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She was diligent and exemplary in the attendance of meetings. Her ministry was sound, lively and edifying; and though her appearances were frequent, and sometimes large, she was particularly careful not to go beyond the pure openings of the holy Spirit. In prayer she was remarkably powerful and fervent. She was a truly affectionate parent and friend; tenderly sympathizing with the afflicted. In conversation lively, affable and instructive; being endowed with an excellent understanding. She retained her natural cheerfulness even to very advanced years, and her mental faculties unimpaired to the last.

Sometimes she intimated the serenity of her prospects, when the trials and exercises attendant upon humanity should terminate. Not many weeks prior to her decease, upon a Friend's taking leave of her, she seemed affected, and said, “ Though I drop tears, I am not left comfortless. No: we have not followed cunningly devised fables. I think what I feel, might convince the whole world. Oh, it is marvellous! it is marvellous!"

At another time she requested that her two granddaughters, being all the family she had, would not grieve after her; but rather rejoice, that she was relieved from all her sufferings; "for I believe," said she, "that at my dissolution, death will have no sting, nor the grave any victory."

Second month 17th, being much tried with infirmity and pain, she said with earnestness to those about her: "Join with me in petitioning the Father of mercies, to relieve me from my sufferings: Oh, that I had wings like a dove; for then I would flee away, and be at rest."

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JANE PEARSON has finished her outward labours and inward exercises; and the reader has now finished her own memoirs, here presented for his perusal. Every thing per taining to this life, whether conspicuous or obscure, must come to an end; but there is a life beyond the grave, that will continue for ever. To engage us in a preparation for that life, our friend has written; to none of her readers, may she have written in vain. As for herself, it has been seen, that under accumulated discouragements, she sought for the evidence of final acceptance; and that her constancy was crowned with the assurance she sought for. This ought to animate the diffident and encourage the dejected. By her life, the lukewarm may be also reminded, that though we may be born members of our religious Society; yet having by nature the same propensities as others; we must be "born again," if we would become members of the church of Christ.

We have also seen that the journey through time, of our dear deceased friend, was in the path of tribulation. Independent of her sor rows as a widow and a mother, her “inward conflicts" and "searchings of heart," were equal to most that we read of.

In the morning of the 18th, being in great bodily pain, she exclaimed: "My God, my God, forsake me not now." She was soon after seized with faintings. In a little time she revived, and affectionately noticed some Friends that had come to see her. On the 19th she slumbered much, and said but little. Very early the next morning her cough became troublesome, and her breathing much Modest, diffident and humble, how came affected. About this time she was thought to she then to expose her trials? Surely it was be exercised in prayer, but the words could for the benefit of others; and to bear a testinot be gathered. She quietly departed about mony to the goodness of God in sending the three o'clock the same morning; and we have Comforter into her soul, as promised by a dear no doubt but her pure spirit, released from Redeemer. These things set forth by her own the shackles of mortality, ascended to the pen, have a value in them beyond what could celestial mansions, to receive a crown of be produced by the pen of another. righteousness and an inheritance incorrupti- In laying down mine, I am inclined to say, ble, that will never fade way. Oh! that more full obedience was yielded to

Her remains were interred in Friends' bu- the power of Truth, through the various ranks rial-ground, in Whitehaven, on the 25th of of our religious Society; I include myself in second month, 1816, after a large and solemn this implied shortness; and my belief is, that meeting. She was about eighty-one years of it would then rise in its early simplicity and age, and a minister about forty-two years. brightness.





AMONG the many remarkable instances of patient adherence to the principles of Truth, under severe suffering and persecution, which are furnished by the history of our religious Society, there are few that exhibit more fully the constancy of the sufferers or the mighty power of the Lord in sustaining them, than the cases of William Moore and John Philly. Of these individuals but little account is preserved, and we have now no means of ascertaining their birth-place, parentage, or the manner of their convincement. John Philly appears to have been an inhabitant of Dover, where he suffered distraint in the year 1660, for not paying tithes, and in 1670 was committed to prison there for teaching school without a license from the bishop; and being brought before the justices, they tendered the oath of Allegiance to him, and on his refusing to violate the command of our blessed Savi"Swear not at all," recommitted him. William Moore seems to have dwelt in Gloucestershire, for in 1683, he with a number of other Friends, was committed to prison on an indictment for a month's absence from the national worship, and in 1686 with fiftyfive of his fellow-sufferers, was discharged at the Quarter Sessions, by virtue of the proclamation of King James the Second.


