Imágenes de páginas

&c. Mr. Knox appears to be a man of fenfe, with more literature than ufually falls to the fhare of officers in the army; and we have no reason to doubt his having recorded the several events of these famous campaigns, with the utmost exactness and fidelity. In brief, his work will prove an agreeable amufement to readers of every clafs ; and, to military readers, in particular, it will afford not only very high entertainment, but much useful information, in the way of their profeffion.

Art. 18. Another Traveller! or, Curfory Remarks, and Tritical Obfervations made upon a journey through Part of the Netherlands, in the latter End of the Year 1766. By Coriat Junior. Vol. II. Part I. + 12mo. 2s. 6d. fewed. Johnfon and Payne. 1769.


We have already given the public our opinion of this fenfible and agreeable Traveller: fee Review, vol. xxxix. p. 434-448. this fecond publication, he continues his journey from Antwerp to Breda; from whence he proceeds to Gorcum, to Vianan, and to Utrecht: conftantly interfperfing, as his manner is, in imitation of Sterne, his unimportant adventures, with fage remarks, and moral reflections.-Now and then we have an attempt at humour; in which, we fear, the generality of his readers will think, he does not always fucceed. He is, however, always a just thinker; and difcovers a benevolence of heart, the generous effufions of which, in thefe little volumes, cannot be too much applauded, nor the Writer too much efteemed.

Art. 19. Fays: viz. 1. On the Origin of Colleges, or Universities. 2. On the Origin of the Cuftom of Lecturing in Latin. 3. On the Impropriety of this Cuftom, at prefent. 8vo. Is. Glasgow printed, and fold by Cadell in London. 1769.

There is little, very little indeed, in thefe Effays, to engage the attention of the judicious reader. The Effayift appears to be earnestly defirous of detracting from the merits of the ancient writers of Greece and Rome, but he only fhews how unequal he is to such an undertaking.

• When I compare the antients, fays he, to authors who have written upon fimilar fubjects, even in this island, it is my opinion that Homer himself has his rivals; that Virgil is far excelled; that their philofophers are, to ours, mere quibblers or declaimers; that we have, at least, one British hiftorian, to whom none of their hiftorians can, in any degree, be compared.'

This publication is dedicated to Mr. Rouffeau- The ingenious and eloquent author of a plan of education, in which the principles of human nature are better inveftigated, their growth and progrefs more skillfully traced, than in any book, ancient or modern, that our Effayift ever faw.'


Art. 20. Brief Confiderations on the Expediency of a Corps of Light Troops, to be employed on detached Service in the Eaft-Indies. By a

The prefent continuation of the travels of Coriat Junior, notwithstanding this fubdivifion in the title-page, is advertised as the third volume.


late Officer of Cavalry on the Coast of Coromandel. 8vo. Becket.

I S.

We are not competent judges of the merit of this propofal; but it has the appearance of being an important one, and very judiciously planned. We are told it is the production of an experienced commander of horse, in the company's fervice.


Art. 24. An Essay on the Middlefex Election; in which the Power of Expulfion is particularly confidered. 8vo. 1s. White

There are many juft obfervations, and fome very material and indifpenfible diftinctions, in this little tract. What the Writer fays of the expulfive power, which, (as exercised by the house of commons in a legislative fenfe) he deems inconfiftent with the established conftitution of our government, deferves the ferious attention of the public; both on account of the novelty of the doctrine, and the folidity of the Author's reasoning, on this great fundamental point:—as well as on the various fubordinate queftions that have arifen on the very important occafion which hath produced the prefent, and fo many other ingenious treatises.

Art. 22. Interesting Letters felected from the political and patriotic Correfpondence of Mefrs. Wilkes, Horn, Beckford, and Junius. Containing a Number of curious Anecdotes, &c. never before published. 8vo. Is. Nicoll.

An unfair but weak attempt to ridicule and asperse the characters and conduct of the leaders in the prefent oppofition to administration, by forged letters, in the names of the gentlemen mentioned in the title-page: in which they are abfurdly made to avow the most wicked principles and rafcally felf-interefted views. Every candid reader will highly condemn the dishonest procedure of this Author: though he, perhaps, may be very ready to abfolve himself, and to cry out with the deceiver in the Proverbs, Am I not in fport ?' Art. 23. The Mufgrave Controverfy; being a Collection of curious and interefting Papers on the Subject of the late Peace. 8vo. 1 s. Bladon. Confifts of Dr. Mufgrave's famous addrefs to the freeholders of Devon; D'Eon's reply to fome things contained in that address; and fome letters on the subject; all collected from the news-papers. Art. 24. The Speech of a Right Hon. Gentleman, on the Motion for ex

pelling Mr. Wilkes, Feb. 3, 179. 8vo. 1 s.


