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Lord hath reached to redeem out of the nature of sin, into the Divine nature; your mercies herein have been inexpressible.

It hath pressed on my spirit, day and night, for some time, to visit you with a few lines in tender love, to call you, in the name of the Lord to a spiritual communing with your own hearts, before the Lord, with his heavenly light, inquiring how far you have answered his heavenly call; whether you have made your calling sure, by persevering in an inward hearkening thereto; and whether you have made your election sure, by coming out of the reprobate nature, obeying and closing in spirit with that heavenly power, that translates out of the kingdom of satan, into the kingdom of the dear Son of God.

in the heavenly awe of the omnipresent God, feeling after the enjoyment of his Divine consolations. Read the Scriptures of Truth in seriousness as oft as you can, with your minds turned to that heavenly wisdom, that will open them unto you; so will your youth preach forth the honour of truth, and you will be blessed of God, and be a joy and comfort to your tender parents. But, if you grow up in another nature, namely, that which is evil, that leads into vanity, God Almighty will cut off many of you from the land of the living; for he can raise up seed to Abraham even of the stones. Hear, fear and tremble before him, who hath beheld you with an eye of jealousy; bow before him, and let none of your enjoyments puff you up in pride and stoutheartedness, vanity and a loose life. God Almighty incline your hearts, and put his fear in your inward parts, that ye may see beyond all terrestrial riches, glories, pleasures and vanities, and be taken up in fervent love and delight in the heavenly treasures and enjoyments that never fade away, Amen, Amen.

The Lord Almighty is drawing near to judgment, and will judge in righteousness, according to the root in which every one grows, and the fruit they bring forth. All the worshippers in the outward court will be trodden down under his judgments and made desolate. Therefore, in his name that lives for ever, I say unto you every where, be in- And all you tender-hearted babes that love ward, haste inward into the Divine nature, in the sincere milk of the word of life, keep you which alone will be a safe abiding place, in near the source of Divine consolation, and let the dreadful day that comes on apace. In nothing come between it and you; so will his name I warn all, who have gone from the your growth be daily from one degree of obedience to the daily cross of Christ Jesus, strength and stature to another in the light, and abide not in the holy watch, and thereby beholding the snares and temptations of the have got into a false liberty, in their ways, enemy, and abiding in a living inward diliwords, conversations, meats, drink and appa- gence, out of the foolish virgins' state, where rel, to return speedily, under the operation of through spiritual idleness, comes spiritual the spiritual circumcising knife, that all which slumber, to the losing the oil, and so the lamp offends the Lord, and grieves his good Spirit goes out. But abiding in a daily subjection given to profit withal, may be effectually re- to the heavenly cross, in the holy watch, moved, and you brought into your first fear, growing up to the young man's state, wherein awe, and holy watchfulness in the light of the ye become strong, and the word of God abides Lamb. So will the Lord be with you in the in you; and you abiding in it, overcome the day of the dreadful overthrow, when both the wicked one; and ye escape the high-way, sandy foundations, and the buildings thereon stony and thorny ground; and so the increase will fall together. Therefore, in the name of of riches, or any terrestrial enjoyment, will Almighty God, and in the sense of the ma- not harm you, for you feed on another life, jesty of his glorious presence; I cry to you, and behold clearly another glory, even that To the rock, To the rock, To the rock, so which is eternal and celestial; and so grow will the Lord favour you, and compass you, up into the state of fathers, eating of the tree and make you sing of his praise; here is of life. For you see him who is from the safety, food and water, heavenly and never-beginning, and in whose Almighty power is failing.

preservation out of Jeshurun's state, walking in wisdom, and in the valley of humility, where Shiloh's brook runs and flows, by whose water ye are washed, and by the holy blood and life of the Lamb sprinkled inward

And unto you, young men, and women, and children of the people of the Lord, I say, fear and dread the living God, and bear the yoke of the Lord Jesus in your youth, and love his heavenly cross, that crosseth all your inclina-ly, and with his holy oil anointed, and so tions to vanity and vain pleasures. Abstain from all hurtful company, beware of your desires, that go out to pleasures, meats, drinks, and apparel, out of the fear of God; let your words be few and savoury, and your conversation in all places be in solidity and gravity,

come within the vail, into the holy of holies, where the glory of the Ancient of Days is beheld on the mercy-seat of infinite loving kind. ness. And in the enjoyment of his smiles and Divine favour, being overcome with the majesty of his presence, offer up, in the

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A general Epistle to Friends. Dear Friends and brethren, WHO with a high and heavenly calling have been called out of darkness, and all the ways and works thereof, to walk in the marvellous light of the glorious day of God, that hath preciously dawned; grace, mercy and peace be multiplied in and amongst you.

