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Have the promises and awakening threatnings therein prevailed with thee, to govern thyself according to the holy and admirable precepts therein delivered?

Haft thou honoured him by a reverent usage of whatsoever things or perfons belong to him, and are dedicated to his honour and fervice?

Doft thou confider the Lord's Day, as fet apart by God for the care of the foul, and the preparation of ourselves for the next life, and for his more immediate worship, in keeping it holy, to thofe ends for which it was appointed; by attending the public fervice of the church; in reading and hearing his holy word; in prayer and meditation, and good difcourfe on the Sabbath Day?

- Doft thou go to church with a hearty intention to serve God, and to be instructed in thy duty, or reminded of it; and not only for fashion's fake?

Doft thou afterwards reflect upon what thou haft heard, and lay it up in thy heart, that thou mayest live according to it?

Haft thou fo little regarded this holy day, as to spend it in travelling, and taking unneceffary journeys thereupon, fuch as might as well have been performed on any other day?

Haft thou every day duly prayed to him, and praised him for thy mercies received?

Have thy prayers and praifes been always accompanied with fuch a fenfe of God, and fuch ferioufnefs, fervency, and affection, as he requires? Haft thou (notwithstanding the means of grace,

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and the light of the gofpel) fuffered thyself to live in ignorance of him, and thy duty?

Haft thou not been fo foolish as to put off thy repentance, thereby rendering thyfelf less able to fet

about it?

Hast thou a reverent regard to the facraments which God hath appointed in his church?

Art thou mindful of thy part of the covenant made with God in baptifm?

Haft thou made it thy care to live fuitable to thy facramental profeffion, and folemn engagements?

Haft thou seriously confidered that amazing inftance of the love of Chrift, in redeeming thee from the bondage and dominion of fin, and the tyranny of the devil?

Doft thou depend upon the merits and fatisfaction of Christ, and dost thou hope for acceptancė with God, only through him, and not for any merit of thy own?

Haft thou frequented the holy facrament of the Lord's fupper? or haft thou not staid away through caufelefs prejudice, or feigned excufes, being unwilling to part with thy fins? Or,

Haft thou at any time received the bleffed facrament without repentance, and a ftedfaft purpose to lead a new life; without a firm and lively faith; a hearty and thankful remembrance of the love of Chrift, in giving himself to be a facrifice for our fins; and without a fincere and univerfal love and goodwill to all mankind?

II. Con

II. Concerning our duty towards our neighbour.*


URN now, O my foul, and feriously confider whether thou haft discharged thy duty to thy neighbour? and first reflect, that, in the fenfe of the Gospel, not only the perfon who dwells near thee, but every man is thy neighbour.

Doft thou confider thy neighbours as thy brethren and fellow-members of the body of Christ?

Haft thou had that univerfal love and charity for all men, as to defire all good to them, without fo much as wishing evil or harm to any one?

Haft thou, in conformity to this rule, endeavoured in thy place and station to prevent evil and damage to the fouls, and bodies, and eftates of others?

Haft thou never been the means of hurting the foul of thy neighbour, in drawing him to fin by thy authority, or allurements, or example?

Haft thou difcouraged or deterred any one from the serious practice of religion and piety?

Haft thou fought and endeavoured to bring those to repentance, whom thou haft any ways led into


Doft thou endeavour to refrain thy neighbour from running into fin, by feafonable cautions, and friendly admonitions ?

Haft thou delighted to grieve any one?

Haft thou never injured the body of thy neigh

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*This Duty may be found explained at large in the New

WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 8. Section I, &c.

bour, by murdering, maiming, or hurtingit, or been the means and occafion of doing any of these? Haft thou never been guilty of fighting or attempting duels?

Haft thou not inticed or corrupted thy neighbour's wife, or his daughter, or any others belonging to him, and under his care?

Haft thou injured thy neighbour, in his goods or eftate, by damaging him; by defrauding or overreaching him in bargain's, or contracts; or in his good name, by flandering, backbiting, or infult? Haft thou always performed thy words and contracts, without fhuffling, treachery, or deceit ?

Haft thou envied the good and profperity of thy neighbour?

Reflect if thou haft not publifh'd thy neighbour's faults, when neither the glory of God, nor the good of others, made fuch a publication neceffary?

Doft thou not delight in laying open the failings of thy neighbour?

Haft thou borne falfe witness against any man in a court of justice, or reproached, reviled, and railed against thy neighbour, in thy ordinary converfation? or fecretly flandered him by whispering and backbiting?

Doft thou encourage backbiters, by listning to them, or giving too eafy credit to their flander?

Haft thou not opprefs'd thy neighbour by thy power and authority, or by extortion, and griping ufury?

Doft thou make a confcience of fpeaking accordg to truth?


Haft thou endeavour'd to affift thy neighbour in any distresses, to comfort him in his troubles; or when afperfed wrongfully, to vindicate his reputa


Haft thou, in the management of thy eftate or calling, run into debt without hopes or defign of payment?

Haft thou openly by force, or fecretly by theft, taken away the goods of thy neighbour, or betrayed him in any matter committed to thy truft and management?

Art thou ready to make reftitution according to thy power, for the wrong and injuftice thou hast at any time done thy neighbour?

Haft thou not fcoffed at or villified thy neighbour, for deformity of body or weakness of mind?

Haft thou had a more special love to all true and fincere christians, meekly borne with their infirmities, and heartily defired and fought their welfare? Haft thou relieved the wants and neceffities of thy neighbour according to thy ability, as one that is affected with them, and as being thyfelf alfo in the body, and liable to the fame wants, diftreffes, and troubles with others?

Doft thou approve thy felf careful of those of thy family, thy friends and relations, or any others that are committed to thy care, to counsel, to comfort, to reprove, as occafion is given, and need requires?

Haft thou been mild and gentle in thy carriage towards thy inferiors; courteous, affable, and obliging towards thy equals; and doft thou pay due ho


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