William Moore and John Philly appear to have been ministers of the Gospel, and travelled abroad in the exercise of their gifts. In the first month, 1662, being in Germany, with several other Friends engaged in the like service, they were drawn under a sense of religious duty to proceed into Hungary, to visit a society known by the name of the Hortesche Brethren. These people were a kind of Baptists, whose minds had been measurably enlightened, so as to see the inconsistency of war, oaths, &c., with the Christian religion, and they consequently refused to swear or fight. They had their goods and possessions in common, and lived in families of several hundreds together.

It does not seem probable, however, that William was a prisoner there during all that time, for we find his name in a list of persons who were tried at Guildhall, in London, on the 8th of tenth month, 1684, on the charge of being present at a riotous assembly, with force and arms, in White Hart Court; and although the witnesses brought to convict them, testified that they were in Angel Court, and not White Hart Court, yet the recorder said, if they were anywhere in the same ward, it was sufficient ground to find them guilty. The riotous assembly alluded to, was a meeting for Divine worship, peaceably held in the street, the Friends who were at it being stop ped there by their persecutors and prevented from going to their meeting-house.

To encounter the perils of such a journey, among a people of a strange language, of habits and manners widely different from their own, and professing another religion, in the exercise of which they were known to be intolerant, was an undertaking attended with so many discouragements, that nothing short of a clear conviction of its being a Divine requisition, and a firm trust in the protecting care of an omnipresent Providence, could have supported them under the prospect. After being refreshed with the overflowings of the love of God under the baptizing ministry of William Caton, they took leave of their brethren in Germany and set out on their journey the 29th of the first month, 1662.

The information they obtained respecting the settlements, and the best route to be taken to reach it, as well as further directions as they passed along, enabled them to make a pretty direct course, and through Divine favour they reached Cushart, a village about a days journey from Presburg, the capital of Lower Hungary, on the 16th of second month. Some of the people they wished to see, resided at this place, by whom they were kindly entertained and had some religious service among them, also distributed some books, illustrative of those spiritual views of the Gospel dispensation, which the Society of Friends hold.

On the following day William went alone On reaching this place, they were directed to visit another family of the Brethren, and to the house of a Hungarian to lodge, but on the way experienced a remarkable preser- could not understand his language, and the vation from a wicked man, who seemed dis- desire to converse being mutual, they sent for posed to lay violent hands on him, or to knock a student from the college, with whom Wilhim in the head, in order to obtain his money; liam conversed in Latin. He inquired whence but the Lord restrained him so that he was not they came and whither they were going: and permitted to do him any harm. The Brethren then entered into a discourse on religious subwondered at his preservation, saying they jects. On parting, he appeared friendly, and could not go so far as the next village, with- said he wished them well, though there was a out being in great danger. wide difference in their sentiments.

After having had considerable service in preaching to these communities, and endeavouring to promote their growth in the life and power of the Christian religion, they procured the names and ascertained the situations of some more of their families, one of which was distant about three hundred miles, at a town called Pattuck, in Upper Hungary. The Brethren endeavoured to dissuade them from attempting so long and perilous a journey, and wished them to be contented with visiting such of their establishments as were situated in the vicinity of Cushart. With this proposal William appeared to be satisfied, but John Philly being pressed in spirit to proceed to the more distant settlements, and not being acquainted with the Dutch language, which William was, the latter was not easy to leave him, and they accordingly set out together.

The next day they endeavoured to get across the river, and made signs to a countryman to take them over in a boat, offering him money. He accordingly began to make ready, but a Dutch woman coming up, called out, "What are you about? The governor will cause that man to be hanged directly, if he ferries you over." This put a stop to their proceeding; they gave it up for the present and returned to their lodgings. On the following day William crossed the water on the south side of the town; having heard there were many Dutch people and soldiers there, he hoped to find some with whom he could converse, and to whom he might distribute some of the religious books he had brought with him, and which he would gladly have found an opportunity to send to Pattuck. Coming up with some soldiers, he inquired of them Returning to Presburg they pursued their after the country people, but could not meet journey towards Comorra, and finding a boat with any. He then asked leave of the guard laden with meal going to the garrison at New to walk out into the fields, where he met with Hausell, which was in the road to Pattuck, a sentinel, had some discourse with him, and they joined the crew; and when they came passed on to where some people were ploughnear the place, the boatmen asked them if ing. As he returned to the town he was met they had any acquaintance there, and whe- by three soldiers, and having a book in his ther they had a pass-to both which they re- hand, showing the reasons why Friends displied in the negative. On hearing this, the owned the ministry of the hireling priests, boatmen told them it would be dangerous to one of the soldiers, who belonged to a comproceed further, as the people were very sus-pany commanded by Captain Fusch, looked picious of strangers, and either they or the at the title of it, and then spoke of some place Turks, to whom the country was tributary, would be likely to put them to death. They also informed them that the people at the garrison of New Hausell were no less cruel and severe, and had put to death some strangers whom they found without licenses on the tributary ground. This was very discouraging and no doubt brought our friends under very close exercise of mind, to know what was best to be done. John Philly being still desirous of going to the village, which was near, they concluded to proceed; but the boatmen remarked, "He will not take our counsel now, but you will remember it and repent when you cannot help it." These words had considerable effect on the mind of William Moore, who a night or two before had been warned in a dream of those things which soon after befell them at Comorra.

