like purpose:


Acknowledging, with all thankfulness, that the LORD is "true and faithful in keeping covenant and mercy: That "he is good and gracious, not only in that he numbereth us 66 among his saints, but is pleased also to bestow upon our "children this singular token and badge of his love in "CHRIST that, in his truth and special providence, he "daily bringeth some into the bosom of his church, to be "partakers of his inestimable benefits, purchased by the "blood of his dear Son, for the continuance and increase "of his church


"And praying that the LORD would still continue, and daily confirm more and more this his unspeakable favour : "that he would receive the infant now baptized, and solemnly entered into the household of faith, into his fa"therly tuition and defence, and remember him with the "favour that he sheweth to his people; that, if he shall be "taken out of this life in his infancy, the LORD, who is rich "in mercy, would be pleased to receive him up into glory;

"and if he live, and attain the years of discretion, that the "LORD would so teach him by his word and SPIRIT, and "make his baptism effectual to him, and so uphold him, by "his divine power and grace, that by faith he may prevail "against the devil, the world, and the flesh, till in the end "he obtain a full and final victory, and so be kept by the "power of God through faith unto salvation, through JESUS "CHRIST Our LORD.


1. The communion, or supper of the LORD, is frequently to be celebrated; but how often, may be considered and determined by the ministers, and other church-governors of each congregation, as they shall find most convenient for the comfort and edification of the people committed to their charge. And, when it shall be administered, it is convenient to be done after the morning sermon.

2. The ignorant and the scandalous are not fit to receive this sacrament of the LORD's supper.

3. Where this sacrament cannot with convenience be frequently administered, it is requisite that public warning be given the sabbath day before the administration thereof: and that either then, or on some day of that week, something concerning that ordinance, and the due preparation thereunto, and participation thereof, be taught, th, by the diligent use of all means sanctified of GOD to that end, both in public and private, all may come better prepared to that heavenly feast.

4. When the day is come for administration, the minister, having ended his sermon and prayer, shall make a short exhortation,


Expressing the inestimable benefit we have by this sa"crament, together with the ends and use thereof; set

ting forth the great necessity of having our comforts and "strength renewed thereby in this our pilgrimage and war"fare: how necessary it is that we come unto it with know"ledge, faith, repentance, love, and with hungering and thirsting souls after CHRIST and his benefits: how great "the danger to eat and drink unworthily.


"Next, he is, in the name of CHRIST, on the one part, "to warn all such as are ignorant, scandalous, profane, or "that live in any sin or offence against their knowledge or "conscience, that they presume not to come to that boly

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