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mentioned thy name in my hearing after- he seemed restless and his pain was very exwards, and although she had to endure much cruciating. Sixth-day thy wife was more pain and affliction of body, yet her mind ap- poorly, appeared to have more fever, and in peared perfectly calm, sweet and pleasant, the afternoon complained of pain in her side, abounding with love to every one, so that her but we still entertained hopes that she would company was truly pleasant; often saying, be raised again: but, alas! our hopes were she now enjoyed the fruits of her former la- frustrated. Judith Gurney and myself sat up bours; and that what she then enjoyed, was with her that night. About ten o'clock, after worth more than all the world besides; say- the family had retired, we perceived an alteraing, I am now convinced that I have not tion. We were alarmed, and called the phybeen following cunningly devised fables, but sician, who soon came: at first he thought living and substantial truth.' Her mind the change was in consequence of debility, seemed often humbled under a sense of the and that giving her stimulants would revive favours she enjoyed. Having many of her her; but the difficulty of breathing increased; friends about her, I felt anxious to come to the family were then called, and she peacethy brother John's, whose wife and sister, and fully and quietly expired without any apparent many others in the neighbourhood, were very struggle. As she lived beloved, so she died sick with the same disorder. I left her on lamented by us all. I found it hard to give sixth-day the 27th, and did not return until up so near and dear a friend on my own acsecond-day following. On going into the count, but when I thought of thee and the room she appeared cheerful and pleasant, children, as also the neighbourhood at a time although very much reduced. She continued when so many were sick, my feelings, indeed, so through the day. Thy dear son John baffled all description. seemed poorly that evening, next morning he "Dear John at that moment lay very sick seemed better. His mother rested pretty well. in an adjoining room; I soon went in to see Between her fits of coughing, her company him, he looked at me with an expressive was very interesting, frequently repeating countenance, and said, 'It is impossible for some passage of Scripture, or a line or two me to get well without a miracle, and on my of poetry. Her love seemed to flow towards own account I am willing to die; but on the all, especially to her friends around her. Af-account of my dear brothers and sisters, I ter I had turned her in bed, she said, 'Dear should be willing to live longer. My faith Ruth, thou and I have travelled together and confidence are in the mercies of my dear through different parts in near unity; I have loved thee as a sister, yes, as a mother. I am afraid I shall wear thee out.' The latter part of the night she appeared a little better, and the next morning she seemed free from pain, but weak and low. About ten o'clock thy daughter Dorcas, on seeing her so weak, seemed very much affected; she said 'Dear *Although he was only in the twenty-fourth year Dorcas, don't be troubled, don't weep, we of his age, he was engaged in a considerable line have much to be thankful for; many poor of business, and in addition thereto, he undertook things in this trying time have hardly any set him at liberty for religious service. the oversight of his father's concerns, in order to This thing for their comfort; we have enough of weight of care seemed now to press forcibly upon every thing around us, and kind friends who his mind, so that, after giving his brother direction are willing to do any thing for us: we must about his affairs, which, he said, he considered it not complain, we must expect to share sick- his duty to do, and felt satisfaction in having done, ness with our friends. I do not complain, I he advised him to give up all ambitious prospects; am contented, and willing to endure the turn- to contrive some easy way of procuring a liveli ing and termination of it.' After which she hood, and to be content; herein evincing a mind lay and slept quietly, and continued so through of time; and that whilst he saw the necessity of in a suitable situation justly to appreciate the value the day. Towards evening I returned home providing for a comfortable subsistence, he felt the with a comfortable hope that she was a little inconvenience of having his mind charged with better. I found my family complaining, and much incumbrance at such an awful crisis. did not return until fifth-day, 2nd of fourth The advice given to his brother is not only wormonth. We went to meeting with the few thy of his strict observance, but may be useful to Friends that were able to get out; and after others who may be just entering on the concerns meeting I went again to see her, found her of life, and is consonant with the words of the prophet Jeremiah; "Seekest thou great things for very weak and low, and John very sick we thyself? Seek them not." began to apprehend him in danger; medical aid was obtained early but all to no purpose;

Redeemer.' After which he appeared mostly sensible, and perfectly resigned, and was enabled to arrange his business to good satisfaction.* I was not much with him afterwards, being quite indisposed myself with a slight touch of the prevailing disorder; there

His father feels it a tribute due to the memory of his son to subjoin this note.

fore, must leave further information, except Yearly Meeting had the privilege of his last that he died the next day."