in Turkey as being a desirable residence.— William replied, that he should return from whence he came, intending to go back to his companion, who had remained on the other side of the river. While waiting at the river for a passage, the soldier above alluded to, came to him and said he must go before Captain Fusch, where he was accordingly taken. The captain demanded the book, and looking at the title, asked if he was a Quaker, to which William, nothing daunted, replied in the affirmative. This enraged the captain, who exclaimed, "These rougues show no respect"-calling William "a young Huss, who had come forth to seduce the people and make uproars." He then caused the soldiers to strip him of his clothes and search him for letters, papers, &c., and took away his money. William meekly remonstrated with them, say

ing they would not like to be done so by; the his hands, he gave it to the marshal, who captain replied, "When you get clear you took from it what he liked, including their shall have your money, but I do not think Bible and papers, and then handed it over to that will be the case." He was then sent to another subaltern, who pretended to be much the guard-house, and in a little while brought troubled that they had no food-and finding before the captain and searched again more no money in their portmanteau, asked Wilstrictly than before, when some papers were liam if John had not some in his possession. found between the lining of his clothes. After This he could not deny, on which the man this examination he was remanded to the demanded some of John with a threat if he guard-house, and iron shackles and a chain put did not comply. John gave him a ducat, upon his hands and feet, and the officers en-(worth, if silver, one dollar, if gold, two doldeavoured to terrify him by threatening that lars) which the man got changed and brought he should be roasted alive on a wooden spit, to him, asking for some of it, which he proa punishment which had recently been inflict-mised to account for to them. Expecting that ed on some who had travelled without a li- they would search him for more and take it away, and aware that if liberated they should have need of some to defray their expenses home, he contrived to conceal some from them.


Far from friends and his country, in the hands of merciless men, whose occupation familiarized them to injustice and cruelty, destitute of any human being who could plead his The people among whom they had fallen cause or afford him protection, his situation were Roman Catholics, and the next day after would have been forlorn indeed, had he not John Philly was apprehended, these innocent been enabled to cast himself upon the good- sufferers were brought before the Inquisitor to ness and care of that God whom he loved and be examined. He inquired whence they came served, and who is able to deliver his ser--whither they were going their ages-who vants out of every danger. Conscious that he sent them out-what money they had taken had committed no crime, that his being there up-who had spoken to them at their lodgwas in obedience to the Divine will, and that ings, and many other questions. John was his only aim had been to spread the Gospel searched, and what money he had remaining of Jesus Christ and to promote the everlast-about him, was found. William was particu ing welfare of his fellow-men, he was enabled to stay his mind upon the Lord, in humble resignation to his holy will.

larly examined about the books, and informed that he had committed a capital crime, and that it would cost him his life-he replied, that what he had done therein, was in simplicity.

Word was soon conveyed to the chief officer of the garrison that such a prisoner was taken, and shortly after, two soldiers carrying After this examination Captain Fusch had burning matches, were despatched to bring William brought before him and asked him him before him. Expecting little less than several questions respecting the books, and immediate death, his thoughts naturally turn- who was the first bringer up of these doced toward his beloved fellow-labourer in this trines. William told him that George Fox perilous journey, and he told some of the sol- was the first who preached it in these latter diers that he had a companion at the inn on days-the captain seemed very bitter, asking the other side of the river, who would wonder many cunning questions in order to ensnare what had become of him if he did not hear him, and said he should cause all the books from him. This information soon led to the and papers to be copied and sent to the prince arrest of John Philly, although he was inno-at Mentz, and when he could spare them, the cent of the crime alleged against William, of Inquisitor should have them. He was aftercoming into the garrison without a license. ward examined by the deputy governor, a They were committed to separate prisons, cruel old man, who said he had done worse William to the stock-house, and John to a than if he had killed an hundred men, and room called the Hungarian's vault, appropri- that he would send him with a message to ated to the inhuman purposes of examining the Devil. William appearing before him prisoners by torture, and of private execu- with his hat on, he pronounced it a Turkish tions, there being a rack, stocks, and a gal-practice, as well as some other of William's conscientious conduct. The governor

lows in it. When William was brought before the sent for the student who conversed with our commanding officer, he evinced a disposition even more fierce and barbarous than Captain Fusch, calling him a rogue, and saying, "If I had the power I would at once drown you in that water." Their portmanteau falling into

friends at Comorra, and commanded him to tell in Latin all that passed between them.— This was taken down in writing and handed to the Inquisitor to read at a subsequent examination, but he would not read it openly,

laws, and read, or feigned to read, out of it a paragraph, which said that such persons as carried books and papers should be racked.

