Imágenes de páginas

288; sufferings of children in factories, 291;
deliverance of Mary Pryor, 293; several con-
vincements, 295; receives an account of the
death of his wife, 298; testimony concerning
her, 300; returns home, 303; epistle to the
Monthly Meeting of New York, 306; re-
marks on the state of society, 308; visit to
Canada and the western parts of New York,
310; Address to Friends, 312; visit to Ohio;
sickness and death, 317; Address to the youth
in England, 319; account of the sickness and
death of S. H. Hull, by R. Hallock, 322; me-
morial of Tiddeman Hull, 325.

Holy Spirit, proof of its present operation in man,
66, 92, 93; the life and strength of the true
believer, 95; the sons of God led by it, 220,
223, 224; brings under condemnation for sin,
238; the necessity of dependence upon it in
managing the affairs of the church, 284; effect
of its operation on the mind, 334; advantage
of attending to its guidance, 364.

Holy Scriptures, written by inspiration, 70; at-
tempts of some to lay them waste, 313; ad-
vantages of reading them, 463.


Indians, their sentiments on religion, &c., 96.


Keith, George, opposes John Richardson, 88.


Light of Christ shining in the heart, 2, 63; advice
to the children of light, 88; Christ the true
Light, 149; appears in all men, 150.


Marshall, Charles, journal of, 123; convinced by

John Audland's ministry, 128; called to
the ministry, 130; remarkable preserva-
tion, 131; opposition of Wilkinson and
Story to meetings for discipline, 132; im-
prisoned; an account of the visitation of
Divine love to Bristol; description of J.
Audland, 133; remarkable meeting in a
field, 134; concerning the unity of the
Spirit in Christ Jesus, 137; epistles, 139,
143; the way of life and death, 145;
man's fallen state, 146; restoration, 148;
wiles and snares of the enemy, 152; de-
struction of all false professions, 155; a
call to the scattered sheep, 156; decla-
ration of faith, 159; a tender visitation
to all people, 163.

Moore, William, narrative of his sufferings in Hun-
gary and Austria, 469.

Pearson, Jane, life of, 448; deep exercises, 451;

appears in the ministry; her temptations,
454; testimony concerning her husband,
455; lines on the death of her daughter,
456; travels in several counties; death of
two daughters, 457; several evidences of
Divine regard, 458; deep conflicts: caution
respecting vocal prayer, 459; strengthened
in the exercise of her gift-deep baptism,
461; remarkable display of Divine conde-
scension-decease of her last daughter,
462; early reading the Scriptures, 463;
renewed baptisms and Divine openings,
464; prayer for continued protecting care,

[blocks in formation]

Richardson, John, life of-testimonies of him, 60;
gives an account of his father, 61; his
own temptations-could find none to
direct him to the true Shepherd-spi-
ritual openings, 62; aversion to Qua-
kers-convinced of their testimonies-
predicts the consequences of his mo-
ther's second marriage, 64; omits tak-
ing off his hat at table-difficulties from
his father-in-law, 65; proves the pre-
sent influence of the Spirit of Truth-
receives a gift in the ministry, 67;
expelled from his father's house-Di-
vine promises and direction where to
go, 68; his lameness and stammering
cured-dispensation of visions, &c.,-
travels in the ministry, 69; delight in
the Scriptures a caution not to rest
in the letter, 70; aids in the discipline,
72; vision of pride, &c., 73; heavenly
openings, 74; exercises before his visit
to America, 76; sudden stop in preach-
ing-reasons with a priest against a
siezure, 78; use of bread and wine,
79; extraordinary meeting at Nan-
tucket, 83; remark of William Penn-
advice to ministers, 87; attack of G.
Keith, 88; gross wickedness detected,
95; interview between William Penn
and Indians, 96; argument on bap-
tism, 98; professional Quaker, 99;
presence of mind in danger, 100; em-
barks for Barbadoes, 101; converses
with the governor on war, 102; visits
the chief justice, 103; declines the
formal asking of a blessing at table,
104; chased by a warlike vessel, 106;
detects a Friend in holding water bap-
tism, 107; returns home, 109; death
of his second wife-testimony respect-
ing her, 110; visit to Ireland-conse-
quences of letting fall the discipline,
112; dispute with a Papist respecting
transubstantiation, 116; on tythes, 117;
second visit to America, 119; resur-
rection, 120; election and reprobation,
121; remarkable preservation, 122.

Stephenson, Sarah, memoirs of, 171; early exer-
cises, 172; travels as a minister, 175;
commences family visiting, 176; visit
to Ireland, 185; renews covenant, 190;
obtains a certificate to visit some of
the eastern, northern, and midland
counties in England, 192; prepares
for further service abroad, 195; two
memorandums of Divine favour, 200;
visits Ireland at a time of civil com-
motion, 201; visit to America, 206;
sickness and death, 210.