Truth to all the professors thereof, Abide in the spiritual watch tower, where you will receive manifold spiritual advantages, and will see the approaches of your soul's enemy, when, where, how, and in what, he works; and here you see clearly how sin is conceived in the thoughts, and when it is finished it brings forth death, and so you receive an understanding how sin is strengthened and how overcome, and how it is finished and brought to an end, and the everlasting righteousness of Jesus Christ brought in, and how the knowledge of God increases and comes to cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea, and so shall your peace flow as a river. And, dear Friends, keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and grow up in it, for whilst the churches kept in the purity, they were in the greatest unity; here they were with one accord, and great grace was upon them, under the dominion and beauty of the glorious power of the Lord; for Sion is a city at unity with itself, and the body edifies itself with love. But when the enemy prevailed to draw out of the love of Christ Jesus, where all the mem

Friends, the great Husbandman of the whole earth, having, in the riches of his love, planted a vineyard with the choicest vine, in a fruitful hill, in this age of the world, which he hath pruned, dressed, and plentifully watered, is coming to take a view thereof, to see what fruit it bringeth forth; and therefore it weight-bers that hold the Head are knit together as ily concerns you to see with the light of the Lord, how you have answered his great and inexpressible love, which for many years hath been abundantly extended unto you, and prize your time whilst you have it, and it is called a day of mercy. Oh! have a care that you give no room to the spirit of the world, that blinds the eye of the mind, and subjects the affections to things below, and raiseth up the old love to the world again. Beware of going out of the simplicity of the Gospel, and let there be a tender inward care to watch against all thoughts, that darken you, and grieve the Spirit of the Lord, and let your words be few and seasoned with heavenly grace. Go not out of the exercise of the precious cross of Christ Jesus, into any excess in meats, drinks or apparel, which are superfluous, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof; let not your gold or silver, lands or livings, furniture or apparel, any way ensnare you, or entangle, or overcharge you.

For oh, Friends, the enemy of Sion's prosperity hath laid deep snares in the spirit of the world in those things, to draw out the mind from the pure innocent life, obtained and enjoyed through the spiritual exercise of the cross of Christ Jesus, which crucifies us to the world and the world unto us; but if the mind goes out of the fear of the Lord, and the holy cross and heavenly watch, into a false liberty, then you will live to the world and the world to you; and here is the way that death comes over again.

Therefore, dear Friends, this is the word of
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with joints and bands, then other fruits appeared. Now, dear Friends, as the pure unity of the churches is in the Spirit, where all have unity with God, who is a Spirit, and with one another in his Spirit, which is increased as all grow up in the nature of Christ Jesus, who is meek and lowly, so here all are preserved in the dominion of the edifying love of God, and in unity one with another, let there be ever so many thousands; but when the enemy prevailed to draw out of the quickening Spirit of the second Adam, and out of his nature, wherein all can follow his blessed example in washing one another's feet, and led into another spirit and wisdom which is from beneath, therein arose those bitter fruits mentioned in the Scriptures of Truth.

Therefore, dear Friends, everywhere, keep in the name and pure fear of the Most High, and grow up in the sweet nature and wisdom of the Ancient of Days, and watch against the least appearance of that which would break your unity; and if any thing of this nature hath broken in anywhere, in the name of the Lord God let it be driven out of the camp, it being one of the greatest enemies of Sion's peace and growth; for unity is our strength, and keeping our ranks here, all the enemy's endeavours without, will not be able to prevail. Friends, dwell in the spirit of meekness, which keeps in a sound judgment and spiritual discerning, where no wrath, fleshly passion, envyings or emulation can have any place; for as all grow up in the Divine nature, in the faith of Abraham, no strife and division