In addition to the foregoing narrative, Henry Hull has received two letters from his daughter, Dorcas Coleman, of which the following are extracts:

"13th of Fourth month, 1812.

religious labours, we have been induced to bear our testimony to the life and virtue which attended his ministry in our public meetings, and to the solemnity which also accompanied his communications during our sittings for discipline.

While in common with our brethren of "Our family remained in a state of usual other Yearly Meetings, we are impressed with health until about the 19th of last month, when a mournful sense of the loss the church milimy ever loved mother complained of an ex- tant has sustained, in the demise of this faithtreme pain in her head; she however, kept ful servant of Christ; in subjoining this brief up until the 21st. After returning from Oba- notice of the event, it is the fervent desire of diah Haight's funeral, she took her bed: she this meeting that all our members, and espesat up a little the two following days. On cially our dear youth, may be encouraged, the fourth-day evening she appeared so unwell, both by the perusal of the Address, and by that we called in medical assistance. I was the account of his peaceful close, to imitate the only one up with her that night, and feel- the excellent example which he has set, in a ing alarmed, she told me she was prepared life of dedication to the Lord's work and serfor death, if it pleased her Divine Master to vice-he having expressed in his last public call her; and was as well satisfied in thy testimony, with much humility, his thankfulbeing in thy place as if thou stood by her bed-ness that he had devoted the prime of his life side; hoped thou wouldst hold on thy way, to the cause of his dear Redeemer. and be favoured to return to us again-it The religious opportunities which he had would have been consoling to her to live till that event, but she was resigned."

"Fourth month 24th, 1812.


"During the time of my dear mother's illness, and often, yes, very often since, I have had to revert to the time of our parting, when in solemn supplication my dear deceased parent craved the protection of Heaven for thee, the partner of her life; and in humble resignation expressed her willingness, that it should rest a secret in the Divine sight whether farewell was to be final or not; and also her desire, that whether you ever met again or not, all might be done in life and in death, to the glory of God. Ah! that was a time never to be forgotten, as long as life and recollection are lengthened out to me, who then did, and still do, feel the great need there is of having the mind stayed on that which will support,

when all outward consolation fails."

During the last visit made by Henry Hull to Ohio, the Meeting for Sufferings of that Yearly Meeting directed an edition of the foregoing Address to be published; and as it did not appear until after his decease, that meeting appended to it the following minute, viz:

Soon after this meeting directed the reprinting of the foregoing Address, it pleased Divine Providence to remove the author of it from works to rewards. And as our late

with us-the great solemnity and baptizing power which was then felt, as well as the near unity which we had with him, have been rendered the more striking from the occurrence of the solemn event which so soon followed.

the Son of God, so it seems that in and near the solemn close, he was enabled by the power and presence of his beloved Saviour to testify, "I have not followed cunningly devised fables-the hope of the hypocrite faileth, but I can say mine does not.-I feel as though I could lift up my voice to praise the Lord, though my strength faileth. I die in peace with all mankind; living praises be unto the Lord." The calm and heavenly frame of his mind shed a sweet influence

As in his life he was steadfast in the faith of

around his dying bed, verifying the truth of the Scripture testimony, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

His redeemed spirit was liberated from the trials of this changeful life, on the 23d of ninth month, at the house of our friend Benjamin Hoyle, near Barnesville, and we doubt not, has joined the church triumphant in heaven.

Taken from the minutes of the Meeting for
Sufferings of Ohio Yearly Meeting, held at
Mount Pleasant, the 16th of eleventh month,

Clerk for the day.

[Erratum-In the Testimony concerning Henry Hull, page 235 of this volume, thirteenth line from the top, for 1801 read 1810.]

As our beloved friend, in the early part of graciously pleased to take me to thyself, or his Journal, several times speaks of his val- endue me with patience to bear my pains; uable father, it is thought the reader will be yet not my will but thine be done: try me interested in perusing the following memorial any way that will be most agreeable to thy respecting this worthy man, viz: holy will."

A Memorial from the Creek Monthly Meeting, in Nine Partners, concerning our friend, TIDDEMAN HULL.

The same day divers Friends coming to see him, he said, "This is a hard struggle between life and death; I do not know which will have the victory; but let which will, I believe I shall be the Lord's ;" with much instructive advice and counsel to many that came to see him during his illness: from this sickness he gradually recovered.