There feems to be no room for doubting whether or not this is an authentic copy of Mr. Gre's celebrated Speech, on the abovementioned important occafion: which is all that we think it neceffary for us to fay, with refpect to this article.

Art. 25. Some few Obfervations on the prefent Publication of the Speech of a Right Hon. Gentleman, against the Expulfion of Mr. Wilkes. In a Letter to a Friend in Buckinghamshire. 8vo. I S. Nicoll.

Our Obferver animadverts with some severity on the right honourable gentleman; whom he charges with inconfiftency of principle, and impropriety of conduct; and mentions a circumstance or two, of a private nature; but of which, as having too much the appearance of fecret biftory, we cannot take more particular notice: the pamphlet, however, on the whole, is not beneath the attention of the public.



Art. 26. Letters to the Miniftry, from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood. Alfo, Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commiffioners of the Customs. With fundry Letters and Papers annexed to the jaid Memorials. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Bofton: New-England, printed by Edes and Gill, and reprinted for Wilkie in London. 1769.

In our last, p. 320, we mentioned a collection of letters from Governor Bernard, &c. to Lord Hillfborough, relating to the Difputes between the governor and the council of the province, concerning the providing quarters for the king's troops, arrived for the purpofe of awing the town, &c. Thofe letters bore date from Nov. 1768, to July, inclufive, 1769.-The prefent feries is antecedent to that recorded in the last month's Review. It begins with Gov. B.'s letter to Lord shelburne, dated Jan. 21, 1768, and ends (where the former series began) in October, the fame year: fo that the two collections, taken together, contain a complete view of this famous ministerial correfpondence, and of the political contefts and diffentions in the colony of Maffachufett's-Bay during the aforefaid period.

Ás to the merits of this controverfy between Gov. B. on the part of the crown, and the council, &c. on the part of the people, we fufficiently intimated our opinion, in fpeaking of the collection republifhed here, in the last month. We have no doubt but that there were faults on both fides. The zeal of the champions for each party may, in fome refpects, have carried them too far; but, on the whole, when we reflect on the frequent appearances of an arbitrary fpirit in the governor, (perhaps too much countenanced by persons in office on this fide the water) we cannot but recollect a ftriking paffage, at the conclufion of a memorial from the council of the province of Maffachufett's-Bay, addreffed to Lord Hillsborough, April 15, 1769, viz. It is plain, my Lord, that the people of this province, of all ranks, orders, and conditions, have lost all confidence in Gov. Bernard, and he in them: wherefore, from the highest fense of duty to his Majefty (whofe honour and intereft is very near our hearts) and from a juft regard to this province, and to all the colonies and provinces on this continent, we most humbly fubmit to your Lordship, whether his Majesty's fervice can be carried on with advantage, during his adminiftration.'-What weight this obfervation hath had at home, it is needless to remark: perhaps, indeed, it would, in the prefent fituation of our American affairs, have been justly deemed ill policy in any ministry, to difcountenance fo active and zealous a fervant of the crown, as Sir Francis Bernard.


Art. 27. The Medical Mifcellany: or, a Collection of Cafes, Tracts, and Commentaries; exhibuing a View of the prefent State of Medical and Chirurgical Practice and Literature in England. Ey T. Tomliafon. 8vo. 4s. d. fewed. Printed for the Author, and fold by Nicoll. 1769.

Crude theories, facts already known, and obfervations already made, fill up much too large a proportion of the work before us; while the real addition to the public fund of knowledge is very inconfiderable. And would Mr. Tomlinson, whofe skill and ability in his

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profeffion we by no means call in queftion, make the future numbers of his mifcellany an ufeful repofitory, he muft guard against these faults.

The whole materials of this volume are fupplied by Mr. Tomlinfon himself, except two fhort articles, one of which we shall give our Readers, as it contains a brief and pertinent hiftory, and much fitter for a collection of this kind than far the greater number of the other articles.

Cafe of an uncommon Tumour.

A Lady about thirty years of age, who, from her infancy, had been often fubject to inflammatory complaints, had, about five years ago, a fevere rheumatic fever which continued two or three months. After her recovery fhe grew very fat, but remained at times frequently indifpofed with lofs of appetite, dejection of fpirits, and an inability to bear much exercife.-Upon her return from a journey in Auguft 1767, the complained of a pungent pain below the fhoulder-blade whenever the lay in bed.-Upon examination a tumour about fix· inches long and three inches broad of the fize and thape of half a melon was very evident on the left fide between the fcapula and the vertebræ, extending itself below the fcapula.-A fluctuation of fome fluid was very perceivable, though the integuments were not thin, but the tumour felt remarkably cold, like a bladder of cold water.