probably lest the sitters by should have heard warily replied that he should not have expected and owned the truth of the sentiments ad- such things among Christians. He then opened vanced by William in that conversation. It a book which he pretented contained Popish does not appear that the student's information furnished any pretext for convicting them of the charge of coming as spies into the garrison or with treacherous intentions. They then brought up one of the soldiers whom William met with soon after crossing the river, and endeavoured to extort something from him which would criminate William. This man speaking falsely as to what passed between them, William boldly withstood him, and said to the Inquisitor, who was evidently eager to substantiate some accusation which might furnish a ground for punishment," Beware what thou dost; for if thou shouldst cause my blood to be shed under such a pretence, it will cry to the Lord for vengeance, and thereby thou mayest draw down the wrath of God upon thyself and others."

The proceedings of the Popish Inquisitorial courts, have ever been disgraced by the most infamous injustice and diabolical cruelty, cloaked under a pretended sanctity and a mysterious concealment, which adds greatly to their terrors and their wickedness. Their object in this, as in other cases, appears to have been to conceal from the prisoners the nature of the evidence against them, and then by threats and tortures, to extort some accusation from their unhappy victims, though conscious at the same time that they are innocent. After hearing the false testimony of the soldier, William demanded that the other soldiers should be examined, they also having heard what he said. After some demur this was acceded to, and one of them was brought, but William was put out of the room while he was giving in his testimony. During this interval William's mind was under great concern, lest this man also should testify falsely; and he thought within himself, "Surely now if the Lord doth not help me, they may persuade him to speak the same thing as the other has done." When the soldier came out he told him he did not say what the other had, for he had affirmed what was untrue. Thus their artifices against these innocent men were defeated for the present, and they left without any pretext for the cruelties which they wished to practice upon them; for which says William, "I thanked the Lord."

Failing in the wicked attempt to convict them on the pretence of treasonable entry into the garrison, the Inquisitor then told William that the books were enough to condemn them if there was nothing more,-and asked whether he did not know the Catholics had laws to torment and burn heretics and such as carried books about with them; to which William

About this time the Inquisitor commanded John Philly to be searched again for more gold, and the officer having nearly stripped him, John was slow in taking off his remain. ing shoe and stocking, where he had concealed some, and the marshal weary of the business and thinking there was none, bid him put them on again. Thus what little they had left was saved, and some days after he found an opportunity to hand it to William in a roll of bread, while they were standing among the soldiers waiting to be called for examination. These examinations were often repeated dur ing the first eight days after their arrest, and many ensnaring questions put to them in order to entrap them, but through Divine help they were preserved from saying any thing that would answer the purposes of their intolerant persecutors. One morning the Inquisitor sent for a priest, and handed him a paper of George Fox's on the Apostacy of Christendom-on reading which, the priest became enraged, and angrily demanded "How are we (Papists) apostatized, and how can it be proved?" William, instead of entering into a controversy which might have proved worse than useless, gently reproved him for his wrath, saying, "Friend it becometh not a spiritual man to be so furious, but meek, peaceable and gentle;" at which the countenance of the priest fell and he had little more to say. The Inquisitor then demanded of William what his opinion was of what they called the sacra ment, to which he wisely answered, that "Christ said the flesh profiteth little. It is the spirit that quickeneth.' So ignorant of the holy Scriptures was this Inquisitor, that he seemed quite surprised and at a loss about the words, and turning to the priest, asked, "How is that?" The priest, but little more knowing than his superior, studied awhile and then said he remembered there was such a saying. Much more passed, of which no ac count has been preserved; and then the Inquisitor plainly asked William if he would turn Catholic? To which he made this sensi ble reply" If I should do so for fear or fa vour of you, the Lord not requiring it of me, I should not have peace in my conscience, and the displeasure of the Lord would be more intolerable than yours. Compelling people does but make them hypocrites, and cannot truly change the heart."

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Thus were they sifted and tempted from day to day, for a week, when their perse

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