Citizens of Verona, feveral men and women The SCENE, in the beginning of the fifth act, is in Mantua; during all the rest of the Play, in and near Verona. ROMEO ROMEO and JULIET A C T I. SCENE G The Street in Verona. Enter Samplon and Gregory, ip SAMPSON. REGORY, Iftrike quickly, being mov'd. Greg. But thou art not quickly mov'd to ftrike. Sam. A dog of the houfe of Mountague moves me. Greg. Draw thy tool then, for here come of that house. Enter Abram and Balthafar. Sam. My naked weapon is out; Quarrel, I will backthee, but- Let us take the law of our fides: let them begin. Greg. I will frown as I pafs by, and let them take it as they lift. Sam. Nay as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is a difgrace to them, if they bear it. Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir? Sam. I do bite my thumb, Sir. Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir? Sam. Is the law on our fide, if I fay ay? Greg. No. Sam. No, Sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, Sir: but I bite my thumb, Sir. A 4 Greg. Greg. Do you quarrel, Sir? Abr. Quarrel, Sir? no, Sir. Sam. If you do, Sir, I am for you: I ferve as good a man as you. Abr. No better, Sir. Sam. Well, Sir. Enter Benvolio. Greg. Say better: here comes one of kinfmen. Sam. Yes, better, Sir. Abr. You lye. Sam. Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy swashing blow. [They fight. Ben. Part, fools, put up your fwords, you know not what you do. Enter Tibalt. Tib. What, art thou drawn amongst thefe heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death. Ben. I do but keep the peace; put up thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me. Tib. What drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word As I hate hell, all Mountagues and thee: Have at thee, coward. Enter three or four citizens with clubs. [Fight. Offi. Clubs, bills, and partifans! ftrike! beat them down. Down with the Capulets, down with the Mountagues. Enter old Capulet in his Gown. Cap. What noife is this? give me my fword, Enter old Mountague. Moun. Thou villain, CapuletHold me not, let me go. Enter Prince with Attendants. Prin. Rebellious fubjects, enemies to peace, Prophaners of your neighbour-ftained fteel Will they not hear? what ho! you men! you beafts, That That quench the fire of your pernicious rage, Caft by their grave befeeming ornaments; Moun. [Exeunt Prince and Capulet, &c. SCENE II. Manent Mountague and Benvolio. WH 'HO fet this ancient quarrel now abroach? Ben. Here were the fervants of your adversary, Moun. O where is Romeo? Saw you him to day? Ben. My lord, an hour before the worfhipp'd fun A 5 Where Where underneath the grove of fycamoor, And gladly fhunn'd, who gladly fled from me. Should, in the farthest east, begin to draw Ben. my noble uncle, do you know the cause? Moun. I neither know it, nor can learn it of him. Ben. Have you importun'd him by any means? Moun. Both by myself and many other friends; But he, his own affection's counsellor, Is to himself, I will not fay, how true; Ben. So please you, Sir, Mercutio and myself And could we learn from whence his forrows grow, We would as willingly give cure, as knowledge. Meun. 'Twill bind us to you: good Benvolio, go. Ben. We'll know his grievance, or be hard denied. [Exeunt feverally. SCENE |