He was born in the State of Rhode Island. His parents were John and Damaris Hull, who were members of our religious Society; and in the early part of his life, by their consent, he removed and settled within the verge He was taken ill of his last sickness, the of Purchase Monthly Meeting; where, and at 18th of the ninth month, whilst sitting in our New York, he resided until the year 1777, Monthly Meeting; in which he manifested the when he removed with his family within the same fervency of spirit in his religious lalimits of this meeting, then a part of Nine bours that had hitherto accompanied them. Partners Monthly Meeting, and became a In the evening he signified to some of his useful member thereof, being exemplary in family, he believed that was the last meeting the diligent attendance of our religious meet- he should attend. His disorder proving to be ings, and encouraging his family therein. In the dysentery, his strength failed fast. On the year 1781, he appeared in the ministry, and was serviceable therein; the young and rising generation particularly claimed his attention; to many of whom he was endeared by his tender and fatherly advice. He often pressingly entreated those unto whom he ministered, to close in with the day of their visitation; and sometimes in private conversation was heard to say, that he regretted nothing more than that he did not in his youthful days give up to walk in the paths of piety and virtue. He was divers times acceptably engaged in visiting families within the compass of this Monthly Meeting, a service he appeared to be well qualified for; and frequently visited the adjacent meetings, particularly those newly set up. He often not only advised it, but was himself in the practice of retiring in stillness; and at times convened his family upon the same important

fourth-day morning following, after a wearisome night, he expressed a desire for stillness and an easy passage, as he believed his time here would not be long. Soon after, being more free from pain, divers Friends being present, he said that at the last Monthly Meeting he attended, he thought at the time, it would be the last; and that he felt his mind impressed with something to deliver, but did not, for the want of an opportunity; which was, that Friends in all appointments in the church, be careful not to appoint such as were in the practice of sleeping in meetings, referring to the frequent advice of the Yearly Meeting on that subject. Then addressing himself to his youngest son, he gave him much instructive counsel and advice. After which, laying still awhile, he was fervently engaged in prayer, that the Lord would be graciously pleased to be near in this trying time, and that he would remember Friends of In the year 1793, soon after his return the little meeting to which he belonged, that from a religious visit in the western settle- the extendings of Divine regard might be to ments of this state, he was brought very low his family, and that they with Friends might by a fit of sickness, his life not being expected, be kept as in the hollow of the Lord's hand. either by himself or his friends, to be pro- After which, his disorder being very sore longed; at which time his faith appeared un- upon him, he expressed but little; though, at shaken; saying, "My confidence is in the times, he was engaged in prayer, and in the Lord, and in him will I trust: I feel his pre-expression of a few words of love and tensence to be near, which is above all, and I derness to such as came to see him, bearing can rejoice in tribulation." At another time, his pains with Christian patience, and waiting his children being by his bed-side, he looking for the time to come, that he might be relieved upon them, said, "If it is the Lord's will that from them. He departed this life, on the I shall go now, I am entirely willing" soon 28th of the ninth month, 1795, aged about after, with an audible voice, "Oh, Lord! be sixty-two years.








The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever. Isaiah xxxii. 17.

fortitude. To those who attended him in his illness, his mind appeared to be centered in Divine love, under the precious influence whereof, we believe he finished his course, and entered into the mansions of everlasting rest.

The Testimony of Friends in Yorkshire, at abled to attend all the sittings of that meeting their Quarterly Meeting held at York, the except the last. 24th and 25th of the third month, 1773, con- His disorder, which proved to be the small. cerning JOHN WOOLMAN, of Mount Holly, in pox, increased speedily upon him, and was the province of New Jersey, in America, who very afflicting; under which he was supported departed this life at the house of our friend in much meekness, patience and Christian Thomas Priestman, in the suburbs of this city, the 7th of the tenth month, 1772, and was interred in the burying-ground of Friends, the 9th of the same, aged about fifty-two years. THIS our valuable friend having been under a religious engagement for some time, to In the early part of his illness he requested visit Friends in this nation, and more espe- a Friend to write, and then broke forth thus: cially us in the northern parts, undertook the "O Lord my God! the amazing horrors of same with the full concurrence and near darkness were gathered around me and cosympathy of his friends and brethren at vered me all over, and I saw no way to go home, as appeared by certificates from the forth. I felt the misery of my fellow-creaMonthly and Quarterly Meetings to which he tures separated from the Divine harmony and belonged, and from the Spring-meeting of it was heavier than I could bear-I was crushed ministers and elders, held at Philadelphia, for down under it. I lifted up my hand, and Pennsylvania and New Jersey. stretched out my arm, but there was none to He arrived in the city of London at the be- help me. I looked round about and was ginning of the last Yearly Meeting, and after amazed. In the depths of misery, O Lord! attending that meeting travelled northward, I remembered that thou art omnipotent, that I visiting the Quarterly Meetings of Hertford-| had called thee Father. I felt that I loved shire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, thee, and I was made quiet in thy will. I Oxfordshire and Worcestershire, and divers waited for deliverance from thee, and thou particular meetings in his way. hadst pity upon me, when no man could help