In hopes that this tumour might be of fervice to her complaints in general, various methods were made ufe of to bring it to a state of maturation.-Penetrating liniments and warm irritating plaifters were applied but to very little purpose: the liniments would not lie on the part but run off in a curdled form, and plaisters, though of ever so adhesive a quality when applied to other parts of her, would not however flick upon this tumour. Finding it in vain to expect much from applications, it was determined that they should be left off, and the tumour rubbed twice a-day with a flesh-brush, the use of which was likewife difcontinued after a time as it produced no alteration. In the February following, fhe was feized with a fevere troublefome cough attended with a pain of the fide, and between the fhoulders. The ufual methods relieved the cough, but upon examining the part where the tumour was fituated, no remains of it could be found, nor was there any pain upon preffure.

She went into the country, but found her appetite for food grew daily worse, particularly after exercife. She had tranfient pains all over her, which after three months fixed in her feet, and became fo very excruciating as to be relieved only by opiates. Her ftomach and breathing were often affected, and were eafed only by the ufe of philon. lond.-in this manner, the continued for the fpace of between two and three months when being worn out with pain and lofs of ftrength the died in Auguft 1768.

As the tumour on the back had vanished fo long before her death, there was no permiffion given to make an incifion into the part to examine whether there was any cyft or other appearance to determine the nature of it.'

When it was discovered that a further maturation could not be pro

* Communicated by an eminent furgeon.


moted, would it not have been better to have made a proper opening for the enclosed fluid, than to expofe the patient to the fatal metaltafis that enfued?

By a note,' fays Mr. Tomlinfon, from a gentleman whofe intelligence cannot be difputed, I am informed that the practice of placing a fractured limb in a flexed pofition was begun by Mr. Girle of St. Thomas's hofpital, twenty years ago."

The following is the note referred to, and which at our Author's request we make public:

The cuftom of bending the knee and laying the patient inclining to the fide of the fractured limb, was begun more than twenty years. fince in St. Thomas's hofpital, by that excellent practical furgeon the late Mr. Girle, upon the following occafion. He had a patient under his care with a compound fractured thigh, who fell into a de-. lirium a few hours after the limb was laid extended in the ufual manner with the knee ftraight. Mr. Girle finding in the morning that the patient had in his delirium thrown himself on the fide of the fractured thigh and with the knee bent, (notwithstanding all the care to keep the limb extended,) he ordered that it thould remain in that flexed pofition during the cure.

It was obferved in this patient that when the cure was com-. pleated. the fractured thigh was as long as the other: he therefore directed that not only fractures of the thigh fhould be laid in this pofture, but also thofe of the leg; and many furgeons, both in town and country, have followed this method. But much merit is due to Mr. Pott for establishing the practice and making it public.'

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I. The Character of Jefus Chrift, confidered as a public Speaker-at Bridport, in Dorfetfhire, Aug. 17, 1769, at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. George Waters, and the Rev. Mr. William Youat. By Andrew Kippis, D. D. To which is added, a Charge delivered on the fame Occafion by Philip Furneaux, D. D. 19. Buckland, &c.

II. The Spiritual Fisherman; or Character, Complaint, Duty, and Refolution of an evangelical Minifter, attempted to be reprefented and improved ;-at the annual meeting of Minifters, in Broadstreet, Reading, Berks. Aug. 29, 1769. By Samuel Stevens. Dilly.

I. In Lambeth Chapel, at the Confecration of the Hon. and Rev. Father in God, Shute Barrington, LL. D. Lord Bishop of Landaff, Oct. 1, 1769. By George Stinton, D. D. Chancellor of Lincoln, and. Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Rivington, &c.

IV. On Chriftian Fruitfulness: being a Charity-fermon, July 30, 1769, for the public Infirmary at Liverpool. Ey John Brekell. Buckland, &c.

V. At the Confecration of Clare-hall Chapel, July 5, 1769. By Peter Stephen Goddard, D. D. Mafter of the College and Prebendary of Peterborough. To which is added, the Form of Confecration ufed by the Lord Bishop of london. 4to. Is. Cambridge printed, and fold by Beecroft, &c. in London.

The Form of Confecration here used, is taken from one recommended by the Convocation, 1712; with the addition of two prayers from that fed by Dippatrick, at the confecration of Catherine-Hall Chapel, 1704.

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