Slavery, considerations on, 395, 401; foreign slave
trade, 410, 432.


wholesome hints to ministers, 363; pub-
lishes the second part of Considerations
on Slavery-remarks on a plain way of
living, 365; visit to the Indians, 367;
remarks of John Smith, of Marlborough
-some reflections on pure wisdom, 375;
followers of Joseph Nichols, 376; travels
to the south on foot, 378; executes a bond
to pay for the time of a coloured boy
whom he had joined another in binding
too long a term, 378; concern to visit the
West Indies, 380; excellency of prayer
-prepares for a visit to England, 382;
Observations on a sailor's life, 384, 440;
attends London Yearly Meeting, 389;
distress at Friends being mixed with the
world-account of a fit of sickness in
which he beheld the misery of men
working in the silver mines, 390; re-
marks on using dyes, also on the minis-
try, 392; taken ill with the small pox,
393; last expressions and death, 394;
Considerations on Keeping Negroes,
395, 401; Account of Slave trade, 410;
On human policy, 416; On Labour, 417;
On Schools, 418; On the use of outward
Gifts, 419; On true Harmony, 421; Ex-
ample of Christ, 424; On Merchandiz-
ing, 425; Divine admonitions, 428; On
loving neighbours, 429; Note on the
enormity and horrors of the African
Slave trade, 432; Silent Worship-
epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly
Meetings, 442.

Woolman, John, journal of, 326; spends first-day
afternoons in reading the Scriptures and
other good books-convinced that true
religion consists in an inward life, 331;
went to meetings in an awful frame of
mind-says a few words in a meeting,
332; unwilling to write a conveyance
of a negro as a slave-first journey,
333; his feelings on partaking at the
tables of slave-holders, 335; conversa-
tion with a convinced people, 336; death
and character of his father, 337; de-
clines writing a will to convey slaves-
publishes Considerations on Slavery,
338, epistle to Friends, 339; scruples
to do writings relative to slaves, 340;
trials as a minister-feels a stop in re-
lation to his business-remarks on ar-
dent spirits, 341; travels in the south-
ern states-remarks on slavery, 343;
distress at the state of the church, 346;
epistle to Cane Creek Monthly Meeting,
347; Mennonist declines partaking with
a slave-holder-tax laid for carrying on
war, 350; John Huss and Thomas á Kem-
pis followers of Christ, 351; draft of
soldiers, 352; refuses pay for the board of
a soldier-buying negroes brought to the
Yearly Meeting, 353; visits some Friends
holding slaves; brevity in speaking to bu-
siness in meetings, 355; epistle to Quar-
terly and Monthly Meetings, 357; obser- Worship,
vations on the small pox, 358; concern
to avoid saying any thing to embellish
his ministry, 360; exercise at New

Silent, 442; Divine openings and confi-
dence renewed in a silent meeting, 443,


England Yearly Meeting on the foreign Van Hassen, Gharret, memoir of, 479.
slave trade, 361; also on lotteries, 362;




GILES BARNARDISTON, of Clare, in the recreations of the day. But he was not sufcounty of Suffolk, born about the year 1624, fered to pass without condemnation from the was an eminent instance of the power of the swift witness against sin in his own breast, grace of God in subduing the heart, and hum- which brought him under remorse and anguish bling the man to the teachable condition of a for his evil courses. At the breaking out of little child. His parents, who were persons of the civil war between Charles I. and the parrepute in the world, gave him an education liament, he obtained a colonel's commission consistent with their rank. After passing in the army. Though he acquired the repu through the common schools he was placed tation of being skilful in military tactics, he at the university, where he pursued his studies became disgusted with violence and bloodsix years, with the object of taking the office of a minister in the church.

shed, and the torrent of wickedness which threatened to overwhelm the nation. He In childhood he was convicted by the re- threw up his commission and retired to Wormproofs of the Holy Spirit for doing wrong, ingford Lodge, in Essex; where, in privacy however secret his actions; and was made and solitude, he applied himself to serious sensible that it was the will of his heavenly meditation, relinquishing all his former amuseFather he should forsake evil and live in con-ments and living a stricter life. He often reformity to his requisitions. But it was his marked to his friends after his reformation, unhappiness not to know at that time what it that he had no real enjoyment in the midst of was that thus reproved him for vice and at- his mirth and jollity, but bitterness and a sting tracted him to the paths of virtue; many of were the fruit of all his sports; he had no rest the preachers of that day deriding the doc- or peace going out or coming in, lying down trine of the immediate communications of the or rising up. Holy Spirit in the heart of man. After finishing his studies, and according to the judgment of his friends, become qualified to fill the office of a minister, an offer of a living was made to him, but he felt reluctant to assume such a charge. Not having submitted to the heartchanging power of Divine grace, he was conscious of wanting that purity and those spiritual gifts and qualifications, which he conceived the Scriptures point out as essential to the office of a Gospel minister; and regarding the functions as too solemn and weighty to be entered on in his present state, he rejected the solicitations of his friends to accept the berth provided for him, and thus incurred their displeasure, being persuaded that no lucrative motive should influence in such a decision.