can have room. He said to Lot, "Let there assuredly bring to pass upon all the professors be no strife between us, for we are brethren; of Christianity, that are out of the nature if thou wilt take the right hand, I will take thereof, unless they repent. the left; and if thou wilt go to the left, I will And now, Oh Friends! let a true silence go to the right." And here all controversies and sweet stillness come on all your spirits, are ended and shut out. And now, dear so shall your inward ear be opened to his Friends, with the light of God's holy day heavenly counsel, and you will be ready, in search, and see how it is with you, that so if true bowedness of spirit to say, what the Lord the enemy of Zion's prosperity hath gotten hath commanded and required, that will we any entrance, to impede or hinder the precious do, through his Divine strength; and you will work of the Lord, from prospering in your be preserved in all the various exercises of the souls, by turning aside into any by-path, or day, and out of the hurries of the people, setting down by the way, or taking up a false in this season of fulfilling what was said in rest, with the glorious light of the Lamb you many of your ears, many years ago, disapmay see and discern it, and speedily retire in-pointment upon disappointment, sorrow upon ward to hear the voice of the good Shepherd, sorrow, exercise upon exercise, and distress that by him you may be led out of all the upon distress; and as you are inwardly staid enemy's snares. And now, Friends! make upon the Lord, in his eternal light, you will use of your time and day, and all keep in feel help from him in all your straits. Gayour spiritual tents, in the sweet valley of ther to the munition of rocks, where your humility, where you will not only see all bread shall be sure, and waters never fail. the devices and snares of the unwearied ene- Be faithful in the Lord's work, and keep your my of your souls, but will also enjoy the de- meetings as the Lord requires, and that diliscendings of the glory of God, in the daily gently, week-days as well as first-days, and opening of his Divine hand, which is full of the Lord will appear in the brightness of his blessings. Here you will be tenderly con- power, and the glory of his presence you shall cerned in spirit, to cry fervently to him for enjoy more and more. And, dear Friends, yourselves and families, and for a people that you that God hath blessed with outward subhave not hearts to seek nor cry to God for stance, feel the opening love of Christ Jesus, themselves, that in tender compassion he who offered himself up for us, to open your would open their hearts, that they might see hearts, and give you wisdom to take effectual and be sensible of the mercies of a long-suf- care of the poor and needy, according to your fering and long-provoked God, who hath often ability. So to God Almighty I commit you; shaken his hand, and threatened his terrible and having done his will, I rest in my Fajudgments, and on the other hand, largely ther's love, your tender friend and brother, and wonderfully extended his mercies. In in the labour and travail of the Gospel, this tender exercise of spirit, you will approve yourselves the true friends of your neighbours, and you will have a hiding-place in the day of his consuming judgments, which he will

London, the 25th of the
Second month, 1697.








that he had not only graciously fed and clothed her, but had been with her through all her life; and she earnestly desired that others, for themselves, might taste and see that the Lord is good.

It seems desirable that the following accounts, left by Sarah Stephenson, of her life and religious engagements, showing the sufficiency of that grace, by which she was what As many of those to whom she has exshe was, may tend to the encouragement pressed this desire, will probably peruse her of others to walk by the same rule, and to fragments, and thereby afresh recollect her mind the same thing, namely, the revelation labours of Gospel love towards them, it may of the Divine will. Conducive to this is that be profitable for such to examine how far the waiting on the Most High, to which belongs designed purpose has been answered, as it rethe promise of a renewal of strength, of run- spects each of them,-whether, unhappily, the ning without weariness, of walking without visitation of heavenly kindness hath been only being faint; which was much the experience of this beloved Friend. And though many and deep were the baptisms, on her own and others' account, in order that Truth might be exalted in the earth, yet the sweet and frequent enjoyment of Divine peace was her abundant reward.

May the perusal of these memoirs so affect the youth, into whose hands they may fall, with the love and admiration of Christian virtue, as to raise a heart-felt petition, similar to that which Sarah herself, when a child, was engaged to put up, when she was reading the lives, and happy conclusions of the faithful: "Often," said she, " have I been led to make a pause, and crave of my heavenly Father, Be thou pleased to make me like unto these thy servants, whatever my sufferings in this life may be. If thou wilt be with me in the way that I go, give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, thou shalt be my God, and I will serve thee." Thus making and keeping covenant in early life, she witnessed the declaration to be fulfilled, "Godliness is profitable to all things, having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Frequently in the decline of life, when engaged to speak of the goodness of Israel's Shepherd, she had encouragingly to testify

as a morning cloud, and as the early dew, that goeth away; or whether it has been abode under and improved, so that an account of it, and of other favours, may be finally given up with joy and thankfulness to the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

These memoirs were left in detached pieces, and consequently, though each might be valuable, they did not form a satisfactory whole. This deficiency is attempted to be supplied by private information, by searching the records of meetings and by other means, and the editor has sometimes taken the liberty of a little varying the phrase of the parts, where the narration runs in the first person; and now and then of supplying a few words.