He visited many meetings on the west side me. I saw that meekness under suffering of this county, also some in Lancashire and was showed to us in the most affecting examWestmoreland, from whence he came to our ple of thy Son, and that thou wast teaching Quarterly Meeting in the last ninth month; me to follow him: and I said, thy will, O Faand though much out of health, yet was en-ther, be done."

Many more of his weighty expressions might have been inserted here, but it was deemed unnecessary, they being already published.

He was a man endued with a large natural capacity, and being obedient to the manifestations of Divine grace, having in patience and humility endured many deep baptisms, he became thereby sanctified and fitted for the Lord's work, and was truly serviceable in his church. Dwelling in awful fear and watchfulness, he was careful in his public appearances to feel the putting forth of the Divine Hand, so that the spring of the Gospel ministry often flowed through him with great sweetness and purity, as a refreshing stream to the weary travellers towards the city of God. Skilful in dividing the word, he was furnished by Him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, to communicate freely to the several states of the people where his lot was cast. His conduct at other times was seasoned with the like watchful circumspection and attention to the guidance of Divine wisdom, which rendered his whole conversation edifying.

He was fully persuaded, that as the life of Christ comes to reign in the earth, all abuse and unnecessary oppression, both of the human and brute creation will come to an end; but under the sense of a deep revolt, and an overflowing stream of unrighteousness, his life was often a life of mourning.

He was deeply concerned on account of that inhuman and iniquitous practice of making slaves of the people of Africa, or holding them in that state; and on that account we understand he not only wrote some books, but travelled much on the continent of America, in order to make the Negro masters, especially those in profession with us, sensible of the evil of such a practice; and though in this journey to England he was far removed from the outward sight of their sufferings, yet his deep exercise of mind remained, as appears by a short treatise he wrote in this journey, and his frequent concern to open the miserable state of this deeply injured people. His testimony in the last meeting he attended was on this subject, wherein he remarked, that as we as a Society, when under outward sufferings had often found it our concern to lay them before those in authority, and thereby in the Lord's time, had obtained relief, so he recommended this oppressed part of the creation to our notice, that as way may open, we may represent their sufferings in an individual, if not a Society capacity to those in authority.

Deeply sensible that the desire to gratify people's inclinations in luxury and superflui

ties, is the principal ground of oppression, and the occasion of many unnecessary wants, he believed it to be his duty to be a pattern of great self-denial, with respect to the things of this life, and earnestly to labour with Friends in the meekness of wisdom, to impress on their minds the great importance of our testimony in these things; recommending them to the guidance of the blessed Truth in this and all other concerns, and cautioning such as are experienced therein, against contenting themselves with acting up to the standard of others, but to be careful to make the standard of Truth manifested to them, the measure of their obedience; for said he, "That purity of life which proceeds from faithfulness in following the Spirit of Truth; that state where our minds are devoted to serve God, and all our wants are bounded by his wisdom; this habitation has often been opened before me as a place of retirement for the children of the light, where they may stand separated from that which disordereth and confuseth the affairs of Society, and where we may have a testimony of our innocence in the hearts of those who behold us."

We conclude with fervent desires, that we as a people may thus, by our example, promote the Lord's work in the earth; and our hearts being prepared, may unite in prayer to the great Lord of the harvest, that as in his infinite wisdom he hath greatly stripped the church, by removing of late divers faithful ministers and elders, he may be pleased to send forth many more faithful labourers into his harvest.

Signed in, by order, and on behalf of said meeting.


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Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of Friends, held in Burlington, the 1st day of the eighth month, in the year of our Lord, 1774, concerning our esteemed friend, JOHN WOOLMAN, deceased.

He was born in Northampton, in the county of Burlington, and province of West New Jersey, in the eighth month, 1720, of religious parents, who instructed him very early in the principles of the Christian religion, as professed by the people called Quakers, which he esteemed a blessing to him, even in his young years, tending to preserve him from the infection of wicked children. But through

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