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PSALM Xc. 12.

So teach us to number our days, hat we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

GREAT Father of eternity,

Whose lofty throne is fix d on high,

Thrice holy is thy name;

Thou dost not change, nor can st decay,
The same today as yesterday,

And evermore the same!

But every thing beneath the skies
Swift as the passing meteor flies,
That quick eludes the gaze;
So boundest thou the years of man
Within a narrow fleeting span,

And numberest his days.

Thou hast decreed our mortal date,
But hidden in thy wisdom great,

The period from our eye;

That we might not on time presume;

Nor brood with horror o'er the tomb,
But live prepar'd to die:

But numb'ring not our days aright,
We only count them by their ight,
And value their decline.

Then, teach us, Lord, to reckon so
Their value and their use to know,
With scholarship divine:

Our added days may we so cast
As to subtract the number past.
And learn how few remain:
And the remainder so divide,
That wisely every part applied,
May bring us certain gain;
Instruct us how, before we die,
In every grace to multiply,

And every sin reduce;

To copy every sacred rule,

And study well in wisdom's school

To bring those rules to use.
Thus may we every passing year

Keep our accounts of conscience clear,

And happily perceive,

That we, as fast as time can pace,

Are growing rich in every grace,

Each year and day we live.


MAN overlooks the most instructive book in his study, if he reads not himself.

Only to think well, and not to do well; amounts to no more than to dream well.

Covetous persons resemble sponges, which greedily drink in the water, but will not return a drop of it till they are squeezed.

As the sun when he appears in the heavens, not only discovers himself but discloses all those objects which sur. round us, so when God manifests himself to the soul henot only gives the knowledge of himself, but makes us acquainted with our own hearts, and the truths revealed in his word, which are inseparably connected with salvation.


A LADY of suspected chastity, and who was tinctured with infidel principles, conversing with a minister of the gospel, objected to the scriptures, on account of their obscurity and great difficulty of understanding them.

The minister wisely and smartly replied, "Why, madam, what can be easier to understand than the seventh commandment; Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Had she not failed in the practice of what she knew, she need not have complained of what she did not know.


AFTER observing to them their work was great, and called for great seriousness, he told them three things. First, That the studying of every sermon cost him tears. Secondly, Before he preached any sermon, he got good by it himself. Thirdly, He always went to the pulpit, as if he were to give up his account to his Master.


SENECA speaks (fabulously no doubt) of certain witches, who used their eyes only occasionally. When at home they laid them aside, and consequently were totally blind; but whenever they went abroad, they put their eyes in their heads, and saw every thing perfectly.

Just so it is with many persons, who are always blind to their failings; but abroad are sharp sighted, and can discover in every body else, abundance of faults.

"The wise man's cyes are in his head" where they should be; and there he keeps them at home and abroad. VOL. I.



SCARCELY had Philander entered his closet to meditate on the sermon he had just heard, when his ears were assail. ed by a sudden rap at the door; and he was quickly informed, that some company waited in the parlor to see him. With much reluctance, increased by the conscious impropriety of Sunday visits, he left his beloved retreat; and, upon entering the room, was saluted by the complaisanceTM of Curioso, Mutator, and Ventosus. After the formalities of an unexpected interview were adjusted, Philander, addressing himself to Curioso, said, "Where have you been this morning?" "Why, really," replied Curioso, "I can hardly tell; for, to be honest, I have spent a great part of the time in running about." "Then, I fear," said Philan. der, "you have not spent the time very profitably." "Indeed you are much mistaken," answered Curioso, "for I have attended two prayer meetings, and heard three sermons, and it is not dinner time yet." "How can that be possible?" replied Philander, with an unusual degree of earnestness. "Why," said Curioso, "I heard Diligens at seven o'clock, and as soon as sermon was over,] ,hastened to a social prayer meeting at a friend's house. After breakfast, I met with some Christian brethren in the vestry of our meeting, and spent some time in prayer before service commenced; then, after hearing our minister, I ran as hard as I could to a certain chapel, and was just in time for the text; so that you see I have made a good use of my time." Just as he was pronouncing the last sentence, he was interrupted by Philander, who, with a very serious air, told him, he much doubted the propriety of his last expression. "Why so?" said Curioso. "Because," replied

Philander, "I think the time could have been better spent. "Surely, "answered Curioso, "it cannot be more profitably spent than in hearing the gospel." "Give me leave, friend," said Philander, "to inquire what were the particular subjects you heard insisted upon?" The most tremendous clap of thunder could not have produced a more sudden change in Curioso than did this question. He was mute; but at length, with a faltering accent, he begged that Philander would give him time to recollect. "That," answered Philander, "is what I wanted you to take. It does not appear to me that you have gained much good by your attendance, when you cannot call to mind even the general outline of the subject. Had you been satisfied, as I was, to hear one sermon, with a mind prepared by serious self-examination, and after that, to retire, in order to apply what you had heard, which was suitable to your case, you would not only have retained in your memory the precious truths which fell from the lips of the preacher; but might, perhaps, have been able to say, They were life and spirit to my soul." Philander perceiving that Curioso was quite embarrassed, in order to afford him time to recover himself, turned the conversation to Mutator, who, finding he was about to be addressed, was willing to be beforehand, and said, "Pray who do you think I heard this morning?" "Why," answered Philander, "as I know your attachment to Gracilis, it is but natural to suppose you have attended upon him." "Not I, indeed," rejoined Mutator, "I thought you had known that I have entirely left him." "Surprising!' exclaimed Philander, "left Gracilis! Why the last time I saw you, you were extravagant in his praises. His ideas were so original, his voice so sonorous, his action so graceful, and his manner so energetic, you pronounced him the

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