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ing pages, was born at Whitehaven, in Cum-visitation, I was mercifully prevailed on to berland, in the year 1738. Her parents were | close in with it.

Daniel and Sarah Stephenson, of whom she "After I had been in that city a few months, was the elder daughter. Her mother was the those worthy servants of the Lord, Elizabeth daughter of Joseph Storrs, of Chesterfield, Ashbridge and Sarah Worral, from America, Derbyshire. Of events which were her lot | came to my uncle's house, and, I think, staid in childhood and youth, of her conflicts and some days. One evening, during this time, consolations, and her preservation from harm Elizabeth, in a very weighty manner, adand evil, at those stages of life, the subsequent account is nearly in her own words.

"The remembrance of the great love and tender care of the Shepherd of Israel, who sleepeth not by day nor slumbereth by night, from my infant days to the present time, is cause of deep admiration, reverence, and

abasement of soul.

dressed me in the language of unspeakable love; remarking also, What a pity that child should have a ribbon on her head.' Her words were piercing, and deeply affected my mind. I do not know that I closed my eyes to sleep, that night; and in the morning, not daring to put on my ribbon, I came down without it. Yet I had many fears, expecting to be cen"When I was about six years of age, I sured by one of the family, as having left it had a narrow escape of being burned to death, off to get the favour of the Friends, and from by falling on the fire when no one else was in this unjust ground, the enemy caused many the room. This preservation, as also another, | seasons of sorrow. This was coming a little by which my soul was signally rescued from to the gate of stripping, which work went the jaws of the devourer, in very early life, I gradually forward; but great were my trials, attribute only to Him, who hath, in the course both from within and without. Indeed my of my pilgrimage, succoured me in many deep conflicts were so great, that I might say, 'I and proving seasons; and hath borne up my ate my bread with mourning, and mingled my head above the mighty waters, even when drink with tears;'-but then, O, what precious the waves have risen so high as to appear meetings I had at times! my spirit was so likely to overwhelm me. O, my soul, mayest | broken, that I could scarcely contain myself. thou never be unmindful of the Lord's unut- Here were also divers weighty valuable terable goodness, but walk humbly and rev-friends, whose sympathy with me was great, erently before him, who is abundant in mercy and great loving kindness!

and was a comfort to me. It likewise pleased Divine Wisdom, while I remained at Worces"It may not be improper to mention, that ter, to permit me to be attacked with a slow my father carried on a very considerable bu- fever, which reduced me to such a state of siness in the mercantile way, and had gained weakness, that it seemed not unlikely I might much property. This, and living in what is | sink under it. But that did not prove to be called a genteel style, and being introduced the design of unerring Wisdom; but rather to into company of high rank when very young, make it preparatory to fresh exercise and trial so pleased my natural disposition, that I began of faith. In this time of great weakness and to take steps in the paths of vanity. But, reduction of will, my mind was sweetly sup whilst I was thus pursuing with eagerness, ported, and, at seasons, favoured with the what are called by some innocent diversions, overshadowing of Divine love, under which the good Shepherd, who seeketh after those my soul humbly and thankfully rejoiced. that are gone astray, looked down upon me "When I was a little recovered from this in love, and so enamoured my soul with his illness, a trial of a close nature was my porbeauty, that I loved to be alone with him. O, tion. I received a letter from my father, who, how sweet was his presence! But this lasted in a pressing manner, requested my going not long; for the enemy painted the glory of home to live with my dear parents, whom I this delusive world in such pleasing colours, had not seen for seven years. In my absence, that I forsook the Prince of peace, and pro- they had removed, together with my sister ceeded still further in the paths of vanity. and my youngest brother, to Douglas, in the “ My father, as I have mentioned, was | Isle of Man, at which place were no others of trading largely; and he so extended his busi- our Society, and the inhabitants were much ness that he could not himself have the over- strangers to it. Great were the struggles and sight of it. This was attended with losses fears that attended my poor mind, and prayer and many disappointments; and at length oc- was begotten that by obeying my natural pacasioned the separation of the family. My rent, I might not offend my heavenly Father, uncle, William Storrs, of Chesterfield, took | who had so richly visited my soul. But the me to Worcester, to my mother's sister, and Lord was pleased so to open my way, that it there, being afresh favoured with a precious appeared right to go; yet O, the fear that

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