Notwithstanding the correctness of his conclusion respecting the priests' office, he had not attained the stability to resist the allurements of pleasure, and accordingly indulged in sensual gratifications and the pastimes and VOL. IV.-No. 1.

In his present seclusion desires were raised in his soul after the Lord, and that he would show him the path of life and lead him in the way everlasting. He was now fully sensible that the way in which he had walked led to the chambers of death, and his steps took hold on hell; and he resolved that if he could but find out the path of everlasting life, and the people who were seeking the Lord with their whole heart, he would unite and diligently seek with them; for he saw through all mere outside profession. He had known in time past his merriment turned into sadness, and sometimes mourning and tears, and his mind awakened to a consideration of an eternal state, and the account he must one day give of the deeds of this life; and now he was aroused, under the renewed visitation of the light and grace of Christ, by which his deeds of darkness were manifested and reproved, to enter into a fervent search after those things which make for peace and salvation.


menced attending their meetings. The mayor exerted all his influence to distress and scatter them. After breaking up their meeting by force, and committing many to prison, a party of the country troops were employed to carry on the work of destruction more effectually. They broke up the seats and the windows of the meeting-house, beat some of those assembled there and carried others to prison. Being kept out of the house, Friends collected in the street, regularly on first and fourth-days, sometimes in cold and rain, and there held their meetings for the worship of Almighty God, not being easy in their consciences to decline this duty, although they were exposed to great injury, and even the loss of life. On the 6th of the tenth month, 1662, a troop of horse, armed with swords and pistols, rode furiously amongst them, beating with drawn swords old and young, male and female, by which many were much injured. They returned the following week, having provided themselves with clubs, in addition to their former weapons, and with these knocked down many, some of whom lay for a time as dead; and many were so disabled, that they could not take off their clothes, nor feed themselves for several days. These outrages were repeated for several weeks, in which time a number of aged persons were disabled. Solomon Fromantel was so beaten, that he lost much blood, and his wife fearing the troopers would kill him, threw herself upon him to defend him from their blows, many of which she

In this state of mind he felt an inclination to inquire into the principles of Friends, and accordingly invited some of them to his house. George Fox, junior, then at Colchester, took George Wetherly and paid him a visit, and they were kindly received. They entered into conversation upon the doctrines of the Gospel; whereupon George Fox, as related by John Furly, testified, "That Christ Jesus, the Light of the world, who tasted death for every man, did also in his universal love to all mankind, enlighten them, to the end that none should perish and abide in darkness, but through believing in and following him, they might have the light of life, and so come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved-that for men to despise this inshining light of Christ Jesus in their hearts and consciences, was to reject their own mercy, choose their own delusions and neglect their own salvation; nay, to reject Christ Jesus himself, who according to his gracious words at his departure, promised that he is with you and shall be in you;' and who in tender mercy and good will to the sons and daughters of men, was come near to visit them, to preserve their feet from falling, and their souls from death; by which tender the Lord is clear from all men's blood, and their destruction is of themselves. This being the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil; and the light of Christ Jesus, judging, reproving, detecting, convincing and arraigning them for sin and evil, by resisting it they become ene-received. mies thereto, as the apostle testified, through wicked works."

Her father was knocked down and survived the blow but a few days. Among these valiant sufferers for the truth and the This testimony, confirmed by the Holy testimony of a good conscience, was Giles Scriptures and his own experience, was re- Barnardiston, who undauntedly hazarded his ceived and embraced by Giles Barnardiston. life in the hottest times of this persecution. His understanding was afresh illuminated to He suffered affliction with the people of God, see the corrupt state of his conversation in in preference to the enjoyment of the pleasures the world; and consulting no longer with flesh of sin; and esteeming the reproaches of Christ, and blood, he thenceforth renounced the vani- greater riches than the treasures and friendties and unprofitable associates and pleasures ships of the world-he never turned his back in which he had taken delight, and submitting in the evil day, but by the meekness of his to the yoke of Christ he became the compan- spirit and patient endurance of their rage, he ion of the self-denying Quakers, in following overcame his persecutors, so that many of him who is meek and low of heart. Relin- them afterwards loved him; verifying the quishing the glory and the friendships of this Scripture testimony, that "when a man's world, of which he might have partaken ways please the Lord, he maketh his enemies largely from his rank in life, his talents and to be at peace with him." acquirements, he frequented the religious meetings of those who feared the Lord, though regarded as men of low degree, and in a little time he became a good example of humility and self-denial, and of constancy in supporting their meetings through a scene of almost unparalleled persecution.

In the town of Colchester Friends were undergoing much suffering at the time he com

Having now entered into connexion with the Society of Friends, and participated in their afflictions, he was established in their principles and took part in the discipline of the church. As he grew in grace, he was furnished with wisdom and discernment, and became zealous for the cause of Truth, that the government thereof might be established in the churches which were gathered into the

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